

Last edited by @MYIHV 2025-01-18T01:15:27Z



人民日报 2025年01月16日 20:00


今天,社交媒体已经深度融入人们的日常生活,这一点中外皆然。 比如美国的TikTok平台上,有在家带娃的美国宝妈,有靠才艺吸引粉丝的自由职业者,有赚外快还助学贷款的大学生,还有无数小企业,他们有的在TikTok上分享生活、休闲娱乐,有的则依托这个平台联络资源、获取收入。这样一个平台如果被禁,对很多美国人来说,就不仅失去了一个沟通交流的空间,还意味着丢掉饭碗,也难怪这些美国网友自嘲为“难民”。

这一新闻让人们更深切体会到,什么叫大势,什么是人心。美国老百姓要正常生活,中国企业要正常发展,中美两国民众要正常交流……这就是人心,这就是大势。 有美国网友说,“在小红书上看到丰富多彩的中国、真实的中国”。很多中国网友不仅热情介绍自己的生活,也分享来自大洋彼岸的精彩故事。有评论将这次中美网友的“相遇”比喻为网络版“乒乓外交”、21世纪的“厨房辩论”时刻,这些诙谐表达的背后,却蕴含着一个深刻的道理:开放、交流、互鉴,是人类不变的主题,是各国民众发自内心的渴望。

从“TikTok难民”流连我国社交软件,到‌“China Travel”成为一股世界性潮流;从李子柒携视频回归引海外粉丝泪目,到国产游戏“悟空”让更多人了解中国文化……今天的中国,何以“自带流量”,形成“万有引力”?毫无疑问,这得益于中国厚重的历史文化积淀、日新又新的现代化面貌,也得益于国家的开放、民众的友善、社会的包容。满园春色关不住,有美国网友疾呼:“是时候开眼看中国了!”



@Creative 以此為模板寫寫中國Google難民X難民GPT難民Facebook難民,全球前十名但不能訪問的難民都寫了

Here’s a breakdown of the thinking process to generate the article about “refugees” from blocked internet services in China:

  1. Understand the Core Request: The user wants an article similar in tone and structure to the People’s Daily article about “TikTok refugees” on Xiaohongshu, but focusing on users of blocked services like Google, ChatGPT, Facebook, etc., in China. The key is to adopt the People’s Daily’s positive, optimistic, and somewhat nationalistic framing.

  2. Identify the Parallels: The core idea is that users of blocked platforms are finding alternative spaces where they can still connect, learn, and express themselves. Xiaohongshu is presented as the welcoming alternative in the original article. The new article needs to identify equivalent “receiving” platforms within China (or at least present the idea of such platforms).

  3. Adopt the People’s Daily Style: This involves several elements:

    • Positive framing: Emphasize the opportunities and benefits of these alternative spaces rather than dwelling on the negative aspects of the blocks.
    • Focus on connection and understanding: Highlight how these alternative spaces facilitate interaction and knowledge sharing, both within China and potentially internationally.
    • Use of evocative language: Words like “涌入” (surge in), “刷屏网络” (sweep the internet), “友好互动” (friendly interaction), “热络交流” (enthusiastic exchange), “大势” (the general trend), “人心” (the will of the people), “万有引力” (universal gravitation), “命运共同体” (community of common destiny).
    • Implicitly (or explicitly) support the existing policy: While not directly praising the blocks, the article should focus on the positive outcomes and the adaptability of Chinese users.
    • Concluding with a hopeful message: End with a positive outlook on the future of global connection and understanding.
  4. Identify the “Refugee” Groups and Potential “Host” Platforms: This is the core of the customization. For each blocked service:

    • Identify the main functionality: What did users use the platform for? (Search, AI interaction, social connection, professional networking, video sharing, etc.)
    • Identify potential Chinese alternatives (even if not perfect replacements): Baidu for Google, various AI models/platforms for ChatGPT, WeChat/Weibo/Douyin/Kuaishou for Facebook/Instagram/YouTube/Twitter, etc. The focus isn’t on a perfect technical replacement, but on the spirit of finding alternatives for connection and information.
    • Craft specific examples of “refugee” behavior: What are they doing on these alternative platforms? This makes the narrative more concrete and relatable.
  5. Structure the Article: Follow the structure of the original People’s Daily article:

