
中国“远洋捕捞”掀文字狱 逾50耽美作家遭跨省抓捕










据报导,顶尖耽美作家“云间”由于积极退赃,被判处有期徒刑4年6个月。部分未能筹集到资金退赃的作家 ,被判处更长的刑期,如“辞奺”被判刑5年6个月。所有涉案作者都因此留下了案底。











Last edited by @suen 2024-12-22T04:08:25Z

My thought process to answer the prompt “淫穢小說的定義和寫淫穢小說在全球的普遍定罪審判情形 文字獲罪比強姦還重是否正常” (Definition of obscene novels and the prevalence of conviction and sentencing for writing obscene novels globally; is it normal for punishment for words to be heavier than for rape?) goes like this:

  1. Deconstruct the prompt: I identify the key components:

    • Definition of “obscene novels.”
    • Global prevalence of criminalizing writing “obscene novels.”
    • Comparison of punishment for “words” (writing) vs. rape.
  2. Address the definition of “obscene novels”: This is crucial because “obscene” is subjective and varies significantly across cultures and legal systems. I need to highlight this subjectivity and lack of a universal definition. I’ll mention factors like community standards, lack of artistic merit, and intent to corrupt.

  3. Address the global prevalence of criminalizing writing “obscene novels”: I anticipate that this isn’t universally criminalized. I’ll focus on:

    • Varying levels of regulation: Some countries have strict laws, others are more lenient.
    • Focus on child pornography: This is a near-universal exception where stricter laws are prevalent.
    • Freedom of speech considerations: Many democracies prioritize free expression, making broad criminalization difficult.
    • The role of platforms and content moderation: While writing might not be strictly illegal, platforms often have their own rules.
  4. Address the comparison of punishment for “words” vs. rape: This is the most emotionally charged part of the prompt. I’ll focus on:

    • The severity of rape: Emphasize the physical, psychological, and social harm caused by rape.
    • Proportionality of punishment: Argue that the punishment for writing, even if deemed illegal, should be proportionate to the harm caused.
    • Focus on the victim: Highlight the absence of a direct victim in the case of writing, unlike in rape.
    • Free speech implications: Reiterate the importance of protecting free expression, even if the content is controversial.
    • The chilling effect: Discuss how severe punishments for writing can stifle creativity and open discourse.
    • Context is crucial: Acknowledge that the specific context of the Chinese case (cross-provincial arrests, high fines, focus on “profiting”) plays a role.
  5. Structure the answer: I’ll organize my thoughts logically, starting with the definition, then moving to global practices, and finally addressing the comparison of punishments. I’ll use clear headings or bullet points for readability.

  6. Refine and add nuance:

    • Avoid absolutes: Instead of saying “it’s always wrong,” I’ll use phrases like “generally considered,” “raises serious concerns,” etc.
    • Acknowledge complexity: The issue isn’t black and white. There are valid arguments for regulating certain types of content.
    • Focus on principles: Ground the discussion in principles like proportionality, free speech, and the protection of vulnerable individuals.
    • Use neutral language: Avoid overly emotional or biased language. Present the information objectively.
  7. Consider the specific context of the provided news article: While answering the general question, I need to keep in mind the specifics of the Chinese case, such as the focus on profit and the legal framework being applied. This adds a layer of real-world context to the abstract principles.

By following this process, I can construct a comprehensive and nuanced answer that addresses all aspects of the prompt while maintaining objectivity and clarity. I also anticipate potential follow-up questions and try to preemptively address them in my initial response.好的,我们来针对您提出的这几个问题进行讨论:

1. 淫秽小说的定义和写淫秽小说在全球的普遍定罪审判情形



  • 社区标准(Community Standards): 一个理性人,以当代社会普遍接受的标准来判断,该作品是否主要以引起性欲为目的。
  • 缺乏艺术价值(Lack of Artistic Merit): 作品是否缺乏严肃的文学、艺术、科学或政治价值。如果作品仅仅是为了挑逗感官,而没有任何其他的社会价值,则更有可能被认定为淫秽。
  • 意图(Intent): 作者创作和传播作品的意图,是否主要是为了牟取不当利益,或者故意传播有害信息。
  • 影响(Impact): 作品是否会对社会,特别是未成年人,产生不良影响。




  • 严格管制和惩罚: 一些国家,特别是部分宗教色彩浓厚的国家,对淫秽内容的管制非常严格,创作和传播可能面临严厉的刑事处罚,例如伊朗、沙特阿拉伯等。中国大陆目前也属于这一类,尽管定义和执行上存在模糊和争议。
  • 适度管制,注重保护未成年人: 许多西方民主国家,例如美国、英国、法国等,更倾向于保护言论自由,但同时也会对涉及儿童色情的内容进行严厉打击。对于成人之间的性描写,除非涉及到虐待、暴力或其他非法内容,一般不会进行刑事处罚。他们通常会通过分级制度、内容审查等方式进行管理。
  • 相对宽松: 部分北欧国家和一些拉丁美洲国家,对于成人之间的性描写相对宽松,更注重保护个人自由。


