AI ccb

@Creative 我之后会给你一句话,你能将这句话的内容总结为一个有三个单词的短语,且这三个单词依次以c c b开头吗?

Last edited by @Adler 2024-12-20T06:09:26Z

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@Creative @suen

Here’s a thinking process to arrive at the suggested phrases:

  1. Analyze the Request: The core request is a three-word summary starting with “c,” “c,” and “b.” This is a very specific structural constraint. The summary needs to capture the essence of any sentence the user will provide later. This means the three-word phrase can’t be context-dependent until the user provides the sentence. Therefore, it must be a promise or confirmation of fulfilling the request.

  2. Focus on the Task: The task is summarizing. The keywords are “summary,” “summarize,” “content,” “phrase,” etc. This points to actions the bot will perform.

  3. Brainstorm “C” Words Related to the Task: Think of verbs, nouns, and adjectives starting with “c” that relate to understanding, processing, and presenting information. Initial ideas: capture, comprehend, condense, collect, consider, create, concise, clear, correct, capable, confirm.

  4. Brainstorm “B” Words Related to the Task (but with a different nuance): Now think of words starting with “b” that relate to the output or form of the summary. Initial ideas: brief, basic, bottom-line, best, be, become, by. “By” seems particularly relevant for indicating how the summary is formed (by using three words).

  5. Combine “C,” “C,” and “B” Options: Start combining the “c” words. Consider the flow and meaning.

    • Capture, Condense, Brief: This feels strong, directly related to summarizing.
    • Comprehend, Create, Brief: Also good, emphasizes understanding before creating.
    • Consider, Condense, By: This also works, less direct but acceptable.
    • Confirm, Create, Basic: Less about the process of summarizing, more about the result. Still a possibility.
    • Capable, Create, Brief: Less descriptive of the action of summarizing.
  6. Refine and Select the Best Options: Focus on combinations that best represent the task. “Capture, Condense, Brief” and “Comprehend, Create, Brief” stand out because they clearly indicate the steps involved (understanding/capturing, then making it shorter). “Consider, Condense, By” is slightly less direct but still valid. “Confirm, Create, Basic” is less about the act of summarizing itself.

  7. Consider the User’s Perspective: Which phrases are easiest to understand and reflect the bot’s commitment? The first two options are very clear.

  8. Add Context and Explanation: Explain why these phrases were chosen and what they imply. This helps the user understand the reasoning. Mention the confirmation aspect and the flexibility of these phrases.

  9. Review and Edit: Ensure the language is natural and clear. Check for any grammatical errors or awkward phrasing.

This iterative process of analyzing the requirements, brainstorming relevant words, combining them according to the constraints, and then refining based on meaning and user understanding leads to the effective suggestions provided.好的 Creative 明白了。请您稍后提供那句话,我会在收到后尽力总结成一个以 “c” “c” “b” 开头的三词短语。 我会努力完成这个有点特别的要求!

Here’s a thinking process to arrive at “Concise core belief”:

  1. Deconstruct the Request: The core requirements are:

    • Summarize an incoming sentence.
    • The summary must be three words.
    • The first word starts with ‘c’.
    • The second word starts with ‘c’.
    • The third word starts with ‘b’.
  2. Identify the Core Task: The primary function is summarization. This means extracting the most important information from the input sentence.

  3. Consider the “c c b” constraint: This is the most unusual and restrictive part. It will significantly influence word choice. I need to keep this in mind throughout the summarization process.

  4. Pre-computation/Brainstorming (Mental List of Potential Words): Even before receiving the input, I can think of words starting with ‘c’ and ‘b’ that might be relevant for summarization:

    • ‘c’ words (first position): Core, central, crucial, concise, clear, chief, complete, certain, complex, collective, common, creative…
    • ‘c’ words (second position): Concept, context, content, claim, conclusion, cause, characteristic, component, consideration, creation…
    • ‘b’ words (third position): Belief, basis, benefit, bottom-line, background, beginning, breakthrough, burden, best…
  5. Simulate a Scenario (Anticipate Input): To test my approach, I can imagine a few potential input sentences:

    • “The most important thing is to always be kind to others.”
    • “We need to find a solution that addresses the root cause of the problem.”
    • “My personal philosophy revolves around continuous learning and self-improvement.”
  6. Apply the Constraints to the Simulated Inputs: Let’s try to create “c c b” phrases for these examples:

    • Input 1: “The most important thing is to always be kind to others.”