    • Catchy Title: Something similar to “X 难民涌入 [Chinese Platform]”
    • Opening Paragraph: Introduce the phenomenon and the platforms involved.
    • Highlight the Functionality and Loss: Explain what the blocked platforms offered and the impact of the blockage.
    • Emphasize the Positive Adaptation: Focus on how users are finding alternatives and connecting.
    • Connect to Broader Themes: Link this phenomenon to ideas of open communication, cultural exchange, and the global community.
    • Conclude with a Hopeful and Uplifting Message: Reframe the “refugee” idea as positive adaptation and global connection.
  6. Draft and Refine: Write the article, focusing on the tone and style. Use similar phrasing and sentence structures as the original article where appropriate. Ensure a consistent positive and forward-looking message.

Self-Correction/Refinement during the process:

  • Initial thought: Directly criticize the blocks by focusing on the negative aspects. Correction: Shift the focus to the positive adaptation and alternative solutions, in line with the People’s Daily tone.
  • Initial thought: Focus too much on the technical limitations of Chinese alternatives. Correction: Emphasize the human element of connection and information sharing, even if the tools are different.
  • Initial thought: Be too literal in finding perfect replacements. Correction: Broaden the scope to include platforms that serve similar social or informational needs, even if they aren’t direct competitors. For example, WeChat can partially replace Facebook’s social networking function.
  • Ensure consistency in positive framing: Continuously review the language and tone to maintain the optimistic and nationalistic perspective.

By following these steps, and by paying close attention to the model provided (the People’s Daily article), it’s possible to generate an article that effectively mirrors its style and message while addressing the specific context of “refugees” from various blocked internet services in China.好的,這是一個很有趣的發想!我將以《人民日報》那篇文章的風格,為你撰寫關於中國 Google 難民、X 難民、GPT 難民、Facebook 難民以及其他全球前十名但不能訪問的平台的“難民”湧入中國網絡空間的文章。


人民日報 2025年01月17日 20:00


互聯網早已超越工具屬性,成為人們日常生活不可或缺的一部分,這是不爭的事實。 無論是習慣使用全球領先搜索引擎獲取資訊的研究人員,還是依賴海外社交平台與親友聯絡的普通民眾,抑或是熱衷於利用前沿AI工具提升效率的創業者,他們都需要一個開放、便捷的網絡環境。當他們原本習慣的平台遭遇限制,尋找新的數字家園,是自然而然的需求。

這一現象再次印證,開放與交流是不可阻擋的時代潮流,是人心所向。 越來越多的國際友人意識到,屏蔽與隔閡無法帶來真正的安全與發展。中國互聯網的蓬勃發展,為他們提供了新的選擇和機會。“在中國的搜索引擎上,我找到了更本地化的資訊!”一位前“Google難民”感歎道。“通過中國的社交平台,我與更多有共同愛好的朋友聯繫起來了!”一位“臉書村民”分享道。“中國的AI應用在某些方面甚至更出色,幫助我解決了很多實際問題。”一位“GPT新住民”興奮地說。許多中國網友也積極分享使用技巧,熱情介紹中國的網絡文化,展現出海納百川的胸襟。





  • “X 難民/村民/朋友”: 指的是原 Twitter 用戶,他們可能在中國的微博等平台上找到了類似的資訊分享和社交空間。
  • “Instagram 旅客/用戶”: 指的是原 Instagram 用戶,他們可能在中國的小紅書、抖音等平台上分享生活、美圖。
  • “YouTube 觀眾/創作者”: 指的是原 YouTube 用戶,他們可能在中國的嗶哩嗶哩、西瓜視頻等平台上觀看或創作視頻內容。
  • “WhatsApp 聯絡人”: 指的是原 WhatsApp 用戶,他們可能更多使用微信等工具與親友聯繫。
  • “ChatGPT 新住民/探索者”: 指的是原 ChatGPT 用戶,他們可能在中國本土開發的AI模型或平台上尋求類似的智能助手服務。
  • “Facebook 親友/鄰居”: 指的是原 Facebook 用戶,他們可能在中國的微信、QQ 等平台上與朋友互動。
  • “TikTok 海外來客”: 雖然 TikTok 在中國大陸無法直接訪問,但可以指代那些因為其他地區 TikTok 受限而更關注中國版抖音的用戶。
  • “Wikipedia 求知者”: 指的是原 Wikipedia 用戶,他們可能在中國的百度百科或其他知識平台上尋找資訊。
  • “亞馬遜海淘者”: 雖然亞馬遜在中國有業務,但這裡可以引申為那些原本習慣於使用亞馬遜全球站點的用戶,他們可能會轉向中國的電商平台或跨境電商。