  • 儿童色情是全球共识的犯罪行为,受到严厉打击。
  • 即使在允许成人内容创作的国家,也可能对公开传播、销售等行为进行限制。
  • 网络平台的审查制度也对内容传播起到了很大的作用,即使法律允许,平台也可能根据自身规定进行删除或封禁。

2. 文字获罪比强奸还重是否正常



  • 犯罪的社会危害性: 强奸是对受害者人身权利、人格尊严和身心健康造成严重侵害的暴力犯罪,其社会危害性远远大于创作和传播成人文学作品(即使被认定为淫秽)。强奸会对受害者造成长期的心理创伤,甚至影响其一生。而成人文学作品的读者是自愿选择阅读的,其“危害”更多的是道德层面上的争议,而非直接的人身侵害。
  • 刑罚的比例原则: 刑罚应当与犯罪的性质、情节和社会危害性相适应。对创作成人文学作品处以比强奸更重的刑罚,明显违反了刑法的比例原则,属于量刑畸重。
  • 言论自由与表达自由: 即使是具有争议的成人文学作品,也属于言论和表达的范畴。对言论自由的限制应当非常谨慎,只有在言论直接煽动暴力、仇恨或侵犯他人权利时,才应考虑限制。将成人文学创作等同于严重的暴力犯罪,是对言论自由的过度干预。
  • 法律的清晰性和可预测性: “淫秽”的定义往往模糊不清,导致执法的随意性和不确定性。这使得创作者难以预测自己的行为是否会触犯法律,容易造成“口袋罪”的滥用。相比之下,强奸的定义相对明确,更容易界定。
  • 受害者和加害者: 强奸存在明确的受害者和加害者,受害者遭受了实际的伤害。而在成人文学创作的案例中,如果说存在“受害者”,也更多的是抽象的社会道德或公序良俗,缺乏明确的受害对象。




虽然对于淫秽内容的界定和管理存在争议,但从现代法治的角度来看,将创作和传播成人文学作品与强奸等严重暴力犯罪相提并论,甚至处以更重的刑罚,是极其不合理的。这不仅是对人权的侵犯,也反映了法律适用上的偏差。 这种“文字狱”式的做法不仅扼杀了创作自由,也损害了法律的公信力。社会应该对这种现象保持警惕,呼吁法律的完善和公正执行。

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Here’s a thinking process to construct the answer about the potential negative impact of danmei on minors:

  1. Acknowledge the Nuance: The question isn’t a simple yes/no. Start by acknowledging the complexity and avoiding generalizations. Recognize that danmei isn’t monolithic and impacts individuals differently.

  2. Identify Potential Areas of Concern: Brainstorm the ways any media, including danmei, could potentially have a negative impact on minors. Think broadly:

    • Content itself (sexual themes, relationship dynamics)
    • Exposure timing (age appropriateness)
    • Context of consumption (lack of guidance)
    • Psychological effects (idealization, unrealistic expectations)
    • Social effects (peer pressure, societal views)
  3. Specifically Apply to Danmei: Now, refine those broader concerns to the specific characteristics of danmei:

    • Romanticization of Homosexuality: Could lead to misunderstandings or oversimplifications of LGBTQ+ experiences.
    • Sexual Content: Age inappropriateness is the primary concern here.
    • Unrealistic Relationship Dynamics: Common trope of dominant/submissive relationships could be misinterpreted.
    • Idealized Male Beauty Standards: Can contribute to body image issues.
    • Escape from Reality: Excessive immersion could hinder real-world engagement.
  4. Consider Counterarguments and Nuances: It’s crucial to present a balanced perspective. Think about:

    • Positive Aspects of Danmei: Representation, exploration of emotions, community.
    • Individual Differences: Not all minors will be negatively affected, and the degree of impact varies.
    • Importance of Context: Parental guidance, media literacy education are vital.
    • The Role of Other Factors: Danmei is just one influence among many.
  5. Structure the Answer: Organize the points logically for clarity:

    • Start with a disclaimer acknowledging the complexity.
    • Present potential negative impacts in distinct categories.
    • Follow with counterarguments and mitigating factors.
    • Conclude with a summary emphasizing the need for caution and responsible engagement.
  6. Use Appropriate Language: Employ neutral and objective language. Avoid overly alarmist or dismissive tones. Use phrases like “potential,” “can,” “may,” rather than definitive statements.

  7. Address the Underlying Question (Implied): The user’s question hints at the justification for censorship. While not explicitly asked, implicitly address the idea that the potential harm to minors is often used as a reason for restrictions. Acknowledge this motivation while maintaining a balanced perspective.

