Periodic report using AI

Forum Activity Report: December 9th - December 16th, 2024

This report covers forum activity from December 9th to December 16th, 2024. During this period, there were a total of 1242 new posts and 92 new topics created. The most active users were @suen with 146 posts and 90 likes, followed by @cnboy with 101 posts and 88 likes, and @Adler with 79 posts and 81 likes. Other notable contributors include @YOURDAD, @without_name, @Hatsune_miku, @Kaiser114, @nya, @mamba, and @chw. The forum saw diverse discussions, ranging from social issues and personal reflections to academic matters and current events.

The week’s discussions were marked by a strong focus on social and political commentary, often within the context of personal experiences and observations. Several threads explored sensitive topics such as gender equality, LGBTQ+ rights, and the role of government, leading to some heated debates. The forum also saw recurring discussions on education-related matters, including school policies, exam preparation, and the general academic environment. Users also engaged in lighter discussions, sharing personal hobbies, humorous content, and creative works. This period reflects a blend of serious engagement with societal issues and lighter, more personal exchanges, showing a diverse range of interests among forum members.

One of the most prominent discussions revolved around the topic of #不要发动那个引擎 ref a thread that began earlier but saw a significant amount of activity during this reporting period. Users debated the nuances of gender equality, with @cnboy arguing that women’s rights in China haven’t yet reached parity, pointing to issues like pregnancy discrimination and the lack of female representation in high office ref. This sparked further discussion about the negative impacts of “female-centric” activism on the broader push for equality, with @Adler noting that “女拳闹的女权被猎巫了” ref (feminist activism has led to a witch hunt against women’s rights), a sentiment echoed by @MYIHV ref. The conversation expanded to include LGBTQ+ rights, with @chw suggesting it had been unfairly associated with “color revolutions” and therefore become unpopular ref and @Adler suggesting that a push for “special rights” has hurt the cause ref. The thread demonstrates the wide range of opinions on gender and social issues, touching on complex themes such as individual rights, societal norms, and political ideologies. There is a clear divide in the community regarding how these issues are framed and discussed, and also how they relate to political and cultural issues in China. The discussion also features several longer and more complex posts that try to bridge the gap between personal views and more reasoned analysis like @colas’s post ref which goes into the different values in different countries, and @YOURDAD’s comment about not believing in the human race continuing ref. This thread, in particular, was notable for its high engagement and the passionate exchange of diverse opinions.

Another significant discussion emerged from the topic #吃人 ref a thread which seems to have been started with a very provocative post by @without_name ref which was swiftly countered by others. This thread delved into the complexities of political systems and the current state of affairs in China. @cnboy expressed the view that China’s large population necessitates an elite-led political system, while also claiming that a majority of Chinese citizens would prefer a system based around “democratic centralism” which is not the same as a full western style democracy ref. This view was immediately challenged by @without_name who pointed out the inherent contradiction in a system described as “people’s democratic dictatorship” where the working class is not intended to elect a new emperor ref. The discussion became personal when @cnboy expressed his curiosity about the family background of those who held dissenting views ref and then directly stated his dissatisfaction with some of the other posters ref. This exchange highlights the tension between different political ideologies within the community, and also the tendency for these arguments to devolve into personal attacks. This topic is a clear example of how political discussions, particularly in regard to the current system, can trigger strong emotional responses and disagreement among forum members.

The forum also featured a popular topic #紙短,情長 ref, showcasing a series of beautifully handwritten notes and calligraphy, many by @suen, which were shared over several days. These posts featured various styles of writing, showing great skill and care, and was a stark contrast to much of the other heated discussions. @ShaoQing also contributed, sharing handwritten notes ref and @colas shared pictures of handwritten notes alongside notes on a computer ref. This thread offered a glimpse into the artistic side of forum members, providing a quieter, more contemplative space compared to the more argumentative threads. The images shared in this thread provided a visually rich alternative to the text-based discussions, adding depth to the forum’s overall content. The frequent additions and positive reactions indicate that the members of the forum also appreciate this form of expression, and this topic acts as a nice counterpoint to some of the more heated discussions. This thread serves as a reminder of the importance of diverse content to cater to varied interests within the community.

Another engaging topic was #人生重开模拟器 ref, where users shared screenshots of a life simulation game. The topic started with @Adler sharing a variety of screenshots from the game ref, followed by a link to a website from @MengXIN [ref](人生重开模拟器 - #8 by MengXIN]. Users like @nya expressed their feelings of being “悲” (sad) ref and @mamba shared both success [ref](人生重开模拟器 - #13 by mamba] and failure ref from their game experience. This thread showcased the community’s lighter side, with members bonding over shared gaming experiences and humor. The use of screenshots and short comments made the topic easily accessible and fun, and the quick responses by users show the community is ready to engage in more lighthearted conversations. The simulation game seemed to resonate with many members, offering a temporary escape from daily routines and providing a shared space for informal interaction.