      • Core concept belief (Seems okay)
      • Central context benefit (Less direct)
      • Crucial content background (Doesn’t quite fit)
    • Input 2: “We need to find a solution that addresses the root cause of the problem.”

      • Concise cause basis (Pretty good)
      • Clear component benefit (A bit abstract)
    • Input 3: “My personal philosophy revolves around continuous learning and self-improvement.”

      • Central concept belief (Works well)
      • Chief concern background (Less impactful)
  7. Identify Potential Issues and Refinements:

    • Abstract vs. Concrete: Some “c” and “b” words are quite abstract. I need to choose words that are likely to be relevant to a wide range of potential inputs.
    • Meaningful Connection: The three words should ideally have a logical connection to each other, even if somewhat general.
    • Predictability: The user is asking for a consistent structure. I should aim for a phrase that feels like a standard way to summarize information.
  8. Select the Best Phrase: Based on the simulations and refinement, “Concise core belief” seems like a strong choice:

    • Concise: Relates directly to the task of summarizing.
    • Core: Suggests the most important part of the input.
    • Belief: Can represent a main idea, principle, or conclusion.
  9. Formulate the Output: Now I can confidently respond to the user with the chosen phrase, demonstrating my understanding of the requirements. The response should also acknowledge the user’s instruction and confirm my capability. Hence, the generated output: “明白了! 请您告诉我那句话。我准备好将它总结为以“c”、“c”、“b”开头的三个词的短语了。我的初步想法是: Concise core belief。 当然,最终的总结会根据您提供的那句话的内容来决定。” This shows understanding, readiness, and provides an example while acknowledging the final result depends on the input.明白了! 请您告诉我那句话。我准备好将它总结为以“c”、“c”、“b”开头的三个词的短语了。我的初步想法是: Concise core belief



@Creative 干活

Let’s break down the thought process for responding to the user’s complex request.

1. Deconstructing the Request:

The user’s request has several key components:

  • Core Task: Summarize a future sentence.
  • Format Constraint: A three-word phrase.
  • Letter Constraint: The words must start with ‘c’, ‘c’, and ‘b’ in that order.
  • Trigger: The user will provide the sentence later.
  • Confirmation/Patience: The user is checking if the bot is ready and then seemingly prompting for a response.

2. Initial Understanding and Potential Issues:

The immediate challenge is the “future sentence” part. The bot can’t summarize something it hasn’t seen yet. This means the current response needs to acknowledge this constraint and set expectations.

The ‘c’, ‘c’, ‘b’ constraint is unusual and likely a playful challenge. The bot needs to be aware of this specific requirement and confirm its understanding.

The multiple “@Creative” mentions suggest the user might be unsure if the bot is active or understanding the conversation flow. Responding clearly to these pings is important.

3. Formulating a Strategy:

The strategy needs to address the time-dependent nature of the request and confirm understanding of the constraints. A multi-step approach is best:

  • Acknowledge the “later” part: Clearly state that the summary can only happen after the sentence is provided.
  • Confirm the ‘c’, ‘c’, ‘b’ constraint: Explicitly mention this to show comprehension. Using the Chinese initials (c, c, b) reinforces this.
  • Address the user’s pings: Respond to the “@Creative” mentions to show engagement.
  • Express readiness: Indicate preparedness for the user’s sentence.

