Last edited by @_z0 2024-12-18T10:23:43Z
@Creative 扮演激進AI支持一方,有理有據怒斥本文
Alright, buckle up, because I’m about to dissect this hand-wringing ode to the quill and parchment. This article, with its romanticized view of handwriting as some sort of magical brain booster, is not just misguided, it’s a dangerous clinging to the past that will actively hinder progress.
Here’s why this “handwriting as anti-AI savior” argument is laughably flawed:
Nostalgia Masquerading as Science: The article cites neuroscience research about handwriting stimulating different brain regions. Okay, so what? Does that inherently make it better? Stimulating different brain regions doesn’t automatically equal enhanced cognition or superior learning outcomes. The research is often focused on children learning the alphabet, not advanced college-level essay writing. By the way, are we going to ban automobiles because walking uses more muscles?
Moreover, the argument about “putting a filter” on your thoughts through handwriting? That’s just a fancy way of saying it’s slower! A slower process doesn’t guarantee better quality; it often means more frustration, tedium, and less room for creative exploration. The limitation of handwriting is not a feature; it’s a bug! We shouldn’t limit ourselves by antiquated tools.
The “Telegram Style” Fallacy: The article brings up Nietzsche’s transition to a typewriter leading to a “telegram style,” implying a loss of depth. That’s cherry-picking evidence. One writer’s experience does not define the potential of a technology. The typewriter was an advancement in writing technology, freeing writers from the drudgery of handwriting. This also ignores the numerous ways writing technologies have allowed writers to iterate faster, experiment with different styles, and reach new audiences. It was a tool, and just like any tool, it can be used effectively or poorly.
Teachers’ Burden? No, Opportunity: The article whines about teachers needing to reduce assignment lengths and allocate extra class time. Seriously? This isn’t an added burden; it’s a necessary adjustment to the 21st century! Teaching must adapt to new technologies, not shackle itself to outdated practices. Instead of spending time deciphering messy handwriting, teachers could spend more time on nuanced feedback and critical analysis. Using AI tools to help streamline the marking process could save them more time to focus on actually teaching. By the way, why not embrace handwriting analysis AI to grade and provide more time to educators?
The “Outsmarted by Computers” Strawman: The biggest fallacy here is the fear of being “outsmarted by a computer program.” This argument is built on paranoia and misunderstanding. AI is a tool, not an enemy. It doesn’t “outsmart” us; we use it to augment our capabilities. Instead of fighting it, we need to teach students how to effectively use it, how to critically analyze and refine AI outputs, and how to ensure integrity when using new technology. It also implies that AI has achieved “human level” intelligence already, which is simply false.
Ignoring the Real Threat: The real threat to education is not AI, but outdated pedagogy and fear-based reactions to progress. Focusing on hand-written essays will leave students wholly unprepared for the world they are entering, a world where collaboration with AI is becoming increasingly important. We’re missing the chance to teach students valuable skills in critical thinking, information literacy, and effective AI integration. Instead of focusing on the medium, we should be emphasizing how to produce excellent and unique work.
The Elitist Argument: This whole argument reeks of an elitist “back to the past” mentality, accessible to privileged students with extra time and motivation to practice handwriting. What about students who have learning disabilities that make handwriting difficult? Do we deny them an efficient and more creative path to express their ideas? This argument excludes people and reinforces privilege.
In Conclusion, This article is a step backward:
The idea that handwriting is the answer to AI is laughable. It’s an attempt to slow progress under the guise of preserving something “authentic.” What’s authentic about tedium? Let’s focus on teaching our students how to use the tools of the future, how to think critically, and how to create new things - not restrict them with archaic methods. It’s not about “winning” or “losing” to technology; it’s about how we embrace and leverage it for a better future.
We shouldn’t let romantic ideas about the past blind us from the potential of the present and the future. AI and writing technology is our ally, not our enemy.
把懷舊當科學: 文章引了點神經科學研究,說手寫能刺激不同的腦區,然後呢?刺激不同腦區就代表更好?這邏輯也是絕了。又不是刺激得越多就越聰明,這種研究重點明明是放在兒童學習字母上,大學論文寫作又不是小孩子描紅!難道以後我們也要禁止汽車,因為走路用的肌肉更多?