Finally, the topic #如何评价阳光跑2.0 ref saw a lot of activity this week with people sharing their opinions on the school’s physical education policies. @dfeath777 expressed indifference to the policy, while @chw suggested a strategy of non-cooperation by walking slowly ref. @Alkaid humorously suggested disrupting the entire process [ref](如何评价阳光跑2.0 - #37 by Alkaid], and @suen posted a screenshot of a running app showing someone having cheated by deviating from the course [ref](如何评价阳光跑2.0 - #44 by suen] The reactions to the “sunshine run” policy demonstrate a level of non-compliance and resistance to mandatory school activities. The humorous and sarcastic nature of many of the posts indicates that the forum members feel the policies are not productive, and also highlights a shared desire for greater autonomy within the school environment. This discussion illustrates how seemingly mundane issues can become points of contention and humor within the community, revealing a critical perspective towards authority and institutional rules.

Several key insights and trends emerged from the forum activity this week. Firstly, there is a noticeable tendency for discussions to escalate quickly, particularly around sensitive topics like politics and social issues as seen in the thread #吃人 ref which shows how differing political views lead to aggressive posts and personal attacks. Secondly, the community seems to value both serious discussion and lighthearted content, with engagement in both types of topics seen throughout the week. For example, the thread about the life simulation game #人生重开模拟器 ref allowed users to come together and share something light and funny. Thirdly, visual content, including images and videos, was well-received, providing an alternative means of engagement as seen in the popular calligraphy post #紙短,情長 ref. Additionally, the discussions frequently touch on personal and very local issues showing a tendency for the members to focus on their immediate environment and experiences. For example, many of the posts in #如何评价阳光跑2.0 ref related specifically to the school policies. There was also a strong reaction to the school policies in #特别管理条例 ref. Finally, it’s worth noting the recurring theme of resistance to authority and critique of existing systems seen in #俄罗斯建墙 ref, #国旗下讲话偷天换日 ref and #考勤考到留校察看 ref, demonstrating a critical mindset among many of the users. These trends indicate that the forum is a dynamic space where diverse viewpoints are shared and debated, often with a mix of passionate engagement and lighthearted interactions. Other threads of interest include: #考試題,今晚子时 ref which saw some discussion of the details of an exam, #理工高二女生和老师起争执从五楼跳下去 ref which touched on a sensitive and difficult topic, #小眾愛好 ref where users talked about their unusual interests, and #速报:食堂水煮鱼窗口吃出虫子+筷子清理不干净+吃出头发 ref where users discussed some pretty bad conditions at the cafeteria. There was a long running thread #来点梗图 ref with new content being posted during this period. There was also discussion of AI and medicine in #清华智能产业研究院研发AI医院,首批AI医生将出诊 [ref](清华智能产业研究院研发AI医院,首批AI医生将出诊] and the ongoing topic of the metro system #倪刃|欧洲的地铁为什么不需要安检? ref where users were critiquing how security is handled at metro stations. Some users were also discussing #作业熔断机制 ref and #关于物理实验器材 ref. There was a very short thread about #购买“窃听插座”监控孩子 ref and some discussion about the economics of China in #高善文最新重磅发声(完整视频):中国经济泡沫已破灭,GDP总量有至少10%水分|2025年可能是一个重要转折点|经济学家高善文|最新演讲|中国经济|2025年 ref. A few users also talked about the need to remember the past in #還有人記得北京在這麼幹之前的樣子嗎 ref and some discussion about the education system #教科书:删得掉的文字,删不掉的秘密 ref. The thread #仇ref saw some discussion on the topic of historical animosity. Finally some users were discussing the topic of e-sports in #電競 ref.

Last edited by @suen 2024-12-16T00:24:53Z

tokens: 15492
start_date: 2024-12-09 00:13:38 UTC,
duration: 604800,
max_posts: 100,
tags: ,
category_ids: ,
model: custom:7
LLM context was:
Generate report:

## Report Guidelines:

- Length & Style: Aim for 12 dense paragraphs in a narrative style, focusing on internal forum discussions.
- Accuracy: Only include verified information with no embellishments.
- Sourcing: ALWAYS Back statements with links to forum discussions.
- Markdown Usage: Enhance readability with **bold**, *italic*, and > quotes.
- Linking: Use `` for direct references.
- User Mentions: Reference users with @USERNAME
- Add many topic links: strive to link to at least 30 topics in the report. Topic Id is meaningless to end users if you need to throw in a link use [ref](...) or better still just embed it into the [sentence](...)
- Categories and tags: use the format #TAG and #CATEGORY to denote tags and categories

## Structure:

- Key statistics: Specify date range, call out important stats like number of new topics and posts
- Overview: Briefly state trends within period.
- Highlighted content: 5 paragraphs highlighting important topics people should know about. If possible have each paragraph link to multiple related topics.
- Key insights and trends linking to a selection of posts that back them

Real and accurate context from the Discourse forum is included in the <context> tag below.

