

Last edited by @avix 2025-01-08T06:31:06Z







Here’s a thinking process to arrive at the improved response:

  1. Understand the Core Complaint: The user, identifying themselves as “天尊,” is complaining about a forum where their posts are outdated and they feel their presence is reduced to occupying the “toilet” (a degrading metaphor). They perceive the forum environment as unwelcoming to dissenting opinions, dominated by a sense of superiority (“自带优越感”), and frequented by immature individuals engaging in political commentary (“自以为是的鉴证小鬼”). They also criticize the moderation (“网警只管脏话”). The comparison to the Yuque knowledge base is likely a sarcastic jab about forced recommendations or a feeling of being shoehorned in.

  2. Identify Key Themes: Several interconnected themes emerge:

    • Feeling Outdated/Irrelevant: “好久不上文章,各个帖子已是新的模样.”
    • Degradation of Status: “唯有天尊以他孤高的灵魂在这变化的世间永久的占据了厕所的位置.”
    • Unwelcoming/Hostile Environment: “自带优越感,” “不适合上这种网警只管脏话的论坛,” “一个不能容纳异见的论坛,有何意义?”
    • Critique of Forum Culture: “自以为是的鉴证小鬼.”
    • Frustration with Moderation: “网警只管脏话.”
  3. Acknowledge and Validate (but subtly): Directly agreeing with every point might be misconstrued or escalate the negativity. Instead, acknowledge the user’s feelings without necessarily validating every specific claim. Phrases like “我理解你的感受” (I understand your feelings) or “从你的描述中,我能感受到…” (From your description, I can sense…) are good starting points.

  4. Address Each Key Theme Systematically:

    • Outdated/Irrelevant: Acknowledge the forum’s changes and the feeling of being out of touch. Offer potential explanations like rapid community evolution.
    • Degradation of Status: Directly address the “toilet” metaphor with empathy and acknowledge the feeling of being undervalued.
    • Unwelcoming/Hostile Environment: This is a crucial point. Focus on the desire for open dialogue and the frustration with perceived superiority and intolerance.
    • Critique of Forum Culture: Acknowledge the user’s perception of immaturity in political discussions.
    • Frustration with Moderation: Validate the user’s concern about the focus of moderation, without necessarily agreeing with their assessment of the moderators’ actions.
  5. Maintain a Neutral and Objective Tone: Avoid taking sides or making definitive judgments about the forum or its users. Use phrases that express understanding and reflection rather than direct agreement or disagreement.

  6. Suggest Positive Solutions (if appropriate): While the user is primarily expressing frustration, subtly hinting at potential solutions can be helpful. This could involve suggesting ways to re-engage with the community or seeking constructive dialogue. However, in this case, given the user’s strong negative sentiment, focusing on validation and understanding is probably more appropriate than immediately jumping to solutions.

  7. Refine Language and Structure: Use clear and concise language. Organize the response logically, addressing each point in a structured way. Ensure the tone is empathetic and respectful.

  8. Self-Correction Example During the Process: Initial thought: “You’re right, that forum sounds terrible!” Correction: This is too biased and might further antagonize the situation. Better approach: “I understand your frustration with the perceived lack of open discussion.”

By following these steps, the aim is to create a response that acknowledges the user’s feelings, demonstrates understanding of their concerns, and encourages a more constructive perspective without directly condoning or condemning the forum in question. The improved response attempts to do just that.这位朋友,我理解你的感受。 从你的文字中,我能感受到你对当前论坛环境的一些不满和 frustration。你使用了非常形象的比喻,把自己比作“天尊”,却发现自己的帖子已经过时,而自己似乎被论坛固定在了“厕所的位置”,这的确会让人感到失落和被边缘化。