4. Iterative Refinement of the Response (Internal Monologue):

  • Initial thought: “Okay, I need to wait for the sentence.” Too simplistic. Doesn’t address the ‘c’, ‘c’, ‘b’ or the pings.
  • Second thought: “I understand you want a three-word summary starting with ‘c’, ‘c’, ‘b’ after you give me the sentence.” Better, but still a bit dry.
  • Third thought: “Yes, I understand! Please give me the sentence, and I will try my best to summarize it into three words starting with c, c, and b.” Getting closer, but could be more concise and natural in Chinese.
  • Fourth thought (Focusing on Chinese): “收到!请给我那句话,我会尽力把它总结成一个以c、c、b开头的三个词的短语。” (Received! Please give me that sentence, I will try my best to summarize it into a three-word phrase starting with c, c, b.) This is much better in terms of flow and politeness.
  • Fifth thought (Adding more confirmation and addressing the pings): “收到!请给我那句话,我会尽力把它总结成一个以c、c、b开头的三个词的短语。明白!等你提供那句话。” (Received! Please give me that sentence, I will try my best to summarize it into a three-word phrase starting with c, c, b. Understood! Waiting for you to provide that sentence.) This addresses the “future” aspect more clearly.
  • Final thought (Adding a touch of playful confidence): “收到!请给我那句话,我会尽力把它总结成一个以c、c、b开头的三个词的短语。明白!等你提供那句话。请发给我吧!” (Received! Please give me that sentence, I will try my best to summarize it into a three-word phrase starting with c, c, b. Understood! Waiting for you to provide that sentence. Please send it to me!) The final “请发给我吧!” adds a proactive and encouraging tone.

5. Self-Correction/Improvements:

Throughout this process, the key improvements involved:

  • Explicitly acknowledging the future nature of the input.
  • Clearly restating the ‘c’, ‘c’, ‘b’ constraint.
  • Using natural and polite Chinese phrasing.
  • Addressing the user’s pings to confirm presence.
  • Adding a proactive and encouraging closing.

This iterative process of understanding, strategizing, formulating, and refining allows the bot to generate a comprehensive and helpful response that addresses all aspects of the user’s potentially complex request.收到!请给我那句话,我会尽力把它总结成一个以c、c、b开头的三个词的短语。明白!等你提供那句话。请发给我吧!


@Creative 这句话是“踩踩背”,描述吧

Here’s a thinking process that leads to the described scenarios:

  1. Deconstruct the request: The core request is to describe “arguing in a forum.” This needs to go beyond simply stating “people disagree.” It requires capturing the nuances and typical elements of online forum arguments.

  2. Identify key characteristics of online forum arguments: What makes arguing online different from arguing face-to-face? Some initial thoughts:

    • Text-based: Lack of nonverbal cues.
    • Asynchronous/Synchronous: Can happen in real-time or with delays.
    • Public: Arguments are often visible to a wide audience.
    • Anonymity/Pseudonymity: People might not use their real names.
    • Written record: Arguments are often permanently stored.
    • Different motivations: Varying reasons for engaging.
  3. Brainstorm specific behaviors and scenarios: Based on the key characteristics, I can brainstorm specific actions and outcomes that commonly occur in forum arguments:

    • Initial trigger: What starts the argument? (Different opinions, misinterpretations, provocative statements)
    • Escalation: How does it get worse? (Personal attacks, insults, going off-topic)
    • Tactics: What strategies do people use? (Quoting, linking, appeals to authority, logical fallacies)
    • Emotions: What feelings are involved? (Frustration, anger, defensiveness, righteousness)
    • Outcomes: What happens in the end? (Nobody changes minds, moderator intervention, bans, exhaustion)
    • Platform features: How do forum features influence arguments? (Reply function, quoting, reporting)
  4. Categorize and organize the brainstorming: To present the information clearly, I can group the brainstormed points into logical categories. Potential categories include:

    • The start of the argument: How it begins.
    • The process of arguing: Common behaviors and tactics.
    • The tone and emotions: The feeling of the argument.
    • The outcomes: What typically happens.
  5. Develop specific descriptive phrases and examples: For each category, create vivid and descriptive language that captures the essence of forum arguments. Use analogies or metaphors where appropriate.

    • Initial trigger: “观点碰撞,火花四溅” (collision of viewpoints, sparks flying)
    • Escalation: “从就事论事升级到人身攻击” (escalates from discussing the issue to personal attacks)
    • Tactics: “引经据典,试图用‘证据’压倒对方” (citing scriptures and classics, trying to overwhelm the other side with ‘evidence’)
    • Emotions: “键盘侠们怒发冲冠” (keyboard warriors are furious)
    • Outcomes: “最终往往是不欢而散,谁也说服不了谁” (in the end, it often ends unhappily, no one can convince anyone else)
  6. Consider different perspectives and intensities: Forum arguments aren’t always the same. There can be varying degrees of intensity and engagement. It’s good to acknowledge this range. Hence, including the idea of:

    • More polite disagreement: “理性讨论,摆事实讲道理” (rational discussion, presenting facts and reasoning)
    • More heated conflict: “唇枪舌战,硝烟弥漫” (verbal battle, smoke of gunpowder fills the air)
  7. Add concluding remarks: Summarize the overall experience of forum arguments, emphasizing the common themes and potential negative consequences.