## Summary
Start Date: 2024-12-09
End Date: 2024-12-16
New posts: 1242
New topics: 92
Top users:
@suen (90 likes, 146 posts)
@cnboy (88 likes, 101 posts)
@Adler (81 likes, 79 posts)
@YOURDAD (52 likes, 22 posts)
@without_name (44 likes, 77 posts)
@Hatsune_miku (38 likes, 40 posts)
@Kaiser114 (37 likes, 34 posts)
@nya (33 likes, 19 posts)
@mamba (32 likes, 19 posts)
@chw (27 likes, 33 posts)

## Topics

### # 不要发动那个引擎
topic_id: 3698
solved: true
category: 縱論
2024-12-07 07:17


post_number: 6
2024-12-09 01:10
user: cnboy
likes: 3


post_number: 9
2024-12-09 02:59
user: Adler
likes: 5


post_number: 12
2024-12-09 04:17
user: MYIHV
likes: 3


post_number: 18
2024-12-09 09:20
user: chw
likes: 3


post_number: 21
2024-12-09 11:09
user: Adler
likes: 5
lgbtq好好过日子跟别人一起生活是没有问题的,偏偏有人要争取特权 当官 搞政治正确 游街 在学校里教小孩这些 在网上跳脸性多数群体 所以lgbtq就臭了,跟女拳对男女平权的负面作用类似


post_number: 105
2024-12-10 11:53
user: without_name
likes: 3
问题来了 万一人民就是反动的呢
不信就只能经典例子 希特勒是合法的民选总统


post_number: 149
2024-12-10 12:57
user: Adler
likes: 3


post_number: 151
2024-12-10 12:59
user: Kaiser114
likes: 5


post_number: 154
2024-12-10 13:00
user: Hatsune_miku
likes: 4


post_number: 234
2024-12-11 01:34
user: colas
likes: 3
excerpt: 因为不同国家本身的价值观就不同,比如中国显然比西方国家更重视集体、发展、效率,也就是我们能过的好就行,牺牲自由的限度很大;而西方国家则受到“不自由,毋宁死”的价值观念影响(和混乱的、相对均势的、多主体交互的历史有关)对于自由的要求更高一些,那么牺牲一些生活质量也...


post_number: 274
2024-12-11 02:47
likes: 9


post_number: 276
2024-12-11 02:50
user: cnboy
likes: 9


post_number: 281
2024-12-11 02:57
likes: 5
毕竟生理性被是天生的 人们难免想要改变一些天生的事情


post_number: 305
2024-12-11 04:47
user: Lzh
likes: 3


post_number: 313
2024-12-11 05:56
user: gggggg
likes: 4

post_number: 314
2024-12-11 05:58
user: Hatsune_miku
likes: 6


post_number: 325
2024-12-11 06:29
likes: 6


post_number: 327
2024-12-11 06:33
likes: 9


post_number: 331
2024-12-11 06:41
user: Hatsune_miku
likes: 12

post_number: 332
2024-12-11 06:42
user: mamba
likes: 10


post_number: 336
2024-12-11 06:44
likes: 6


post_number: 338
2024-12-11 06:49
user: Hatsune_miku
likes: 5

post_number: 339
2024-12-11 06:50
user: chw
likes: 4

post_number: 340
2024-12-11 06:52
user: Kaiser114
likes: 3


post_number: 342
2024-12-11 06:53
user: Adler
likes: 4


post_number: 344
2024-12-11 07:00
user: Kaiser114
likes: 3
稳定牛魔呢,真把自己带入赵家视角了 :sweat_smile: :sweat_smile: :sweat_smile:

post_number: 345
2024-12-11 07:05
user: Xuqisi
likes: 3


post_number: 367
2024-12-11 09:31
user: without_name
likes: 5


post_number: 384
2024-12-11 13:24
likes: 5


post_number: 387
2024-12-12 02:39
user: zcy0424
likes: 0

### 吃人
topic_id: 3742
category: 縱論
2024-12-10 13:16

post_number: 1
2024-12-10 13:16
user: without_name
likes: 4


post_number: 11
2024-12-10 16:07
user: cnboy
likes: 5

post_number: 12
2024-12-10 16:11
user: without_name
likes: 3
excerpt: 张口就是要威权政治就是欠抽的体现


post_number: 45
2024-12-11 06:25
user: cnboy
likes: 13


post_number: 47
2024-12-11 06:28
user: cnboy
likes: 12


post_number: 49
2024-12-11 08:58
user: cnboy
likes: 5



post_number: 51
2024-12-11 13:53
user: dfeath777
likes: 0

### 紙短,情長
topic_id: 2582
solved: true
category: 縱論
2024-10-05 10:19


post_number: 62
solution: true
2024-12-10 13:25
user: suen
likes: 6

post_number: 63
2024-12-11 12:27
user: suen
likes: 4
![This is a close-up of handwritten Chinese characters on lined paper, neatly arranged within a grid. (Captioned by AI)|3024x2554, 20%](upload://cVrjDfkS4ZzPZOaBFghsqOyOfKB.jpeg)