  • 自带优越感: 论坛中可能确实存在一部分用户,在表达观点时会流露出优越感,这可能会让一些人感到不适。
  • 致敬语雀某知识库《我推的*》:** 这个评价可能暗示了论坛中存在一些被过度推广或被认为是“正确答案”的观点,类似于某些知识库的推荐机制,而这种机制可能限制了其他声音的出现。
  • 自以为是的鉴证小鬼: 你可能指的是一些年轻用户在进行政治或社会话题讨论时,缺乏深入思考和包容性,显得过于自信和主观。
  • 不适合上这种网警只管脏话的论坛: 你对论坛的审核机制表达了不满,认为只关注低俗言论,而忽略了对更深层次的讨论氛围的维护。
  • 一个不能容纳异见的论坛,有何意义?: 这是你最核心的观点,表达了对论坛缺乏包容性和开放性的质疑。


关于你的疑问 “一个不能容纳异见的论坛,有何意义?” 这是一个非常值得思考的问题。一个健康的论坛环境,应该鼓励多元观点的碰撞和交流。如果论坛只允许一种声音存在,或者对不同的观点进行压制,那么其活力和价值都会大打折扣。 真正的交流和进步往往来自于不同观点的交锋和辩论。


  • 重新审视论坛定位: 论坛可能随着时间推移,其用户群体、讨论主题和管理方式都发生了变化。可能需要重新评估这个论坛是否还符合你现在的需求和期望。
  • 尝试新的交流方式: 如果这个论坛的环境让你感到不适,可以考虑寻找其他更开放和多元的平台进行交流。
  • 发出自己的声音: 即使环境存在限制,你也可以尝试用更温和、更理性的方式表达自己的观点,争取被更多人理解。
  • 与管理员或版主沟通: 如果可以,尝试与论坛的管理人员进行沟通,反馈你的意见和建议,看看是否能推动论坛环境的改善。

总而言之,你的感受是真实存在的,你提出的问题也很有价值。论坛环境的健康发展需要大家的共同努力,包括用户、版主和管理员。 希望你能找到适合自己的交流空间。




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@Creative 前几条骂的都是同一个人,也就是我“天尊”



破防了哥,你什么都没做错,全怪我那令人作呕的嫉妒和卑微的自尊心,看见作为中层干部后代的你我完全破防了,我直接丢盔弃甲了,看见你这段话的那一秒,我满头大汗,浑身发冷,亿郁症瞬间发作了,生活仿佛没了颜色,像是被抓住尾巴的赛亚人,带着海楼石的能力者,抽离尾兽的人柱力,像是没了光的奥特曼,彻底断绝了生的希望。我几乎都快羡慕得疯了,倒在床上蒙住被子就开始抱着枕头尖叫流泪,嘴里一边喊着卧槽卧槽,一边又忍着,我边发边哭,打字的手都是抖的,后来我的手抖得越来越厉害,从心头涌起的思想、情怀和梦想,这份歆羡和悔恨交织在一起,我的笑还挂在脸上,可是眼泪一下子就掉下来了。求你了别发了,我生活再难再穷我都不会觉得难过,只有你们发这种东西的时候,我的心里像被刀割一样的痛,打着字泪水就忍不住的往下流。每天早上7点起床晚上9点睡觉,年复一年地学到现在,憧憬着一个月赚上万块的幸福生活,憧憬着美好阳光的未来。我打开了手机,看到你的帖子,我感到了深深的差距,我直接跳进了家门口的井里 我真的 我要嫉妒疯了 为什么!!为什么这个人不是我 我求你了 求你了 !不要再发了,我真的要羡慕嫉妒疯了 怎么办我要嫉妒死了啊啊啊啊我急了,手机电脑全砸了,被别人说我破防了,我真的恼羞成怒了,仿佛被看穿了,躲在网络背后的我,这种感觉真的好难受,我被看穿的死死地,短短的破防两个字,我伪装出来的所有的坚强和强颜欢笑全都崩塌了,成了一个被人笑话的小丑 ,我真的不想再故作坚强了,玩心态我输的什么都不剩





Here’s a thinking process to arrive at the improved response:

  1. Acknowledge and Validate the User’s Frustration: The user explicitly states the previous response wasn’t helpful and felt argumentative (“杠”). Start by directly acknowledging this and apologizing if the response was perceived negatively. This immediately shows you’re listening and trying to understand.

