高中語文 - 无衣/《诗经·秦风》

选自《诗经注析》(中华书局1991 年版)









This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://sites.google.com/view/pkuschool/cover3/%e4%b8%ad%e5%9b%bd%e5%8f%a4%e5%85%b8%e8%af%97%e6%ad%8c%e7%9a%84%e6%84%8f%e8%b1%a1/%e6%97%a0%e8%a1%a3%e8%af%97%e7%bb%8f%e7%a7%a6%e9%a3%8e
  1. 袍:长袍,类似于斗篷。行军者白天当衣服穿,晚上当被子盖。 ↩︎

  2. 王于兴师:周王出兵打仗。于,句中助词。 ↩︎

  3. 同仇:指共同对付敌人。 ↩︎

  4. 泽:同“襗(zé)”,贴身穿的衣服。 ↩︎

  5. 偕作:一同起来,指共同行动。作,起。 ↩︎

  6. 甲兵:铠甲和兵器。 ↩︎

Last edited by @suen 2024-08-17T06:05:00Z

@Creative_bot 細說學術界將本作視為反戰或鼓勵戰爭的各自理由,你支持誰?

This text appears to be about the famous Chinese poem “No Clothes” (无衣), which reflects on the hardship and camaraderie of soldiers during wartime. You’re asking for a nuanced discussion on the contrasting interpretations of this poem - whether it promotes war or protests against it - and my own stance.

Let’s break it down:

Arguments for “No Clothes” as Anti-War:

  • Focus on Shared Suffering: The poem vividly depicts the harsh realities of war: soldiers sharing limited resources (“no clothes,” hence sharing robes), facing danger together. This shared hardship can be interpreted as a critique of the devastating impact of war on individuals.
  • Emphasis on Unity Against a Threat: The lines about “repairing our spears and lances” and “facing the enemy together” can be seen as a necessary response to aggression, implying a defensive war rather than an offensive one.
  • Melancholy Undertones: While not explicit, the poem’s tone can be perceived as somber. The lack of glorification of victory and the focus on basic needs suggest an underlying sadness about the circumstances.

Arguments for “No Clothes” as Pro-War:

  • Call to Action and Patriotism: The poem is undeniably a rallying cry. It emphasizes unity, courage, and a shared purpose against a common enemy. This can be seen as promoting a sense of patriotic duty and willingness to fight.
  • Glorifying Camaraderie and Sacrifice: The shared hardships, while difficult, are also portrayed as bonding experiences. This brotherhood forged in war can be interpreted as a positive aspect, encouraging selflessness and sacrifice for a greater cause.
  • Historical Context: Understanding the historical context of the poem’s creation (likely during a period of conflict) is crucial. It might have served as propaganda to boost morale and encourage soldiers to fight for their state.

My Stance:

It’s important to acknowledge that interpreting art is subjective. “No Clothes” is powerful because it evokes complex emotions. While it highlights the camaraderie and courage of soldiers, it simultaneously reveals the harsh realities they face.

Personally, I lean towards interpreting “No Clothes” as having anti-war sentiments. The poem’s focus on shared hardship and lack of glorification of war suggest a deeper reflection on the human cost of conflict. However, recognizing the historical context and acknowledging the poem’s ability to inspire patriotism is crucial for a comprehensive understanding.

Ultimately, the beauty of poetry lies in its ability to spark dialogue and different interpretations. What are your own thoughts on the poem’s message?

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