Keynote: Yann LeCun, "Human-Level AI"

Last edited by @suen 2024-10-15T23:16:31Z

A screenshot shows a presentation slide discussing the desiderata for Advanced Machine Intelligence (AMI), including learning from sensory inputs, having persistent memory, planning actions, and being controllable and safe, accompanied by images of a presenter and a robotics lab. (Captioned by AI)

The slide compares the amount of data processed by a large language model (LLM) to that processed by a four-year-old child, highlighting that a child has been exposed to significantly more data through sensory inputs. (Captioned by AI)
A man on stage is giving a presentation about Moravec's paradox, a concept which states that tasks easy for humans are hard for artificial intelligence and vice versa. (Captioned by AI)

說到底,語言和文字是有邊界的,眼耳鼻舌身意,說的聽的,甚至可能從來不是最好的描述世界的工具,World Model 才是更終極點的優選。

設想所有黑鏡可以實時連結,所有CPU/GPU可以基於一個世界模型運算,人類就有了天眼和下一個文明等級。因為看到這一層,所以Yann LeCun才拼命鄙夷現有模型和研發路數給出HLAI說法,同時無一點猶疑的推進開源,Meta才會給不能記錄的人眼一副可以一直戴著從而記錄一切所見的眼鏡⋯⋯

— suen (@ieduer) October 16, 2024

