My thought process for generating the “读后杂感” (reading reflections) essay follows these steps:
Deconstruct the Prompt: I first break down the requirements and key themes:
- Focus: Border Town by Shen Congwen.
- Central Idea: The essay should explore themes of human nature, beauty, and the impact of reading the novel, drawing from the provided quote by Liu Xiwei.
- Format: “读后杂感,” allowing for various approaches (unfinished thoughts, character analysis, questions, critiques, etc.).
- Length: At least 500 characters (Chinese characters).
- Key Elements from Liu Xiwei’s Quote: Focus on the “厚道然而简单的灵魂” (kind but simple souls), their consistency between thought and action, their struggles against selfishness, lack of excessive desires, and focus on helping others.
Choose a Focus: The prompt offers options. I decide to blend “未尽之兴” (unfinished thoughts/lingering feelings) with “形象分析” (character analysis), as the characters are central to the themes. I want to explore the enduring impact of the novel and its characters.
Brainstorm Initial Thoughts and Feelings: What resonates most after reading Border Town?
- A sense of peace and beauty.
- A touch of melancholy.
- Admiration for the characters’ simplicity and kindness.
- A longing for a simpler time and connection with nature.
- Reflection on the complexities of modern life compared to the novel’s world.
Develop a Central Argument/Theme: I want to express how the novel evokes a sense of nostalgia for a lost simplicity and offers a refreshing contrast to modern anxieties. The beauty of the characters lies in their uncorrupted nature.
Structure the Essay: I decide on a rough structure:
- Introduction: Start with the lasting impression of the novel, connecting to the provided quote and establishing the overall tone.
- Character Analysis (with focus on “厚道”): Analyze specific characters (Grandfather, Cui Cui, the brothers) through the lens of Liu Xiwei’s description, emphasizing their kindness and simplicity.
- Exploration of “简单”: Discuss the simplicity of their lives and values, contrasting it with modern complexity.
- The Role of Nature: Highlight the importance of the natural setting and how it shapes the characters’ personalities.
- The Melancholy and its Significance: Address the tragic element and how it enhances the beauty and realism of the novel, preventing it from being purely sentimental.
- The Novel’s Impact on the Reader: Discuss the therapeutic and restorative effect of reading Border Town, its ability to nourish and heal the soul.
- Conclusion: Summarize the main points and reiterate the novel’s enduring value.
Draft the Essay, Incorporating the Quote: I begin writing, consciously weaving in the elements from Liu Xiwei’s quote. For example, when discussing the Grandfather, I directly relate his actions to “成人之美” (helping others).
Use Evocative Language and Imagery: To capture the spirit of the novel, I use descriptive language that reflects the beauty and simplicity of Border Town. I try to evoke the sensory details of the setting.
Address the “陌生的人性”: I specifically address the feeling of the characters’ naturalness and health being somewhat “strange” or unfamiliar to modern readers, highlighting the contrast between their world and ours.
Ensure Sufficient Length and Detail: As I write, I keep the 500-character minimum in mind and flesh out each point with sufficient detail and examples. I expand on the initial ideas to create a more substantial reflection.
Review and Refine: After the initial draft, I reread the essay to:
- Check for clarity and coherence.
- Ensure the arguments are well-supported.
- Refine the language and sentence structure.
- Correct any grammatical errors or typos.
- Strengthen the connections between different parts of the essay. For example, make sure the discussion of nature seamlessly connects to the character analysis.
- Ensure the essay flows logically and maintains a consistent tone.
By following these steps, I aim to create a thoughtful and insightful “读后杂感” that not only summarizes the novel’s key themes but also reflects on its lasting impact on the reader, directly addressing the prompt’s requirements and drawing inspiration from the provided critical quote.
读《边城》,我们仿佛进行了一次心灵的洗礼,重新审视人性的本真。 那种自然、优美、健康的人性,如大自然本身一样凝重、明慧而又本色真实的人生形式, 或许在快节奏的现代生活中渐行渐远,但它依然是我们内心深处渴望回归的状态。 《边城》就像一面镜子, 映照出我们内心对纯真、善良、质朴的向往。 它不仅仅是一部文学作品,更是一剂治愈心灵的良药, 它提醒我们, 在追逐物质繁华的同时, 不要遗失了那份最本真的人性之美。 读这样的作品, 我们获得的不仅仅是艺术的享受, 更是一次深刻的心灵滋养, 它让我们重新思考人生的意义, 并汲取前行的力量。