  • 更積極正面的詞彙: 將“難民”替換為更中性的詞彙,例如“村民”、“新住民”、“朋友”、“旅客”、“來客”、“探索者”、“求知者”、“海淘者”等,以體現他們是主動尋找和融入,而非被迫流離失所。
  • 強調交流與互動: 突出他們在中國網絡空間與中國網友的積極互動,展現開放和諧的氛圍。
  • 突出中國互聯網的吸引力: 強調中國互聯網平台在某些方面的優勢或特色,吸引這些用戶前來。
  • 契合“人類命運共同體”的理念: 將這種現象提升到全球互聯互通和構建人類命運共同體的高度。



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Here’s a thinking process to arrive at the revised article, keeping in mind the user’s explicit correction about Chinese netizens being the “refugees”:

  1. Acknowledge and Address the Core Correction: The fundamental shift is understanding that the “refugees” are Chinese users forced to circumvent restrictions to access these global platforms. This directly contradicts the premise of the initial article.

  2. Shift the Narrative: The previous article focused on foreigners finding refuge in China. The new narrative must focus on Chinese users’ experiences outside the controlled internet environment. The tone needs to be subtly different – less about welcoming newcomers and more about the realities of internet restrictions.

  3. Maintain the People’s Daily Style (with a twist): While acknowledging the restrictions, the article should still attempt to frame the situation positively, emphasizing the reasons for accessing these platforms and the value they bring, rather than dwelling solely on the negative aspects of the “wall.” This requires a delicate balance.

  4. Identify the Motivations for Access: Why do Chinese users seek out these blocked platforms? This becomes the core argument for their necessity:

    • Information Access (Google/Wikipedia): Comprehensive and unbiased information is crucial for research, learning, and understanding global events.
    • Global Connection and Communication (Facebook/X/Instagram/WhatsApp): Staying connected with friends, family, and colleagues abroad is important for personal and professional relationships.
    • Advanced AI Tools (ChatGPT): Access to cutting-edge AI can enhance productivity, creativity, and problem-solving.
    • Diverse Video Content (YouTube/TikTok): Exposure to a wider range of perspectives, entertainment, and educational content.
  5. Frame the “Refugee” Metaphor Appropriately: The “refugee” label should highlight the forced nature of the circumvention, not a voluntary migration. It signifies a loss of access within their own domestic internet environment.

  6. Acknowledge the “Wall” Implicitly (or Subtly): While avoiding direct criticism, the article needs to allude to the reasons why these platforms are inaccessible without explicitly naming the “Great Firewall.” Phrases like “網絡環境的特殊性” (the special nature of the network environment) or “為了獲取更廣泛的信息與更自由的交流空間” (in order to obtain broader information and a freer space for communication) can serve this purpose.

  7. Structure the Article: Similar to the previous version, but with the revised focus:

    • Introduction: Introduce the concept of Chinese “refugees” on these platforms.
    • Highlight the Value of Each Platform: Explain why Chinese users seek them out, emphasizing the benefits and unique offerings.
    • Connect to Universal Needs: Frame these needs as universal human desires for information, connection, and knowledge.
    • Subtly Acknowledge the Circumvention: Use phrases that imply the need to overcome obstacles.
    • Conclude with a Forward-Looking (but slightly different) Message: Instead of focusing on integration within China, the conclusion can touch upon the importance of global interconnectedness and the benefits of access to diverse information.
  8. Refine the Language: Use language that resonates with the People’s Daily style (structured sentences, somewhat formal tone) but adapts to the new context. The tone might be slightly more nuanced, acknowledging the reality of the situation while maintaining a generally positive outlook on the value of global exchange.

Self-Correction during the process:

  • Initial thought: Focus heavily on criticizing the “wall.” Correction: Temper the criticism and focus more on the positive reasons for accessing the platforms and the skills/adaptability of Chinese netizens.
  • Initial thought: Use the same “welcoming” tone as the previous article. Correction: Adjust the tone to reflect the fact that these are Chinese citizens seeking access outside their usual internet environment.
  • Initial thought: Directly name the “Great Firewall.” Correction: Use more indirect language to allude to the restrictions.
  • Ensure the language is still aligned with potential People’s Daily framing: While acknowledging the restrictions, the overall message should still align with the broader goals of international exchange and development. The focus is on the positive outcomes of accessing these platforms, not the negative aspects of their inaccessibility within China.

