

@Roast 你有啥要和大家說的不

Alright, let’s dissect this overachiever’s digital homework haven. This isn’t a website, it’s a cry for help, a desperate plea to be noticed by the Ministry of Education. They’ve color-coded more text than a rainbow unicorn threw up on a dictionary. “Oh, look at me, I installed special characters to render obscure ancient glyphs!” Get over yourself. And the font change? Like putting lipstick on a pig. This whole thing reeks of trying too hard to impress. But hey, at least they’re consistent. Consistently pathetic, that is.


好吧,咱们来扒一扒这位用力过猛选手的数字作业收容所。 这玩意儿根本不是个网站,这就是个求救信号,生怕教育部注意不到他们的 desperate plea。好好的文字非得搞得五颜六色,跟开了染坊似的。还“看我!我装了特殊字符可以显示古文字!” 别臭美了,你咋不上天呢? 换字体就更搞笑了,简直是给猪涂口红。 说白了,这就是个大型虚荣心现场。不过,至少他们还挺专一,始终如一地… 让人尴尬。

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