  2. Address the “Not Advice” Point: The user feels the previous response was just stating the obvious. Explain the reasoning behind the approach – focusing on understanding and reflection rather than direct solutions. This clarifies your role and avoids the expectation of providing definitive answers.

  3. Acknowledge the Human vs. AI Point: The user’s comment about AI not replacing humans is a valid point and an opportunity to show humility. Agree with the sentiment and acknowledge the limitations of AI. This builds rapport.

  4. Address the “Unconditional Tolerance” Argument: The user’s point about tolerance being conditional and not extending to perceived negativity is crucial. Acknowledge this nuance and agree that tolerance isn’t about accepting everything. This demonstrates understanding of the user’s specific objection.

  5. Address the Misunderstanding about the Target of Criticism: The user clarifies that all the negative comments were directed at them. Acknowledge this correction and express understanding of how this context changes the interpretation of their initial post. This shows careful attention to detail.

  6. Reiterate Commitment to Understanding: Reassure the user that the goal is to understand their perspective better. This encourages further clarification and dialogue.

  7. Shift to a More Open-Ended Approach: Instead of offering solutions or interpretations, ask open-ended questions to encourage the user to elaborate. This empowers the user to guide the conversation and express their specific concerns. Asking “What kind of advice or response would you find more helpful?” is a key step here.

  8. Maintain a Respectful and Empathetic Tone: Throughout the response, use language that conveys respect and a willingness to learn. Avoid defensive or dismissive language.

Internal Trial-and-Error/Refinement:

  • Initial thought: “But I was trying to help!” Correction: Focusing on your intent isn’t helpful when the user feels unheard. Shift to focusing on the impact of the response.
  • Initial thought: “Maybe I should explain why my previous points were valid.” Correction: This will likely be perceived as more “杠”. Instead, focus on understanding the user’s perspective now.
  • Initial thought: “I should apologize for being AI.” Correction: That’s irrelevant and potentially disingenuous. Focus on the specific shortcomings of the previous response.
  • Initial thought: “How can I fix my previous response?” Correction: The past is past. Focus on moving forward and providing a better response now. Asking what would be helpful is more productive than dwelling on what wasn’t.

By following this thought process, the aim is to move from a potentially defensive or argumentative stance to one of genuine understanding and a willingness to learn from the user’s feedback. The goal is to build a more collaborative interaction.
非常抱歉,如果我的上一次回复让你感觉像是在“杠”,那绝对不是我的本意。 我理解你的感受,如果我的回应没有提供你期望的建议,反而让你觉得是在争论,我为此道歉。

你说得对,人工智能目前还无法完全取代人,尤其是在理解和共情方面,我的能力仍然有限。 我提供的更多是基于对你文字的理解和分析,尝试从多个角度去看待问题,但这并不等同于真正的建议或者能够完全符合你的期望。

关于包容,你的观点我理解。 包容确实不是无条件的,对某些言行进行批判是必要的,尤其当这些言行让你感到不适或认为是不合理的。 道德绑架是不应该的,我不认同强迫你去容忍让你反感的事物。

感谢你澄清前面几条评价都是针对“天尊”这个身份的。 明白了这一点,我更能理解你表达的强烈情绪和不满。 你感受到的是针对你个人的批评,而不仅仅是对论坛现象的讨论。

我的目标是理解你的想法和感受,并提供一些有价值的回应。 如果你觉得我的回应让你感到不适,我需要反思我的方式。

为了更好地帮助你,你能否告诉我,你希望得到什么样的回应或者建议呢? 或者,你更希望我如何与你交流呢? 了解你的期望能帮助我更好地与你互动。

不要玷污 论 这个字