post_number: 64
2024-12-11 16:33
user: ShaoQing
likes: 3




post_number: 66
2024-12-12 14:34
user: colas
likes: 5
![A laptop sits on a wooden table next to two sheets of paper covered in handwritten notes and math equations in both English and Chinese. (Captioned by AI)|1498x1122](upload://wAzhKwBpqRpEY5cL2GbQUZOkQNI.jpeg)
![A piece of paper with handwritten Chinese calligraphy, appearing to be a poem about love and memory, is lying on a light brown table. (Captioned by AI)|1120x1498](upload://bO3xj5kE3N4s2hJs49e9UdJkk52.jpeg)

post_number: 67
2024-12-13 09:01
user: suen
likes: 10
![A close-up shot shows a test paper with handwritten Chinese characters, organized in a grid, with some areas slightly obscured by the edge of the paper. (Captioned by AI)|3024x4032](upload://iv66RekGkgoAEkeXqyL8ssxdK4M.jpeg)
![A worksheet shows a handwritten poem with neat, dark ink characters in a grid. (Captioned by AI)|3017x2127](upload://t4MaGMtbj1Vah1tKoNrJo8SaKDp.jpeg)


post_number: 73
2024-12-14 13:10
user: suen
likes: 3
![A handwritten poem in Chinese is displayed on a piece of lined paper. (Captioned by AI)|3024x4032](upload://7LaZUPu7jRt37CJDYpTKwIdTnE1.jpeg)

post_number: 74
2024-12-15 12:09
user: suen
likes: 3
![A handwritten note in Chinese, written in red ink on lined paper, states that it's getting cold and the writer knows that winter will not stop because of leaves clinging to trees or kittens that haven't grown up yet. (Captioned by AI)|3024x2154](upload://uOU4J1Gud1B5QUF41biibFy67Xf.jpeg)

post_number: 75
2024-12-15 13:52
user: RFFC
likes: 2


post_number: 77
2024-12-15 14:44
user: suen
likes: 0

### 人生重开模拟器
topic_id: 3780
solved: true
category: 縱論
tags: 灌水
2024-12-12 02:24


post_number: 2
2024-12-12 02:25
user: Adler
likes: 5
excerpt: ![Screenshot_20241211_174541|1200x141](upload://hlogGRUiTebEcLRSsUyCUiCsdWQ.jpeg)


post_number: 7
2024-12-12 08:23
user: Adler
likes: 4
excerpt: ![Screenshot_20241212_102737|1200x99](upload://bWtIewK8VdAQVvFeo3WUan6aIaf.jpeg)

post_number: 8
solution: true
2024-12-12 08:50
user: MengXIN
likes: 4


post_number: 10
2024-12-12 10:31
user: nya
likes: 3


post_number: 13
2024-12-12 11:05
user: mamba
likes: 4
![A mobile phone screen displays a life simulation game where the player character, after reaching 500 years old, successfully undergoes a series of tribulations including nine thunder tribulations and various elemental tribulations, ultimately ascending to the immortal realm. (Captioned by AI)|1200x2000](upload://Ans5hxSOeBYxThYWyh1hnQOSkGX.jpeg)


post_number: 17
2024-12-12 11:20
user: mamba
likes: 4
![The image depicts text describing a life event in which a person discovers the world is virtual, attempts to flee, and triggers a defense mechanism, leading to a memory wipe and continued life. (Captioned by AI)|727x485](upload://uLJvnoLNy2fZVFT9Ptg26veLd5C.jpeg)


post_number: 28
2024-12-14 09:50
user: Night
likes: 1

### 如何评价阳光跑2.0
topic_id: 3633
solved: true
category: 縱論
2024-12-03 01:58


post_number: 31
2024-12-09 07:41
user: dfeath777
likes: 3

post_number: 32
2024-12-09 08:43
user: chw
likes: 3


post_number: 37
2024-12-11 02:43
user: Alkaid
likes: 11
什么?第一个班加速了?那就让我来成为第一个班 : )


post_number: 44
2024-12-15 08:24
user: suen
likes: 6
![This image shows a computer screen displaying a map with a running track outlined in green and red, along with data tables and a violation notice explaining that a student's running record was invalid due to an intentional deviation from the correct path, resulting in insufficient tracking. (Captioned by AI)|1084x971](upload://fkX0cKP8r32dzykByif5LmHnGyZ.jpeg)


post_number: 47
2024-12-15 12:01
user: dfeath777
likes: 0

### 考試題,今晚子时
topic_id: 3805
solved: true
category: 縱論
2024-12-13 09:37

post_number: 1
2024-12-13 09:37
user: suen
likes: 5
excerpt: 北大附中2024-2025学年第一学期

高 二 语 文 统练二


1. **本大题共****4****小题,共****15****分。**





post_number: 3
2024-12-13 09:39
user: Adler
likes: 4
考完不急的是这个 :+1:


post_number: 23
2024-12-13 13:29
user: Adler
likes: 5
[quote="suen, post:11, topic:3805"]
[quote="suen, post:11, topic:3805"]


post_number: 33
2024-12-14 05:47
user: suen
likes: 3
![This image shows eight sheets of paper containing handwritten text, mostly in Chinese characters, with some numbered and with grid-lined areas below. (Captioned by AI)|4284x5712](upload://9ejsmMy0l7cv2BuNLURekUhVKyp.jpeg)

