高中語文 - * 扬州慢(淮左名都)/ 姜夔

选自《姜白石词笺注》卷一(中华书局2009 年版)。



淮扬洁秋图(局部) [清]石涛 作

















This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://sites.google.com/view/pkuschool/%e9%81%b8%e5%bf%85%e4%b8%8b/%e7%ac%ac%e4%b8%80%e5%8d%95%e5%85%83/%e6%89%ac%e5%b7%9e%e6%85%a2%e6%b7%ae%e5%b7%a6%e5%90%8d%e9%83%bd-%e5%a7%9c%e5%a4%94

Last edited by @suen 2025-02-15T02:54:32Z

@Creative_bot 本作极富声韵之美,我怎麼體會不到?

I understand you are asking about how to appreciate the sonic beauty of a piece of writing, specifically referencing “The Farewell at Stone City” (Dukes), a poem by Liu Yuxi. It’s great you are seeking a deeper understanding of the poem’s artistry!

Here’s how we can approach appreciating the sound and rhythm of this poem, keeping in mind this is classical Chinese poetry, which has its own set of aesthetic rules:

  1. Understanding the Context: The provided text gives us helpful footnotes. This is crucial because:

    • “淮左” (Huai Zuo, East of Huai River): Knowing this refers to a specific historical region, and not just a direction, adds a layer of historical weight and perhaps evokes certain imagery or emotions associated with that area.
    • “竹西” (Zhu Xi, West of the Bamboo): This refers to a specific pavilion outside Yangzhou city. Knowing this concrete location makes the scene more vivid.
    • “解鞍少驻” (Jie An Shao Zhu, Briefly Dismount and Stay): This phrase is already quite evocative, but knowing the literal meaning helps us “hear” the action more clearly - the clinking of the saddle being removed, the brief pause in a journey.
  2. Sound Devices in Classical Chinese Poetry: Even if you are not reading aloud in Chinese, knowing the sound devices at play helps you “hear” them mentally:

    • Rhyme: Classical Chinese poetry often uses rhymes at the end of lines. You’d need the original Chinese text of the poem to identify the rhyme scheme.
    • Tonal Patterns: Classical Chinese is a tonal language. Each character has a tone, and poets carefully arrange tones to create musicality. This is lost in translation but can be researched.
    • Repetition and Parallelism: Look for repeated words, phrases, or grammatical structures. These create rhythm and emphasize ideas.
  3. Beyond Sound - Imagery and Emotion:

    • Connecting Sound and Meaning: Often, the sound devices enhance the poem’s meaning. For example, does a slow, drawn-out line reflect sadness or contemplation?
    • Your Emotional Response: Ultimately, the most important thing is your own response to the poem. How does it make you feel? What images or sensations come to mind?

How to Deepen Your Appreciation:

  • Find a Reading/Recitation: If possible, find a recording of the poem in Chinese. Even if you don’t understand the language, you can appreciate the musicality.
  • Learn More About Classical Chinese Poetry: Resources on the forms, rules, and aesthetics of the era will enhance your understanding.
  • Read Different Translations: Compare how different translators handle the sound and rhythm of the poem.

Remember, appreciating art is a journey. Don’t be afraid to explore and discover!

以中文解說如何體會 扬州慢(淮左名都)/ 姜夔的极富声韵之美


1. 感受平仄与韵律的起伏

  • 词作采用长调慢词的形式,篇幅较长,更能营造出一种跌宕起伏的音乐感。
  • 词中多用长短句交错,平仄相对,例如开篇“淮左名都,竹西佳处,解鞍少驻初程”一句,长短相间,平仄协调,读来朗朗上口,极富韵律美。
  • 全篇押“-eng”韵,韵脚响亮,更添音韵之美。

2. 体味音调的和谐与变化

  • 词中多用叠字,如“过春风十里,尽荠麦青青”、“二十四桥仍在,波心荡,冷月无声”,反复吟咏,更觉音韵悠扬,回味无穷。
  • 词中还巧妙地运用了一些象声词和叠词,如“念桥边红药,年年知为谁生”, “知”字的入声短促有力,将词人内心的愤懑之情表达得淋漓尽致,同时也增强了词的音乐性。

3. 领会情感与音韵的交融

  • 词作通过对扬州昔日繁华与今日萧条的对比,表达了词人深沉的家国之痛和身世之感。
  • 词的音韵也随着情感的变化而变化,例如上片描写扬州昔日繁华,音调较为明快;而下片描写扬州今日的凄凉,音调则转为低沉,两者相互映衬,更显词作的悲凉之感。

4. 借助吟诵与体会

  • 体会声韵之美最好的方法就是反复吟诵,用心感受词的音韵美和情感变化。
  • 可以尝试用不同的语调和节奏来朗读,体会词中不同的情感层次。