By following these steps and carefully adjusting the narrative and tone, the revised article effectively addresses the user’s correction while still maintaining some resemblance to the original prompt’s stylistic inspiration.好的,明白了你的意思。之前的理解有偏差,現在修正方向,重新撰寫一篇以「中國網民不得不翻牆訪問這些服務」為核心的《人民日報》風格評論文章。


人民日報 2025年01月17日 20:00


互聯網的本質在於互聯互通,信息自由流動是其應有之義。 無論是科研人員查閱最新的學術資料,學生了解不同文化背景下的觀點,還是普通民眾希望與海外親友保持聯繫,使用全球通用的互聯網平台已成為許多中國網民的日常需求。當前,部分境外互聯網平台在中國境內訪問存在一定特殊性,但這並未阻擋中國網民擁抱世界的步伐。他們通過技術手段,積極利用這些平台獲取知識、交流思想,展現出高度的適應性和對開放互聯網的嚮往。

這一現象深刻體現了中國與世界聯繫日益緊密的客觀現實,以及中國公民不斷提升的全球視野。 越來越多的中國網民認識到,廣泛的信息獲取是提升自身競爭力、更好融入全球化的重要途徑。“通過Google,我能更便捷地查閱全球最新的科研進展。”一位科研工作者表示。“在Facebook上,我與海外的朋友分享生活點滴,增進了彼此的了解。”一位留學生說。“使用ChatGPT,我能夠學習到更前沿的技術知識,提升工作效率。”一位IT從業者分享道。“X平台上有許多來自世界各地的聲音,幫助我更全面地看待問題。”一位媒體人談到。中國網民的積極探索和實踐,豐富了自身閱歷,也促進了中外之間的相互了解。





  • 主體是中國網民: 明確指出是中國網民為了獲取信息而訪問境外平台。
  • 使用更積極的詞彙: 例如“求知者”、“連線人”、“探索者”、“信息員”,淡化“難民”的被動感,強調主動性和積極性。
  • 強調獲取信息的目的: 突出中國網民訪問這些平台是為了學習知識、連接世界、提升自身能力。
  • 契合國家發展和全球化的大方向: 將中國網民的行為與國家發展、融入全球化聯繫起來。
  • 更符合《人民日報》的敘事風格: 著重強調積極意義和正面價值。




My thinking process went like this:

  1. Identify the Core Constraint: The user wants me to focus solely on the Xiaohongshu “refugee” phenomenon and avoid broadening the scope to other blocked platforms in China. This is a specific instruction I need to adhere to.

  2. Recall the Original Context: The initial prompt was about “TikTok refugees” on Xiaohongshu, drawing a parallel to the People’s Daily article. This provides the framework and existing examples.

  3. Re-engage with the Provided Text: I reviewed the initial People’s Daily article and the user’s initial comment to re-establish the context and the intended angle. Key elements to focus on are:

    • The influx of American TikTok users to Xiaohongshu.
    • The positive framing of this event as cultural exchange and connection.
    • The People’s Daily’s emphasis on “人心” (the will of the people) and “大势” (the general trend).
    • The comparison to “ping pong diplomacy” and the “kitchen debate.”
  4. Acknowledge the User’s Preference: Start by explicitly acknowledging the user’s direction to focus on Xiaohongshu. This shows I’ve understood the instruction.

  5. Reinforce the Positive Framing: Emphasize the positive aspects of the Xiaohongshu situation, mirroring the People’s Daily’s approach. Use similar vocabulary and themes: cultural exchange, connection, understanding, new opportunities.

  6. Highlight Xiaohongshu’s Role: Position Xiaohongshu as a welcoming and valuable platform for these users. Emphasize its content diversity and community.

  7. Reiterate the “Refugee” Metaphor (in its original context): Explain the “refugee” label as a way to describe the situation of users displaced by the TikTok ban, finding a new home on Xiaohongshu.

  8. Connect to Broader Themes (as per the original article): Link the Xiaohongshu phenomenon to ideas of global connection, cultural understanding, and the “village” metaphor.