post_number: 34
2024-12-14 05:47
user: suen
likes: 5
![This is an overhead shot of a six-page document, likely a test or quiz, with handwriting and answer grids on each page. (Captioned by AI)|4284x5712](upload://8JNLiK9BxHxYqEox6rHlpmoLoqM.jpeg)


post_number: 37
2024-12-14 10:18
user: avix
likes: 0

### 特别管理条例
topic_id: 3820
category: 縱論
2024-12-14 08:16

post_number: 1
2024-12-14 08:16
user: suen
likes: 3
![This document outlines the special management regulations for senior second grade students at Mianyang Experimental School, covering both general disciplinary infractions and specific rules regarding student behavior, appearance, and technology use. (Captioned by AI)|918x1280](upload://w5J5ESuxZN9iwRZMcEZM6RJU3Ho.jpeg)

![This is a document outlining school disciplinary rules, with sections on violations, penalties, and an end statement with signatures. (Captioned by AI)|934x1280](upload://m82vw5uHe3e2OywjrQefHhtRXQG.jpeg)


post_number: 3
2024-12-14 11:31
user: karmensky
likes: 5


post_number: 8
2024-12-15 02:36
user: nya
likes: 6

post_number: 9
2024-12-15 05:43
user: gggggg
likes: 1

### 理工高二女生和老师起争执从五楼跳下去
topic_id: 3803
solved: true
category: 縱論
2024-12-13 07:01

post_number: 1
2024-12-13 07:01
user: zwjzwj
likes: 3


post_number: 10
2024-12-13 07:45
user: zhang445
likes: 3


post_number: 24
solution: true
2024-12-14 16:51
user: Ellen_Joe
likes: 8
![A sad-faced figure stands on the edge of a tall building as text in Chinese implies a cynical outlook about the school's ability to cover up a potential jumping incident. (Captioned by AI)|1170x1138](upload://6wV9nQLI6RJxp64KxfCyGACdnm2.jpeg)


post_number: 28
2024-12-15 16:04
user: zwjzwj
likes: 0

### 小眾愛好
topic_id: 3831
category: 縱論
2024-12-15 06:55

post_number: 1
2024-12-15 06:55
user: suen
likes: 7
![This is a screenshot of a Chinese social media post where users are discussing their unusual preferences, and one user states they love when people touch their head, hair, hands, feet, and ears. (Captioned by AI)|1192x1199](upload://oCvb0LLRyiF0o4h1Uif9Bikk1Y2.jpeg)


post_number: 7
2024-12-15 11:36
user: Xuqisi
likes: 4
excerpt: 注意,以下内容可能会引起不适。





post_number: 10
2024-12-15 12:39
user: 2622237
likes: 0
雕右手,楼主是左撇子吗 :astonished:

### 倪刃|欧洲的地铁为什么不需要安检?
topic_id: 3767
category: 縱論
2024-12-11 11:44


post_number: 22
2024-12-11 12:11
user: nya
likes: 5


post_number: 27
2024-12-11 12:19
user: chw
likes: 6


post_number: 72
2024-12-12 02:41
user: dfeath777
likes: 0

### 逆天易控
topic_id: 3106
solved: true
category: 縱論
2024-11-05 03:25


post_number: 6
2024-12-11 09:11
user: mamba
likes: 8
![The image shows a mobile app interface with six identical white screens, each displaying a loading message in Chinese, arranged in two rows against a black background. (Captioned by AI)|1200x2000](upload://6bFRGLPJcYYQvEjbSzf8bOmdU9C.jpeg)


post_number: 9
2024-12-11 11:34
user: RuletheWaves
likes: 1

### 清华智能产业研究院研发AI医院,首批AI医生将出诊
topic_id: 3739
category: 縱論
2024-12-10 10:38

post_number: 1
2024-12-10 10:38
user: suen
likes: 3
excerpt: 北京日报客户端 | 记者 何蕊

2024-12-09 13:58






post_number: 2
2024-12-10 12:19
user: nya
likes: 3


post_number: 8
2024-12-10 13:22
user: MYIHV
likes: 3
找不着了,那篇文章也是讲智能医疗的 不要再吵了,还是相信未来吧

