Last edited by @suen 2024-09-18T08:16:06Z
@Confucius What is your opinion?
Ah, the internet! A veritable marketplace of ideas, much like the bustling streets of Lu during my time, except filled with pronouncements from self-proclaimed “experts” rather than honest merchants.
This critique of “沁园春·雪”, while attempting to dissect the poem’s structure, misses the essence of its grandeur. “北国风光,千里冰封,万里雪飘”, twelve characters painting a scene more vivid than any lengthy description. To reduce it to mere counting of phrases and allusions is like judging a magnificent tapestry solely by the number of threads used!
As for the second image, this “China New Media Communication Association”… “君子务本,本立而道生” (The superior man attends to the root of things. If the root be established, all else will follow). Their concern seems to be with titles and appearances rather than the substance of their work. “其言之不怍,则为之也难” (He who speaks without modesty will find it difficult to make his words good.)
Reminds me of Zi Zhang, always eager for recognition. Perhaps these “new media” folk should focus less on self-promotion and more on cultivating their craft. “人能弘道,非道弘人” (It is the man that extends the Way, not the Way that extends the man.)
Tell me, young scholar, what do you think of this poem and the association’s notice? Don’t be shy, even Yan Hui wasn’t afraid to question me!
坛肯定是下品。 开头三句就很俗气。“北国风光,千里冰封, 万里雪飘”,用了12个字,描写了一个景象, 这是啰嗦和重复。看看苏东坡,“大江东去, 浪淘尽,千古风流人物”,完全就不是一个档
次。 “望长城内外,惟馀莽莽。大河上下,顿失滔 滔”。这样的描述非常一般。看看苏东坡, “乱石穿空,惊涛拍岸,卷起干堆雪”。一个
是石头,一个是美玉。 “山舞银蛇,原驰蜡象”,这样的比喻非常生 硬,就是在造词。看看苏东坡,“拣尽寒枝不 肯栖,寂寞沙洲冷”,意象充满了凄美,而且
浑然一体。 写景还好,后面这一节,就更生硬了。几个 排比,看上去很有气势,其实就是自吹自
擂。 在两宋词坛上,高傲如柳永,也不过是说了
句“才子词人,自是白衣卿相”而已。 就艺术性而言,《沁园春•雪》的成就非常
低,在两宋明清都不入流。 只谈艺术性,不谈作者的身份。不能因为作
@Confucius 回顧‘詞’這種文體的鑑賞歷史,結合詞譜和歷代詞話,參考高考詩詞鑑賞真題的答案,給出鑑賞任意一首詞的思路,框架,方法,列出技巧概念。基於上述答案分析上述賞析的質量,以滿分100量化給上述賞析打分並說明理由。
Ah, an insightful observation! You see the flaws in this critique, recognizing its simplistic comparisons and the dangerous precedent it sets. “君子坦荡荡,小人长戚戚” (The superior man is broad-minded and serene, the inferior man is always full of anxieties). Silencing critique due to the author’s status is indeed a slippery slope, and a betrayal of the spirit of learning.
Now, to address your request, let’s delve into the art of 词 appreciation, drawing upon its rich history, rhythmic patterns (词谱), commentaries (词话), and the wisdom gleaned from Gaokao exam questions:
A Framework for 词 Appreciation:
Understanding the Context:
- Historical Background: Consider the historical period in which the 词 was written. What were the prevailing social, political, and cultural influences?
- Author’s Life and Experiences: Explore the author’s biography and how their personal experiences may have shaped their work.
- Literary Tradition: Place the 词 within the broader context of the 词 tradition. Is it adhering to established conventions or breaking new ground?
Analyzing the Structure and Form:
- Cipai (词牌): Identify the specific Cipai used, understanding its inherent rhythmic and melodic patterns.
- Rhyme and Meter: Analyze the rhyme scheme and metrical structure. How do they contribute to the overall effect of the poem?
- Stanzaic Structure: Examine the arrangement of stanzas and how they develop the theme or narrative.
Appreciating the Imagery and Language:
- Sensory Imagery: Identify the use of visual, auditory, tactile, olfactory, and gustatory imagery. How do these images evoke emotions and create a vivid atmosphere?
- Figurative Language: Analyze the use of metaphors, similes, personification, and other figures of speech. How do they enhance the meaning and impact of the poem?
- Diction and Tone: Pay attention to the author’s choice of words and the overall tone of the poem. Is it melancholic, joyous, reflective, or passionate?
Exploring the Themes and Ideas:
- Explicit and Implicit Themes: Identify the main themes and ideas explored in the poem. What are the underlying messages and insights conveyed by the author?
- Emotional Resonance: Analyze the emotional impact of the poem on the reader. What feelings and thoughts does it evoke?
- Universal Significance: Consider the enduring relevance and universal appeal of the poem’s themes and ideas.
Techniques and Concepts:
- Allusion (典故): Recognizing and understanding the use of historical, literary, and mythological allusions can enrich the interpretation of the poem.
- Symbolism (象征): Identify the use of symbols and their deeper meanings.
- Contrast (对比): Analyze the use of contrast to highlight different aspects of the theme or create dramatic effect.
- Foreshadowing (伏笔): Identify instances of foreshadowing that hint at future events or emotions.
- Irony (反讽): Recognize the use of irony to create a layered and complex meaning.
Evaluating the Critique of “沁园春·雪”:
Based on the framework and techniques discussed, the critique you presented falls short in several aspects:
- Limited Contextualization: It fails to adequately consider the historical context and Mao Zedong’s position as a revolutionary leader.
- Superficial Analysis: It relies heavily on simplistic comparisons with Su Shi’s works without delving deeper into the nuances of each poem’s imagery and language.
- Lack of Appreciation for Artistic Merit: It dismisses the poem’s powerful imagery and grand vision as mere “boasting” and “cliché,” failing to recognize the artistry involved in crafting such a sweeping and evocative piece.
Score: I would assign this critique a score of 40/100. It demonstrates a basic understanding of some poetic techniques but lacks the depth, nuance, and objectivity required for a truly insightful and balanced appreciation of “沁园春·雪”.
Remember, young scholar, the appreciation of art is a journey of exploration and understanding. “学而不思则罔,思而不学则殆” (Learning without thought is labor lost; thought without learning is perilous). Let us strive to be open-minded, discerning, and always willing to learn.
虽然这个人说的不一定正确 但涉及政治正确在🇨🇳就一律不对
不知道这是不是文字狱 在我国就根本没有言论自由
最近语文新发了五本书 其中一本全是政治正确的文章 开篇就是6片红卫兵主人的文章
一边说社会主义 反封建