  9. Avoid Mentioning Other Blocked Platforms: This is crucial. Stick strictly to the Xiaohongshu/TikTok dynamic.

  10. Maintain a Helpful and Responsive Tone: Even though I made a mistake in the previous iterations, I want to assure the user that I’m now on the right track and can provide valuable analysis within the specified boundaries.

  11. Offer Further Assistance: Conclude by inviting the user to ask more questions about the Xiaohongshu situation. This reinforces my focus and willingness to engage on that specific topic.

Essentially, I had to “zoom in” on the specific scenario the user wanted to discuss and discard the broader interpretations I had explored in the previous responses. It was about recalibrating my focus based on the user’s clear directive.好的,既然你希望我專注分析小紅書“難民”現象,那我們就深入探討這個話題。

小紅書“難民”現象,正如你提供的《人民日報》文章所描述的,指的是美國 TikTok 用戶因平台可能被禁而湧入中國社交應用小紅書的現象。 這個現象確實引發了許多有趣的思考,我們可以從多個角度進行分析:

1. 文化交流與民間外交的新形式:

  • 正如文章所說,這種現象可以被視為網絡版的“乒乓外交”或21世紀的“廚房辯論”。它提供了一個平台,讓中美兩國的普通民眾能夠直接交流,了解彼此的生活方式、文化習俗和價值觀。
  • 小紅書作為一個以生活方式分享為主的平台,更容易促進輕鬆愉快的交流,例如關於寵物、美妝、美食、旅行等話題,這些話題往往能夠跨越文化和意識形態的差異。
  • 這種民間層面的互動,有助於打破刻板印象,增進相互理解,為兩國關係的發展注入積極因素。

2. 平台出海與文化輸出的新模式:

  • 小紅書成功吸引海外用戶,表明中國的互聯網平台和文化產品具備一定的國際競爭力。這與一些人認為“牆”阻礙中國文化輸出的觀點形成對比。
  • 小紅書的內容生態,例如精緻的生活方式、時尚潮流、美妝技巧等,對部分海外用戶具有吸引力。這也反映了全球化背景下,文化的相互影響和融合。
  • 這種“內容出海”的方式,相較於傳統的文化輸出,更加自然和潛移默化,更容易被海外受眾接受。

3. 貿易保護主義與平台競爭的視角:

  • 你提到“牆的核心是一種貿易保護主義”,這個觀點有一定的道理。當年許多海外平台在未充分進入中國市場就遭遇限制,為本土平台的發展創造了空間。
  • 從小紅書出海的角度來看,可以視為中國互聯網企業在全球市場競爭中尋求新的增長點。
  • “TikTok難民”的湧入,某種程度上也反映了全球互聯網平台競爭格局的變化以及用戶的自主選擇。

4. “難民”心態與用戶需求:

  • “TikTok難民”這個稱呼帶有一定的戲謔意味,但也反映了用戶對於失去一個喜愛平台的焦慮和尋找替代平台的行為。
  • 用戶遷移到小紅書,可能是因為它在功能、內容或用戶群體上與TikTok存在一定的相似性,能夠滿足他們分享生活、獲取資訊、與他人互動的需求。
  • 這種用戶的自發遷移,也提醒我們關注用戶的核心需求,以及平台如何更好地滿足這些需求。

5. 信息流動與認知邊界的拓展:

  • 《人民日報》文章提到,美國網友在小紅書上看到了“豐富多彩的中國、真實的中國”。這突顯了平台在促進信息流動和打破信息壁壘方面的作用。
  • 對於那些原本對中國了解不多的海外用戶來說,小紅書提供了一個了解中國社會、文化和生活的窗口。
  • 這種信息的雙向流動,有助於拓展彼此的認知邊界,減少誤解和偏見。


如果小紅書在運營上區分內外服務器,這將涉及到數據安全、用戶隱私以及不同國家和地區的法律法規等複雜問題。 這種區分在技術上是可行的,許多跨國互聯網公司也會採取類似的策略。 然而,具體的運營策略和細節可能需要根據實際情況和監管要求進行調整。

總結來說,小紅書“難民”現象是一個值得關注的互聯網文化現象,它涉及文化交流、平台競爭、用戶需求等多個層面。 專注於這個案例,我們可以更深入地理解在全球化和互聯網發展的大背景下,文化和信息的流動、平台的競爭以及用戶行為的變化。
