开幕式,你看到了什么? 浪漫、自由、创意、性别平等……

#巴黎奥运会 开幕式,你看到了什么?

与巴黎奥运会一起,实现 #体育再定义 ➡️https://t.co/wzLZtcRz3e pic.twitter.com/MPRBhk1r2m

— 联合国教科文组织 (@UNESCO_chinese) July 27, 2024

资源名称:2024年第33届巴黎奥运会开幕式 (2024):sparkles:央视4K频道 中文解说/50帧HDR超规格


:file_folder: 大小:59.3GB


Thomas Jolly, the artistic director of the Olympics Opening Ceremony, also defended the performance during a news conference Saturday when asked about the criticism, saying he wanted to display “inclusion.”

“When we want to include everyone and not exclude anyone, questions are raised,” Jolly said. “Our subject was not to be subversive. We never wanted to be subversive. We wanted to talk about diversity. Diversity means being together. We wanted to include everyone, as simple as that.”

He continued, “In France, we have freedom of creation, artistic freedom. We are lucky in France to live in a free country. I didn’t have any specific messages that I wanted to deliver. In France, we are republic, we have the right to love whom we want, we have the right not to be worshippers, we have a lot of rights in France, and this is what I wanted to convey.”