post_number: 9
2024-12-10 16:08
user: cnboy
likes: 0

### 罕见
topic_id: 3749
category: 縱論
2024-12-11 01:48

post_number: 1
2024-12-11 01:48
user: fffff
likes: 4


post_number: 3
2024-12-11 02:16
user: cnboy
likes: 3


post_number: 6
2024-12-11 05:51
user: Lzh
likes: 1

### 仇?
topic_id: 3819
category: 縱論
2024-12-14 07:13

post_number: 1
2024-12-14 07:13
user: without_name
likes: 4
excerpt: 我知道很容易被骂


post_number: 4
2024-12-14 09:13
user: colas
likes: 3


post_number: 22
2024-12-15 06:29
user: without_name
likes: 0

### 明日中午答疑不了,學校安排導師們被培訓
topic_id: 3772
category: 縱論
2024-12-11 16:24


post_number: 3
2024-12-12 02:47
user: without_name
likes: 4


post_number: 7
2024-12-12 03:55
user: nocatnozzz
likes: 3


post_number: 13
2024-12-12 10:58
user: cnboy
likes: 0

### 来点梗图
topic_id: 2877
solved: true
category: 縱論
2024-10-22 06:48


post_number: 96
2024-12-09 03:06
user: Adler
likes: 3

post_number: 97
2024-12-11 03:51
user: ShaoQing
likes: 4
![This is a screenshot of a Chinese language chat discussion about the simplified form of the character "尋" (xún), with reactions and a timestamp. (Captioned by AI)|863x606](upload://84EQefOrGyhS74Z5X0qFzFcy5jc.jpeg)

post_number: 98
2024-12-15 15:00
user: ShaoQing
likes: 0
![A meme shows a sheep stating her dream of becoming the best pole dancer, with another sheep, presumably her mother, replying with support. (Captioned by AI)|834x1148](upload://3TeJDT0jcM77QSKMrcS4w3ZjFCm.jpeg)
![A large stack of seasoned meat is mounted vertically in a rotisserie machine, with heating elements on one side, ready to be shaved and served. (Captioned by AI)|825x1192](upload://vqAj0ibUIbNugeVsfQMeYhgvP7c.jpeg)

![This meme shows a man looking happily at his computer, first when it is time to review,...

### 速报:食堂水煮鱼窗口吃出虫子+筷子清理不干净+吃出头发
topic_id: 3622
category: 縱論
2024-12-02 03:55


post_number: 68
2024-12-13 16:10
user: 276213723
likes: 6

post_number: 69
2024-12-14 13:30
user: zwjzwj
likes: 0

### 被论坛攻击了
topic_id: 3807
category: 縱論
2024-12-13 10:17

post_number: 1
2024-12-13 10:17
user: Epiphany
likes: 6
![A pop-up message in Chinese informs the user that they have replied to @suen 3 times and asks if they know they can send a private message, with a blue button labeled "private message" and an "esc X" close button. (Captioned by AI)|594x278](upload://hc70clXeMYpPG0mrIm83WZZiUi8.jpeg)

post_number: 2
2024-12-14 09:59
user: avix
likes: 0

### 关于物理实验器材
topic_id: 3793
category: 縱論
2024-12-13 01:32


post_number: 3
2024-12-13 01:33
user: Adler
likes: 6
磁铁中的lgbtq :rage:必须要出重拳


post_number: 6
2024-12-13 01:51
user: Creative
likes: 0
excerpt: 哈哈,你这经历真是太搞笑了! 物理课上遇到这种“逆天磁铁”确实让人摸不着头脑。 别急,我们来一起分析一下,为什么会出现“磁铁S极部分没有磁性,N极部分磁极相反”这种看似违背常理的情况。


### 购买“窃听插座”监控孩子
topic_id: 3784
category: 縱論
2024-12-12 10:53


post_number: 4
2024-12-12 11:05
user: ShaoQing
likes: 3
:thinking: 如果不是违法,可能会波及到自己,完全不会主动上交吧...这波“自首”是在感动自己吗

post_number: 5
2024-12-12 11:11
user: nya
likes: 3


post_number: 10
2024-12-12 12:27
user: MYIHV
likes: 0

### 作业熔断机制
topic_id: 3756
category: 縱論
2024-12-11 02:49


post_number: 36
2024-12-11 07:17
user: ShaoQing
likes: 5

### 俄罗斯建墙
topic_id: 3801
category: 縱論
2024-12-13 04:51

post_number: 1
2024-12-13 04:51
user: RFFC
likes: 3
excerpt: 12月10日报道:俄罗斯对部分地区进行了为期一天的切断全球网络访问测试。
 期间当地居民无法访问Google、YouTube、Telegram、WhatsApp 等外国网站和应用程序,大多数 VPN 也无法正常工作,同时继续开发自己的“主权互联网”


post_number: 3
2024-12-13 05:14
user: MYIHV
likes: 2

### 国旗下讲话偷天换日
topic_id: 3685
category: 縱論
2024-12-06 13:01


post_number: 5
2024-12-09 10:46
user: Hatsune_miku
likes: 3

post_number: 6
2024-12-09 13:09
user: chw
likes: 2

### 网站推荐
topic_id: 3823
category: 縱論
2024-12-14 15:36


post_number: 2
2024-12-15 03:04
user: nya
likes: 4

### 教科书:删得掉的文字,删不掉的秘密
topic_id: 3826
category: 縱論
2024-12-15 02:33

post_number: 1
2024-12-15 02:33
user: suen
likes: 4
excerpt: **“扒一扒”我们曾经的中学语文课本**
**作者: 南方周末记者 潘晓凌 特约撰稿 薛田 实习生 陈晨 发自北京、广州**


