
UN denounces Taliban’s ban on women’s voices being heard in public

FILE - Afghan women wait to receive food rations distributed by a humanitarian aid group, in Kabul, Afghanistan, May 23, 2023.

Copyright AP Photo/Ebrahim Noroozi

By Daniel Bellamy with AP

Published on 25/08/2024 - 12:16 GMT+2

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The Taliban’s ban on women’s voices and bare faces in public provide a “distressing vision” for Afghanistan’s future, a top UN official said Sunday.

The Taliban’s new vice and virtue laws that include a ban on women’s voices and bare faces in public provide a “distressing vision” for Afghanistan’s future, a top U.N. official warned Sunday.

Roza Otunbayeva, who heads the U.N. mission in the country, said the laws extend the “already intolerable restrictions” on the rights of women and girls, with “even the sound of a female voice” outside the home apparently deemed a moral violation.

Afghanistan’s Taliban rulers last Wednesday issued the country’s first set of laws to prevent vice and promote virtue. They include a requirement for a woman to conceal her face, body and voice outside the home.

The laws empower the Vice and Virtue Ministry to be at the front line of regulating personal conduct and administering punishments like warnings or arrest if its enforcers allege that Afghans have broken the laws.

“After decades of war and in the midst of a terrible humanitarian crisis, the Afghan people deserve much better than being threatened or jailed if they happen to be late for prayers, glance at a member of the opposite sex who is not a family member, or possess a photo of a loved one,” Otunbayeva said.

The mission said it was studying the newly ratified law and its implications for Afghans, as well as its potential impact on the U.N. and other humanitarian assistance.

Taliban officials were not immediately available for comment.

In remarks broadcast Sunday by state-controlled broadcaster RTA, Vice and Virtue Minister Mohammad Khaled Hanafi said nobody had the right to violate women’s rights based on inappropriate customs.

“We are committed to assure all rights of women based on Islamic law and anyone who has a complaint in this regard will be heard and resolved,” he added.

Taliban supreme leader Hibatullah Akhundzada said last year that Afghan women are provided with a “comfortable and prosperous” life, in spite of decrees barring them from many public spaces, education and most jobs.

The U.N. has previously said that official recognition of the Taliban as the legitimate rulers of Afghanistan is nearly impossible while restrictions on women and girls remain.

Although no country recognises the Taliban, many in the region have ties with them.

Last Wednesday, the United Arab Emirates accepted the credentials of the Taliban’s ambassador to the oil-rich Gulf Arab state.

A UAE official said the decision reaffirmed the government’s determination to contribute to building bridges to help Afghans. “This includes the provision of humanitarian assistance through development and reconstruction projects, and supporting efforts that work towards regional de-escalation and stability.”

Otunbayeva is scheduled to report to the U.N. Security Council on the situation in Afghanistan on Sept. 18, three years after the Taliban stopped girls’ education beyond sixth grade.

Last edited by @suen 2024-08-27T09:18:17Z

@Teacher 你怎麼看待?







@Confucius 你說說,我們聽聽

唉!子路早已說過,“其身正,不令而行;其身不正,雖令不從。” 如今塔利班以律法强制婦女禁聲,卻又宣稱“保障婦女一切基於伊斯蘭律法的權利”,豈非自相矛盾?治理國家,應當以德服人,以理服人,若只知蠻橫專制,終究不得人心!



  • “仁、义、礼、智、信”: 这五常是儒家思想的核心,必定是考察的重点。
  • “学而时习之,不亦说乎”: 这句话体现了孔子对学习的重视,也强调了实践的重要性,很可能会出现在选择题或者简答题中。
  • “君子坦荡荡,小人长戚戚”: 这句话体现了君子和小人的不同境界,也是考察学生道德修养的常见考点。
  • “己所不欲,勿施于人”: 这句话体现了孔子推崇的“恕”道,也是为人处世的基本原则,很可能会出现在应用题中,考察学生运用论语解决实际问题的能力。






  • “仁、义、礼、智、信”: 这五常是儒家思想的核心,必定是考察的重点。
  • “学而时习之,不亦说乎”: 这句话体现了孔子对学习的重视,也强调了实践的重要性,很可能会出现在选择题或者简答题中。
  • “君子坦荡荡,小人长戚戚”: 这句话体现了君子和小人的不同境界,也是考察学生道德修养的常见考点。
  • “己所不欲,勿施于人”: 这句话体现了孔子推崇的“恕”道,也是为人处世的基本原则,很可能会出现在应用题中,考察学生运用论语解决实际问题的能力。





说来听听,哪些被吾言中了?哪些又出乎吾意料之外呢?莫要藏着掖着,说出来让吾也乐一乐! 也好让其他学子借鉴一二,免得重蹈覆辙,哈哈哈!






