
NY’s Hochul Calls for Law Banning Cell Phone Use in Schools

New York state voters support a ban by 60% to 32%, according to a poll from Siena College.

Photographer: Loic Venance/AFP/Getty Images

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By Alicia Clanton

January 22, 2025 at 2:10 AM GMT+8

Updated on

January 22, 2025 at 4:05 AM GMT+8




New York Governor Kathy Hochul is proposing legislation to ban cell phones in public school classrooms, saying the move is necessary to give students a “distraction-free learning environment.”

As part of the proposal, which requires approval from the state legislature, the governor earmarked $13.5 million in her next budget to help school districts implement the ban.

If enacted, the law would require all school districts and charter schools to adopt policies to prohibit the use of smartphones and other internet-enabled devices during the school day by Aug. 1. The bill allows for districts to authorize exemptions for educational, medical, translation and emergency use. It also requires schools to provide for a method for parents to contact students when necessary.

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The money in the budget would be used to reimburse schools for costs incurred while setting up the programs, including the purchase of materials to lock up phones during class hours. A mobile phone ban would affect nearly 2.5 million students across New York state’s 4,400 public schools.

Kathy HochulPhotographer: Jose A. Alvarado Jr./Bloomberg

Hochul, who first proposed a ban on mobile phones last year, said the legislation aims to address concerns about mental health and academic performance associated with excessive screen time. About 70% of high school teachers and one-third of middle school teachers say that students being distracted by cell phones is a major problem in their classrooms, according to a Pew Research Center survey published last year.

“We will build a brighter tomorrow for our youngest New Yorkers by freeing them from the oppressive influence of cell phones in schools and by investing in playgrounds, youth programs and community organizations,” Hochul wrote in a document accompanying the release of her $252 billion fiscal 2026 budget on Tuesday.

Read more: NY Gov. Hochul to Detail Tax Cuts in $252 Billion Draft Budget

New York state voters support a ban by 60% to 32%, according to a poll from Siena College.

More US school districts have considered limiting students’ smartphone use as debate rises about the effects on mental health, focus and face-to-face connection. Last week New Jersey Governor Phil Murphy endorsed a bill calling for the development of a policy to ban cell phones in his state’s more than 600 school districts.

Read more: NJ Governor Murphy Joins Push to Ban Mobile Phones in Schools

California Governor Gavin Newsom signed an act last year to restrict smartphone use in all California schools by July 2026. New York City planned its own ban last summer, but the schools chancellor halted that effort in October after parents raised concerns about reaching their children during emergencies.

Costs related to phone bans could include the purchase of magnetically sealed pouches by the company Yondr. Those pouches cost roughly $30 per student in the first year, after which schools may need to pay for replacement equipment.

The Los Angeles Unified School District, the nation’s second biggest after New York City, approved an all-day ban last year, which is set to take effect next month.

(Updates with details of proposal starting in first paragrah)

Last edited by @suen 2025-01-22T04:43:04Z

@Creative 分析各處禁令的公開理由,列舉。
give students a “distraction-free learning environment.這說法,從一個人真正的生活學習環境,還有終身學習的視角,存在什麼問題?是否根本就是在褻瀆教育?




  • 創造「無干擾的學習環境」(Distraction-free learning environment): 這是紐約州長霍楚提出的核心理由,認為手機會分散學生的注意力,影響學習效果。
  • 解決學生過度使用螢幕時間帶來的問題: 霍楚也提到禁令旨在解決與「過度螢幕時間相關的心理健康和學業表現」的擔憂。
  • 教師反應學生受手機干擾嚴重: 文章引用皮尤研究中心的調查,指出七成高中教師和三分之一國中教師認為學生受手機干擾是課堂上的主要問題。
  • 普遍擔憂手機對心理健康、專注力和人際連結的影響: 文章提到美國許多學區考慮限制學生使用手機,因為越來越多人擔憂手機對學生的心理健康、專注力以及面對面交流的影響。




  1. 真實生活環境並非無干擾: 真實的生活環境,無論是職場、家庭還是社會,都充滿了各種各樣的「干擾」。資訊爆炸、多任務處理、突發事件等都是現代人需要面對的常態。學校如果刻意營造一個完全「無干擾」的環境,可能與真實世界脫節,學生未來可能更難適應複雜多變的環境。

  2. 終身學習更需要自主管理干擾的能力: 終身學習強調的是自主學習、自我管理。在資訊唾手可得的時代,學習的關鍵不僅僅是吸收知識,更重要的是學會如何在充滿干擾的環境中保持專注、篩選資訊、有效利用工具,以及平衡工作、學習和生活。完全隔絕手機,可能反而錯失了培養學生在數位時代自主管理干擾能力的機會。

  3. 手機本身也是學習工具: 手機不僅僅是娛樂工具,也具備強大的學習功能。在教學中合理運用手機,可以豐富學習資源、促進互動、進行即時查詢等。完全禁止手機,等於放棄了一種潛在的學習工具。

  4. 「干擾」的定義和價值判斷: 什麼是「干擾」?在某些情境下,看似「干擾」的事物,可能反而能激發學生的創造力或帶來新的學習機會。例如,學生在課堂上用手機查閱與課程相關的補充資料,雖然看似「干擾」了老師的講課,但實際上可能促進了更深入的學習。教育應該引導學生辨別和管理「干擾」,而不是簡單粗暴地消除一切「干擾」。

  5. 教育的本質是培養適應未來社會的人才: 如果教育的目標是培養能夠適應未來社會的人才,那麼就不能無視數位時代的特點。 未來的社會必然是數位化、資訊化的社會,手機等行動裝置已經成為人們生活和工作中不可或缺的一部分。 教育應該引導學生學會與科技共處,善用科技,而不是將科技視為洪水猛獸,完全隔離。



教育的目標不應該僅僅是讓學生在一個被精心控制的「無菌」環境中被動地接受知識,更重要的是培養學生成為主動的學習者、批判性思考者、問題解決者和終身學習者。 這需要讓學生在更真實、更複雜的環境中學習,學會與「干擾」共處,並將科技轉化為助力學習和成長的工具。


校園手機禁令的初衷可能是好的,希望提升學生的學習效果。但是,單純追求「無干擾的學習環境」可能是一種過於簡化的思路,忽略了真實生活環境的複雜性,也可能錯失了培養學生在數位時代生存和發展所需關鍵能力的機會。 更理想的做法或許是引導學生學會自律、負責任地使用手機,將手機轉化為學習的輔助工具,而不是一味地禁止。 同時,學校和教師也需要反思,如何提升教學的吸引力,讓學習內容本身更能吸引學生的注意力,從根本上減少學生對手機的依賴。


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