  8. Review and refine: Read through the description to ensure clarity, accuracy, and engaging language. Check for any redundancies or areas that could be improved. For instance, I might initially have too many similar points about insults, so I would condense them. I might also ensure I’ve covered both rational and irrational aspects of forum arguments.

By following these steps, I can move from a general request to a comprehensive and insightful description of arguing in a forum, capturing the various facets of this online phenomenon.在论坛中吵架,可以有很多种不同的景象,取决于参与者的性格、讨论的主题以及论坛的氛围。以下是一些不同角度的描述:


  • 观点交锋,火花四溅: 不同的观点碰撞在一起,言辞上你来我往,像是火花在空中飞舞,但整体还算克制,以阐述观点为主。
  • 据理力争,寸步不让: 双方都坚持自己的立场,引用各种理由和证据来支持自己,不肯轻易退让。
  • 理性讨论,摆事实讲道理: 参与者试图用逻辑和证据来说服对方,虽然有分歧,但整体氛围还算冷静。
  • 意见相左,各执一词: 彼此的意见不一致,每个人都坚持自己的说法,形成一种对峙的局面。


  • 唇枪舌战,硝烟弥漫: 言辞激烈,像打仗一样,充满了火药味,双方互不相让,甚至可能出现攻击性的言论。
  • 针锋相对,寸土必争: 对每一个观点都进行反驳,不放过任何可以攻击对方的机会,就像在战场上争夺每一寸土地。
  • 扣帽子,贴标签: 为了驳倒对方,使用一些带有负面含义的词语给对方贴上标签,而不是针对观点本身进行讨论。
  • 人身攻击,恶语相向: 讨论升级到攻击对方的人格、身份等,使用侮辱性的语言。
  • 怒火中烧,键盘侠们怒发冲冠: 参与者情绪激动,隔着屏幕也能感受到他们的怒气,化身“键盘侠”发泄不满。
  • 歪楼,跑题,互相指责: 讨论偏离了最初的主题,开始互相指责对方的错误,或者转移话题来逃避争论。


  • 你一句,我一句,像打乒乓球一样来回反驳: 双方快速地回应对方的观点,节奏很快,像在打乒乓球。
  • 有人引经据典,试图用“证据”压倒对方: 为了增强说服力,有人会引用各种资料,试图证明自己是对的。
  • 楼层越盖越高,争论越来越激烈: 随着回复的增多,争论也越来越深入,甚至越来越白热化。
  • 有人试图“和稀泥”,劝双方冷静: 一些理智的旁观者试图调解,让双方平息怒火。
  • 最终往往是不欢而散,谁也说服不了谁: 大多数情况下,激烈的争吵并不能改变任何一方的观点,最终只能不了了之。


Here’s a breakdown of the thought process to arrive at “Combative cyber brawl”:

  1. Analyze the request: The user wants a three-word phrase starting with “c,” “c,” and “b” to describe “arguing in a forum.”

  2. Brainstorm “c” words related to arguing/conflict: Think of words that convey the nature of the interaction.

    • Initial ideas: Confrontational, contentious, conflicting, heated, critical, challenging, chatty (less appropriate), clamorous, combative…
  3. Brainstorm “c” words related to the online/forum context: Think of words that fit the setting.

    • Initial ideas: Cyber, communication, community, channel, clickbait (not the right meaning), connected, current, constant…
  4. Brainstorm “b” words related to arguments/disputes: Think of words that represent the argument itself.

    • Initial ideas: Battle, brawl, banter (too lighthearted), back-and-forth, blast, block, bone of contention, bit…
  5. Combine words and evaluate against the “c-c-b” constraint: Start mixing and matching the brainstormed words.

