2024 Nobel Prize in Physics

This year’s physics laureates’ breakthroughs stand on the foundations of physical science. They have showed a completely new way for us to use computers to aid and to guide us to tackle many of the
challenges our society face.

Thanks to their work humanity now has a new item in its toolbox, which we can choose to use for good purposes. Machine learning based on artificial neural networks is currently revolutionising science, engineering and daily life.

The field is already on its way to enable breakthroughs toward building a sustainable society, such as identifying new functional materials. How deep learning by artificial neural networks will be used in the future depends on how we humans choose to use these incredibly potent tools, already present in many aspects of our lives.
A stylized black-and-white illustration depicts a figure standing atop a node in a large interconnected network, symbolizing a person navigating a complex system or dataset. (Captioned by AI)
