高中語文 - 单元研习任务

一 展开厚重的历史长卷,形形色色的历史人物纷至沓来。读他们的故事,我们会产生不同的情感,也会对人物作出评价。深入阅读本单课文,把握历史人物的生平经历,理解其人生境遇,分析其成败得失,与同学一起,组织一次主题为“历史人物纵横谈”的专题讨论会。从课文涉及的主要历史人物中选择一位,谈谈你对他的认识和评价,以及从他身上汲取的精神力量或获得的经验教训。先整理一份发言提纲,然后在讨论会上发言。

二 优秀的史传文学,往往围绕历史人物,选取恰切的历史事实,既叙写人物生平,又展示人物的精神世界,同时将史家对人物的评价和对历史的态度蕴含其中。研读课文,从下列任务中任选一项完成。

  1. 从本单元课文中提取有效信息,为历史人物屈原、苏武或李存勖整理一份简略的人物年表;或根据《过秦论》的叙述,做一份秦的兴亡简史。

  2. 《 左传》《史记》《汉书》等著作,巧于构思,精于剪裁,长于表达,不仅是典范的历史著作,也是优秀的文学作品。以《屈原列传》或《苏武传》为例,并适当拓展阅读其他史传名篇(如《荆轲刺秦王》《信陵君窃符救赵》《廉颇蔺相如列传》等),探究史传文学的叙事艺术,归纳出若干特点,并举例说明。

三 历史的画卷,往往异彩纷呈;历史的评说,有时见解不一。围绕“历史的评说”这一话题,从下列任务中任选一项完成。

  1. 司马迁写《屈原列传》,在叙事中穿插议论,并在文末以“太史公曰”点题,直接发表对人物的看法和评价。借鉴这种写法,揣摩《苏武传》中班固对苏武的认识和评价,尝试以班固的视角,写一则人物短评。

  2. 本单元的两篇史论,分别探讨秦和后唐灭亡的历史教训。你是否认同作者的观点?他们的论证是否有可商榷之处?结合所学历史知识,参考相关资料,尝试写一篇短文,对两篇文章提出质疑或进行辩驳。

四 现代汉语与古代汉语是一脉相承的,基本的句式大致相同,但古代汉语中存在一些特殊的句式,这就需要单独梳理和积累。以下是本单元出现的一些特殊句式,尝试翻译这些句子。从课文中再找一些例子,梳理归纳每种句式的基本特点。

  1. 判断句



  1. 宾语前置句



  1. 被动句





This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://sites.google.com/view/pkuschool/xbz000/%e7%ac%ac%e4%b8%89%e5%8d%95%e5%85%83/%e5%8d%95%e5%85%83%e7%a0%94%e4%b9%a0%e4%bb%bb%e5%8a%a1

Last edited by @suen 2024-08-18T02:27:00Z

解釋llms中在如何區分中文的”句式 ”

This passage outlines a task for students to engage in a classroom discussion about historical figures. Let’s break down the passage and then I can offer guidance on differentiating sentence structures in Chinese, particularly for language models.

Passage Breakdown

  • Unfolding History: The passage sets the stage with the imagery of unfurling a historical scroll, implying a journey through time and encountering various historical figures.
  • Emotional Responses: It emphasizes that studying history isn’t just about memorizing facts, but also about understanding and evaluating the individuals who shaped those times.
  • The Task: The core task is to participate in a discussion titled “Historical Figures: A Cross-Examination.”
  • Preparation: Students are instructed to:
    • Choose a historical figure from their textbook.
    • Research and understand their life, challenges, successes, and failures.
    • Prepare a structured outline for their presentation.
  • Presentation: Students will share their analysis and evaluation of their chosen figure, highlighting the lessons learned or inspiration drawn from them.

Distinguishing Chinese Sentence Structures for LLMs

While I can’t offer a definitive solution for all LLMs, here’s how to approach improving an LLM’s understanding of Chinese sentence structures:

  1. Structural Differences: Unlike English, which relies heavily on word order (Subject-Verb-Object), Chinese uses specific particles and grammatical structures to indicate grammatical function.

    • Example:
      • English: “He eats an apple.” (Word order tells us “He” is the subject)
      • Chinese: 他 (He) 吃 (eat) 苹果 (apple)。 The particle “的” after a noun usually, but not always, denotes possession.
  2. Training Data: The key is to train LLMs on vast amounts of Chinese text that is:

    • Diverse: Include different genres (literature, news, academic writing) and time periods to capture variations in sentence structures.
    • Annotated: Labeling sentences with grammatical information (parts of speech, sentence type, etc.) helps the LLM learn the rules.
  3. Contextual Understanding: Chinese relies heavily on context. LLMs need to be trained on:

    • Pronoun Resolution: “他” can mean “he” or “him.” The LLM needs to learn to identify the correct meaning based on context.
    • Ellipsis: Chinese often omits subjects or objects when they are clear from context. LLMs need to infer the missing information.
  4. Specific Features for Chinese:

    • Topic-Comment Structure: Chinese often uses a topic-comment structure, where the topic is introduced first, followed by comments about it.
      • Example: 这个电影 (this movie), 我很喜欢 (I like very much). – “This movie, I like a lot.”
    • Serial Verb Constructions: Multiple verbs can be strung together without conjunctions.
      • Example: 他 去 商店 买 东西 (He go shop buy things) – “He goes to the store to buy things.”

In essence, while this is a complex area of development, enhancing an LLM’s ability to differentiate Chinese sentence structures involves a combination of diverse training data, clear grammatical annotation, and training on the nuances of context and Chinese-specific grammatical features.