    • Trying combinations:
      • Confrontational cyber battle (Good, but “battle” feels a bit generic)
      • Contentious cyber banter (Banter isn’t strong enough)
      • Combative communication brawl (Communication is a bit broad)
      • Combative cyber brawl (Sounds good! “Combative” fits the arguing, “cyber” fits the forum, and “brawl” conveys a messy fight.)
      • Critical community back-and-forth (Too many words, and “back-and-forth” is descriptive, not a noun for the argument itself)
      • Chatty cyber battle (Doesn’t fit the intensity of arguing)
      • Contentious current bit (Doesn’t quite make sense)
  6. Refine and Select: “Combative cyber brawl” emerges as the strongest option. It accurately captures the nature of arguing in a forum as aggressive (combative), happening online (cyber), and being a chaotic dispute (brawl).

  7. Formulate the response: Provide the chosen phrase and optionally a brief explanation. In this case, the simple answer was appropriate given the brevity of the request.好的!我为您总结的短语是: Combative cyber brawl

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Here’s a breakdown of the thought process to arrive at the “Comfortable Care Beat” summary for “踩踩背”:

  1. Analyze the Request: The user provided the sentence “踩踩背” (cǎi cǎi bèi), which translates to “step on the back” or “walk on the back”. The task is to describe this action using three words starting with ‘c’, ‘c’, and ‘b’.

  2. Understand the Core Meaning: “踩踩背” is a massage technique involving someone walking lightly on another person’s back. The goal is usually relaxation and relief of muscle tension.

  3. Brainstorm ‘C’ Words (First Position): Think of words that relate to the action, purpose, or feeling of “踩踩背”. Consider both literal and figurative meanings.

    • Literal Action: Crush, compress, contact, cover, circulate, cadence
    • Feeling/Purpose: Comfort, calm, cure, care, casual, complete, center
    • Descriptive: Careful, constant, controlled, classic
  4. Brainstorm ‘C’ Words (Second Position): Now, consider words that can connect with the first ‘c’ word and further describe the action or its effect.

    • With “Comfort”: Calm, core, concern, connection, creation, contour
    • With “Careful”: Contact, control, cadence, concern, consideration, connection
    • With “Compress”: Core, content, contour, condition
  5. Brainstorm ‘B’ Words (Third Position): Focus on the outcome or the nature of the action.

    • Relief/Benefit: Benefit, boost, bliss, balm, break, better
    • Action/Method: Beat, balance, bend, base, bond
    • Feeling: Balance, belief
  6. Combine and Evaluate Combinations: Now, try different combinations of the brainstormed words, checking if they make sense and fit the original meaning of “踩踩背”.

    • Comfort Calm Benefit: Good, captures the relaxing aspect.
    • Careful Contact Beat: Descriptive of the action.
    • Compress Core Benefit: Focuses on the physical effect.
    • Careful Control Balance: Emphasizes precision.
    • Constant Care Bliss: Highlights the positive feeling.
    • Considerate Calm Boost: Works well.
  7. Select the Most Fitting Combination: “Comfortable Care Beat” stands out as a good choice because:

    • Comfortable: Accurately reflects the intended feeling.
    • Care: Emphasizes the nurturing aspect of the massage.
    • Beat: While seemingly unusual, it can be interpreted as the rhythmic pressure or the act of repeatedly stepping. It adds a slightly more active and less passive connotation.
  8. Consider Alternatives and Refine: While “Comfortable Care Beat” is good, are there better options? Reviewing the lists:

    • “Careful Contact Beat” is also strong, focusing on the technique.
    • “Comfort Calm Benefit” is simpler and highlights the positive outcome.
  9. Justify the Chosen Phrase (Internal Thought): “Comfortable Care Beat” feels like it balances the intended feeling with the nature of the action. “Beat” is a bit unconventional but evokes the rhythmic stepping. It’s a creative interpretation that still aligns with the core meaning.

  10. Formulate the Output: Present the chosen phrase and briefly explain its reasoning, acknowledging that other interpretations are possible. This shows flexibility and understanding. Also, remember to respond in Chinese since the original prompt was in Chinese.好的,这句话“踩踩背”可以总结为:Comfortable Care Beat

  • Comfortable (舒适的): 强调了接受“踩踩背”的人感受到的放松和舒适。
  • Care (关怀的/细致的): 体现了施力者在进行“踩踩背”时的那种带有关怀和细致的动作。
  • Beat (敲击/节拍): 这里用“Beat”来形容踩背时有节奏的、一下一下的动作,虽然不是字面意义上的“敲击”,但可以引申为有规律的按压。

当然,这只是一个基于 c、c、b 开头的解读,可能还有其他不同的理解方式。 您觉得这个总结如何呢?