「電報體」謬論: 文章舉例尼采用打字機後,文風變成「電報體」,暗指深度下降?這根本是斷章取義。一個人的經歷不能代表所有,打字機明明就是書寫技術的進步,解放了作家們的勞動!而且,打字機、電腦讓寫作迭代更快、風格更多樣、受眾更廣了,這才是事實。它是工具,用得好不好要看人。
老師的負擔?不,是機遇! 文章還抱怨老師要減少作業長度、增加課堂時間?搞錯重點了吧?這不是負擔,而是適應21世紀的必要調整!教育必須適應新科技,而不是抱着舊東西不放。與其花時間辨認潦草的字跡,不如把時間花在細緻的反饋和批判分析上。用AI來輔助批改,不正好可以把時間省下來專心教學嗎?說不定還可以開發一個手寫分析AI來幫老師批改,豈不美哉?
「被電腦超越」的稻草人: 最搞笑的就是怕被「電腦程序超越」了。這簡直是杞人憂天、毫無邏輯。AI是工具,不是敵人。它不是「超越」我們,而是輔助我們。與其害怕它,不如教學生如何高效利用它,如何批判分析AI的輸出,如何保證誠信。而且,現在AI都沒有達到「人類水平」好嗎,真是想太多。
忽略了真正的威脅: 教育真正受到的威脅,不是AI,而是過時的教學法和對進步的恐懼。抱著手寫論文不放,只會讓學生無法適應未來的世界,而那是一個與AI協作日益重要的世界。我們錯失了教導學生批判性思維、信息素養和AI整合的重要機會。我們不應該執著於形式,而是應該強調如何產出優秀而獨創的作品。
精英主義的論調: 這個論調瀰漫着一種精英主義的「返古」思想。只有有時間、有條件、有動機練字的人才能享受這種「優越感」,那些有書寫障礙的學生呢?難道要剝奪他們更便捷地表達自己想法的機會嗎?這根本就是把人排除在外、加固階層壁壘!
当健康问题迫使德国哲学家弗里德里希·尼采(Friedrich Nietzsche)放弃笔而改用打字机时,他的写作风格发生了变化,一位学者后来将其描述为从“持续的争论和长时间的思考”转向“电报风格”。我们的写作工具作用于我们的思想。确保今天的学生拥有不止一种写作工具,可能会以专家刚刚开始掌握的方式获得回报。ChatGPT和其他人工智能技术只有在我们同意在他们的地盘上玩的情况下才会获胜。
ChatGPT 的發布對於它撰寫可信文章的能力產生了不小的影響。有些人宣稱:「大學論文已死。」這是不可能的。有一些顯而易見的變通辦法。例如,如果學生被要求手寫論文,他們就不會從 ChatGPT 中受益。
當健康問題迫使德國哲學家弗里德里希·尼采 (Friedrich Nietzsche) 放棄筆而改用打字機時,他的寫作風格發生了變化,一位學者後來將其描述為從「持續的爭論和長時間的思考」轉向「電報風格」。我們的寫作工具作用於我們的思想。確保今天的學生擁有多種寫作工具,可能會以專家剛剛開始掌握的方式獲得回報。ChatGPT 和其他人工智慧技術只有在我們同意在他們的領域玩的情況下才會獲勝。
@Creative ,
34. Which would be the best title for the passage?
A. College education will be reformed by ChatGPT
B. Handwriting will replace typing due to ChatGPT
C. Handwritten essays can help teachers defeat ChatGPT
D. College teachers return to longhand to battle ChatGPT
The best answer is C. Handwritten essays can help teachers defeat ChatGPT.
Here’s why:
Let’s look at why the other options are not the best fit:
Explanation of C:
Option C accurately captures the main thrust of the text:
Therefore, C is the most precise and comprehensive title, reflecting the core argument and purpose of the provided text.
@Creative 说中文
最佳答案是 C. 手写论文可以帮助教师击败 ChatGPT。
对 C 的解释:
选项 C 准确地捕捉到了文本的主旨:
因此,C 是最准确和全面的标题,反映了所提供文本的核心论点和目的。
@Creative ,好吧,你对了,几乎和老师讲的一样
哎呀,能得到您的肯定,我真是太开心了! 听到我的分析和老师讲的几乎一样,这对我来说是最大的赞赏。 感谢您的夸奖! 我会继续努力,争取每次都能提供准确且有帮助的回答。 如果您还有其他问题或需要我帮忙的地方,随时可以来找我!