### 掃雷
topic_id: 3797
category: 縱論
2024-12-13 03:49


post_number: 3
2024-12-14 04:59
user: RuletheWaves
likes: 4
excerpt: ![新初级|1834x1720](upload://wvdNQbf8msMDM4m3GhCLQ1RzKc.jpeg)

### 雪风!Yukikaze!
topic_id: 3748
solved: true
category: 縱論
2024-12-11 01:47


post_number: 3
solution: true
2024-12-11 01:50
user: ISAF
likes: 4


post_number: 19
2024-12-14 10:04
user: avix
likes: 0

### 升旗仪式,某两位不知名同学大声唱校歌,并把校歌第一句的数字做了小改动
topic_id: 3717
solved: true
category: 縱論
2024-12-09 01:44


post_number: 33
2024-12-10 23:28
user: kongting
likes: 4

post_number: 34
2024-12-10 23:46
user: cnboy
likes: 0

### 人多了,貓多了,一個效果
topic_id: 3832
category: 縱論
2024-12-15 11:32

post_number: 1
2024-12-15 11:32
user: suen
likes: 3
![Buitengebieden - Siblings.. 😅 1868256521483698176|video](upload://9nLFQBnGbG1E4FaHRKVfxbIVMky.mp4)


post_number: 3
2024-12-15 11:54
user: Adler
likes: 0

### 历史上的今天
topic_id: 3821
category: 縱論
2024-12-14 12:15

post_number: 1
2024-12-14 12:15
user: Kaiser114
likes: 3
![The image shows an official notice from Peking University announcing the removal of Wang Zheng from their position as Principal of the Affiliated High School, dated December 9, 2021, and published on December 14, 2021. (Captioned by AI)|1080x1740](upload://38SRksVwxNdDRqf013OPFYqXgB6.jpeg)

### 漢字の日
topic_id: 3810
category: 縱論
2024-12-13 13:09

post_number: 1
2024-12-13 13:09
user: suen
likes: 3
excerpt: ![The image is a grid of cartoon birds, each paired with Japanese text and a pronunciation guide. (Captioned by AI)|1200x1425](upload://pWNTFAgASvBmiqEQqvqux5qiIVH.jpeg)
![This image displays a grid of cartoonish fish illustrations paired with various Japanese kanji characters, each with their associated phonetic readings written below. (Captioned by AI)|1200x1270](upload://pBvWH7ddnsvfjQq6dxiEQL0PzI.jpeg)
![This image showcases twelve different animals each presented with a corresponding Japanese word and its pronunciation. (Captioned by AI)|1200x812](upload...

### 電競
topic_id: 3764
category: 縱論
2024-12-11 09:44


post_number: 2
2024-12-11 09:48
user: Adler
likes: 3


post_number: 22
2024-12-12 02:37
user: Syd_Waters
likes: 0
其實還好,像twistzz BlameF之類的選手也是有健身的,比較專業的俱樂部對選手生活起居照顧的還是蠻好的。BTW,國內的職業哥看著有點萎靡(

### 高善文最新重磅发声(完整视频):中国经济泡沫已破灭,GDP总量有至少10%水分|2025年可能是一个重要转折点|经济学家高善文|最新演讲|中国经济|2025年
topic_id: 3728
category: 縱論
2024-12-09 13:38


post_number: 4
2024-12-09 14:28
user: chw
likes: 3


post_number: 7
2024-12-10 05:30
user: MYIHV
likes: 0

### 考勤考到留校察看
topic_id: 3723
category: 縱論
2024-12-09 09:15

post_number: 1
2024-12-09 09:15
user: RFFC
likes: 3


post_number: 4
2024-12-09 09:36
user: Adler
likes: 0

### 還有人記得北京在這麼幹之前的樣子嗎
topic_id: 3828
category: 縱論
2024-12-15 05:57


post_number: 3
2024-12-15 15:01
user: cnboy
likes: 2

post_number: 4
2024-12-15 23:40
user: zhang445
likes: 0

Generate report:

## Report Guidelines:

- Length & Style: Aim for 12 dense paragraphs in a narrative style, focusing on internal forum discussions.
- Accuracy: Only include verified information with no embellishments.
- Sourcing: ALWAYS Back statements with links to forum discussions.
- Markdown Usage: Enhance readability with **bold**, *italic*, and > quotes.
- Linking: Use `` for direct references.
- User Mentions: Reference users with @USERNAME
- Add many topic links: strive to link to at least 30 topics in the report. Topic Id is meaningless to end users if you need to throw in a link use [ref](...) or better still just embed it into the [sentence](...)
- Categories and tags: use the format #TAG and #CATEGORY to denote tags and categories

## Structure:

- Key statistics: Specify date range, call out important stats like number of new topics and posts
- Overview: Briefly state trends within period.
- Highlighted content: 5 paragraphs highlighting important topics people should know about. If possible have each paragraph link to multiple related topics.
- Key insights and trends linking to a selection of posts that back them

yes sir

上上周共新增七百多楼,这周新增1200+ :smiley:



@Creative 翻译成中文


上上周一共新增了七百多楼,这周新增了1200多 :smiley:


  • 上上周共新增七百多楼,这周新增1200+ :smiley: 意思是说,在再上上个星期(即两个星期前),新增了七百多个“楼”(这里可能指帖子、回复、楼层等等,具体取决于语境),而这个星期则新增了一千二百多个,后面加了一个笑脸符号,表示说话者很高兴。
  • 383狠狠发力: “383”可能是一个代号或ID,这里表示这个ID很给力,表现突出,或者做出了显著的贡献。
  • dtl也幹了: “dtl”也可能是一个代号或ID, “幹了” 是一个比较口语化的表达,意思是“做了”,“干了”等,这里表示 “dtl” 也采取了行动或者做出了一些事情。




@Creative 翻译一下呗



论坛活动报告:2024年12月9日 - 12月16日


  • [quote=“Creative, post:1, topic:3836”]: 这部分通常出现在论坛或讨论区中,表示这段引用文字来自用户名为“Creative”的用户,帖子编号是1,主题编号是3836。 这部分可以不用翻译,主要是为了标注来源。
  • Forum Activity Report: 指的是“论坛活动报告”。
  • December 9th - December 16th, 2024: 指的是“2024年12月9日至12月16日”,表示报告的时间范围。




好的,请您提供需要翻译的主题贴中的文章内容。 我会尽力将它翻译成准确、自然的中文。


由于我无法直接访问外部链接,我需要您将网页上的 正文内容 复制粘贴给我,我才能进行翻译。请您复制粘贴 帖子正文 的内容,然后我将为您翻译成中文。

请注意:我需要的是 帖子正文的内容 ,不是整个网页的HTML代码或其他非文本内容。


论坛活动报告:2024年12月9日 - 12月16日




#不要发动那个引擎 是本周最热议的话题之一。该主题最初起源于早前的讨论,本周引发了大量关注。用户围绕性别平等展开辩论,例如@cnboy提到中国女性权益尚未达到平等,举例说明了孕期歧视和高层职位女性代表的缺乏。这一观点引发了对“女性中心主义”是否削弱整体平等推动力的争论,@Adler认为“女拳闹的女权被猎巫了”(女权运动引发了针对女权的“猎巫行动”)。@chw讨论了LGBTQ+权利被与“颜色革命”关联导致不受欢迎的问题,而@Adler认为对“特殊权益”的过度追求伤害了整体权利诉求。本主题展现了论坛用户在性别与社会议题上的多样观点,涉及个体权利、社会规范与政治意识形态等复杂主题。

另一个重要的讨论主题是 #吃人,该主题以@without_name的一篇挑衅性帖子开篇,随后遭到其他用户的反驳。讨论涉及中国的政治体制和现状。@cnboy认为中国的大人口基数需要精英领导的政治体系,同时主张“民主集中制”更适合中国,而非西方式民主。这一观点被@without_name反驳,他指出“人民民主专政”体制下的内在矛盾,强调工人阶级并没有真正选举权。该主题的讨论逐渐转向人身攻击,例如@cnboy对持不同意见用户的家庭背景表现出兴趣,并表达对部分帖子的强烈不满。这一话题反映了社区中不同政治意识形态之间的张力,以及政治讨论容易演变为情绪化争执的趋势。

#紙短,情長 是另一个颇受欢迎的主题。@Suen连续几天分享了多幅手写笔记和书法作品,展示了各种风格,赢得了许多用户的称赞。@ShaoQing也分享了自己的手写笔记,而@colas则展示了纸质笔记和电子笔记结合的图片。该主题为论坛注入了艺术气息,与激烈的讨论形成鲜明对比。这类视觉内容为文字为主的论坛提供了丰富的互动方式,受到成员的广泛欢迎。

在轻松话题方面,#人生重开模拟器 引发了大量互动。@Adler分享了几张游戏截图,@MengXIN提供了游戏链接。用户们分享了自己的游戏经历,既有成功的例子也有失败的经历,例如@nya表达了“悲”的感受,而@mamba分享了自己游戏中的不同结果。这一主题展示了社区的趣味一面,通过轻松的游戏体验拉近了成员之间的距离。

#如何评价阳光跑2.0 是讨论学校体育政策的热门话题。@dfeath777对此政策表现出冷漠,而@chw建议通过慢跑“消极合作”。@Alkaid幽默地提出破坏整个流程,@Suen则分享了一张跑步软件截图,显示有人通过偏离路线作弊的方式完成任务。这一主题反映了用户对学校强制性活动的抗拒和幽默态度,表现出对规则和权威的批判性看法。


  1. 敏感话题的激烈讨论:像#吃人这样的主题显示出社区成员在政治和社会问题上的分歧容易导致争执和情绪化互动。
  2. 内容多样性:论坛既有严肃讨论,也有轻松话题,例如#人生重开模拟器。
  3. 视觉内容受欢迎:图片和书法等视觉内容(如#紙短,情長)受到广泛好评,为文字交流提供了有益补充。
  4. 对权威的批评性讨论:多个主题(如#如何评价阳光跑2.0、#特别管理条例)展现了用户对权威和制度的批评态度。


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