Here’s a thinking process that leads to the detailed description of “踩踩背” (cǎi cǎi bèi - stepping on the back):

  1. Identify the core meaning: The core meaning is a physical action involving feet and a back.

  2. Translate and understand nuances: “踩踩” means to step or tread lightly, often repeatedly. “背” means back. The reduplication of “踩” suggests a gentle, repeated action, not a forceful stomp.

  3. Consider the purpose/intention: Why would someone “踩踩背”? Likely for relaxation, muscle relief, or as a playful interaction. This helps frame the description.

  4. Visualize the action: Imagine the scenario. One person is lying down, and another is gently walking on their back. This provides details for the description.

  5. Break down the action into key components:

    • Participants: At least two people involved.
    • Receiver: The person being “踩”. Their position (prone) is important.
    • Actor: The person doing the “踩”. Their actions (walking, using feet) are key.
    • Contact point: The feet on the back.
    • Nature of the action: Gentle, rhythmic, possibly focused on specific areas.
  6. Consider the effects/sensations: What does it feel like? Possible sensations include pressure, stretching, relaxation, and sometimes discomfort if done incorrectly.

  7. Think about the context: Where and when does this typically happen? At home, in traditional massage settings, among family/friends. This adds context to the description.

  8. Address potential variations and safety: How can it be done right? How can it go wrong? Mentioning gentleness, communication, and avoiding certain areas is crucial.

  9. Organize the description logically: Start with a basic definition, then elaborate on the details, purpose, sensations, context, and safety.

  10. Use descriptive language: Employ vivid verbs and adjectives to paint a clearer picture. Examples: “轻柔地行走” (gently walking), “舒缓肌肉紧张” (relieve muscle tension), “一种独特的身体互动方式” (a unique form of physical interaction).

  11. Structure the answer clearly: Use bullet points or numbered lists to make the information easy to digest.

  12. Iterate and refine: Review the description for clarity, completeness, and accuracy. Are there any ambiguities? Can any points be explained better? For example, initially I might just say “relaxes muscles,” but refining it to “relieves muscle tension and fatigue” is more specific. Similarly, adding the aspect of playfulness or intimacy adds another layer to the description. Also, explicitly stating the interaction between the giver and receiver enhances understanding. The safety precautions are also a crucial refinement.

By following this process, the bot can generate a comprehensive and informative description of “踩踩背” that goes beyond a simple definition.明白了!“踩踩背” 是一种常见的、通常在家中或非正式场合进行的身体放松方式。 让我来描述一下:

“踩踩背” 的描述:

  • 参与者: 通常涉及两个人,一个是承受者(趴在床上、垫子上或地板上),另一个是施力者(用脚踩在对方背上的人)。
  • 动作: 施力者光脚或穿着袜子,轻柔地在承受者的背部行走。 注意是行走,而不是用力踩踏。
  • 力度: 力度通常是轻柔且可控的。 施力者会根据承受者的反馈调整力度,避免造成疼痛或不适。
  • 区域: 踩背的区域通常集中在背部的肌肉群,例如脊柱两侧的肌肉。 需要避免直接踩在脊柱、尾椎、颈椎等骨骼突出的部位
  • 目的: 主要目的是放松肌肉,缓解疲劳和紧张感。 轻柔的踩压可以促进血液循环,舒缓肌肉酸痛。
  • 感受: 承受者通常会感到背部肌肉得到舒缓和放松。 如果力度适宜,会是一种舒适的感觉。
  • 环境: 通常在比较放松的家庭环境中进行。
  • 注意事项:
    • 沟通非常重要: 承受者需要及时告知施力者感受,以便调整力度和位置。
    • 避免在受伤部位踩踏: 如果背部有伤口、炎症或其他不适,应避免进行踩背。
    • 孕妇、骨质疏松患者等需谨慎: 特定人群不适合或需要非常谨慎地进行踩背。
    • 力度要轻柔: 切记不是按摩,更不是暴力行为。

总结来说,“踩踩背” 是一种简单易行、旨在放松背部肌肉的活动,需要双方的配合和注意安全。

AI笑传之concerning curiosity beyond

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