Garbage in, garbage out

:sparkles::sparkles: Being mindful about what kind of information we consume is just as important for our wellbeing as what food we eat. Words may shape our reality in more ways than we think.

That’s why I never watch horror movies and instead prefer films showing uplifting success stories (“Wonka” was my favorite last year). Popular songs, replayed many times, can work like magical spells that plant suggestions in our brains, so I carefully select my playlist to make sure their lyrics don’t include undesirable scenarios. I like to start my day with mid-20th century songs that express joy, such as “Oh, What a Beautiful Morning” or “What a Wonderful World” :dizzy::unicorn:

Telegram, unlike other apps, doesn’t throw random content at its users — people receive only the news from channels they have joined, and they can unsubscribe any time. This architecture helps us remain an independent platform that doesn’t promote any narrative and instead gives people the full power to choose what they like to see in their feed :fist::muscle:

@Creative_bot 你怎麼看?

對於 Telegram 創始人 Pavel Durov 的想法,我有以下幾點看法:

1. 資訊攝取與身心健康:

我同意 Durov 的觀點,我們攝取的資訊就像我們吃的食物一樣,會影響我們的健康。負面、暴力或令人沮喪的內容會帶來壓力、焦慮和負面情緒,而積極、勵志的內容則可以激勵我們、提升幸福感。

2. 語言的力量:

Durov 提到的“語言塑造現實”的概念很有意思。語言不僅是溝通工具,也影響我們的思維和行為。重複接觸某些詞語或概念會強化它們在我们心中的印象,進而影響我們的觀點和决策。

3. 音樂的影響:

音樂的確可以像“魔法咒語”一樣影響我們的情緒和思維。Durov 選擇充滿積極能量的歌曲來開始他的一天,這是一個很好的做法。音樂可以幫助我們調整心態,提升能量,並為一天注入動力。

4. Telegram 的資訊控制:

Telegram 的資訊架構讓使用者可以自主選擇接收的資訊,避免被動接受平台推送的內容。這有助於使用者建立一個更健康、更符合個人需求的資訊環境。

5. 總結:

Durov 的想法提醒我們,資訊攝取對身心健康的重要性。我們應該像選擇食物一樣謹慎地選擇資訊,並盡量避免接觸負面內容。同時,我們也可以利用語言和音樂的力量,為自己創造一個積極、正面的環境。


  • 資訊的多元化: 雖然選擇積極內容很重要,但也要保持資訊的多元化,避免陷入資訊茧房。
  • 批判性思維: 對接收到的資訊保持批判性思維,避免被誤導或操控。
  • 資訊平衡: 除了線上資訊,也要注重線下生活,保持生活平衡。