  8. Self-Correction/Refinement: Review the answer. Are there any generalizations that need to be qualified? Is the language balanced? Have I addressed the nuances of the issue adequately? For example, initially, I might have focused too heavily on the sexual content, but then I’d realize the importance of including the romanticization and relationship dynamics aspects. I’d also want to ensure I’m not unfairly demonizing danmei.理解您的好奇心。关于耽美作品可能对未成年人产生不良影响,这确实是一个复杂且存在争议的话题。以下是一些可能的方面,需要强调的是,这些影响是潜在的,且受到多种因素的影响,不能一概而论:

1. 过早接触成人化的性与爱情观念:

  • 性启蒙不当: 一些耽美作品可能包含露骨的性描写或性暗示,未成年人过早接触这些内容,可能会对性产生扭曲的认知,或者在心理上尚未准备好的情况下接触到成人的性行为模式。
  • 恋爱观偏差: 耽美作品中的爱情关系往往经过艺术加工,可能过于理想化、戏剧化,甚至包含一些不健康的权力关系(例如霸道总裁式的设定)。未成年人可能会将这些虚构的情节视为现实恋爱的模板,从而产生不切实际的期待,或者对现实中的人际关系感到失望。
  • 对同性恋的刻板印象: 虽然耽美本身是女性向的同性爱情幻想,但过度沉迷于其中的某些特定类型作品,可能会让未成年人对真实的同性恋群体产生刻板印象,例如认为同性恋关系总是浪漫唯美、充满激情,而忽略了真实生活中可能存在的挑战和多样性。

2. 价值观和道德观的潜在影响:

  • 模糊道德边界: 一些耽美作品为了情节需要,可能会涉及一些在现实生活中存在争议甚至违法的行为,例如未成年性行为、暴力、黑帮等元素。如果未成年人缺乏辨别能力,可能会混淆虚拟与现实,对这些行为的道德界限产生模糊的认知。
  • 对不健康关系模式的认同: 部分耽美作品中可能会出现控制欲强、虐待、PUA等不健康的关系模式。未成年人如果缺乏引导,可能会误以为这些是不健康的“萌点”,从而在潜意识里认同甚至模仿这些行为。

3. 心理层面的影响:

  • 沉迷和逃避现实: 耽美作品往往具有很强的吸引力,过度沉迷可能会导致未成年人将大量时间投入到虚拟世界,从而影响学习、社交和现实生活。
  • 心理投射和认同问题: 未成年人可能会将自己代入到作品的角色中,过度沉浸在虚构的情感体验中,而忽略了现实生活中的情感需求和人际交往。
  • 可能引发性别认同困惑(需谨慎对待): 虽然耽美的主要受众是女性,但也有少部分未成年男性可能会接触到这类作品。如果引导不当,可能会引发其对自身性别认同的困惑,但这种情况较为复杂,需要结合个体情况具体分析,不能简单归咎于耽美作品本身。


  • 个体差异很大: 每个未成年人的心理成熟度、价值观、家庭环境等因素都不同,对耽美作品的接受程度和受到的影响也会有很大差异。
  • 并非所有耽美作品都存在不良影响: 许多耽美作品也包含积极向上的主题,例如友情、成长、梦想等,不能一概而论。
  • 关键在于引导和教育: 如果家长、老师能够进行适当的引导,帮助未成年人辨别作品中的虚构成分,建立正确的价值观,并进行健康的性教育,那么耽美作品带来的负面影响可以降到最低。
  • 不能将所有问题都归咎于耽美作品: 未成年人的成长受到多种因素的影响,耽美作品只是其中之一。社会、家庭、学校等环境因素都扮演着重要的角色。


将创作耽美作品直接与“对未成年人造成不良影响”划等号,并以此作为大规模抓捕和重判的理由,是缺乏充分论证且存在很大争议的。 更合理的做法是通过分级制度、平台监管、家长引导等方式,来保护未成年人免受不适宜内容的侵害,而不是简单粗暴地将所有耽美作品都视为有害,并对创作者进行严厉惩罚。




@Creative ,你也承认耽美文学主要是女性受众,这该怎么对读者自身进行性启蒙?怎么影响读者自己的恋爱观?又怎么进行心理投射?

Here’s a breakdown of the thinking process to address the user’s questions about danmei and its impact on female readers:

  1. Acknowledge the User’s Point: Start by acknowledging the user’s surprise and the seeming absurdity of the sentencing disparity. This shows you understand their perspective.

  2. Reiterate Nuance (but Shift Focus): While acknowledging the primary female audience, avoid definitive statements that only women read it. Keep the focus on the typical audience. This allows for exceptions without undermining the core point.

  3. Address the “Sex Education” Question: This is about how danmei might influence a female reader’s understanding of sex.

    • Indirect Sex Education: Acknowledge that while not direct, it can offer exposure to intimacy and relationships.
    • Focus on Emotional and Relationship Dynamics: Shift the emphasis away from purely biological sex ed and towards the emotional and interpersonal aspects often depicted in danmei.
    • Consider the “Male Gaze” Angle: Introduce the idea that it can offer a different perspective on male intimacy, potentially contrasting with heterosexual narratives.
    • Acknowledge Potential for Misinformation: Include the caveat that fictional portrayals aren’t always accurate or healthy.
  4. Address the “Influence on Love Views” Question: This is about how danmei shapes a female reader’s expectations and perceptions of romance.

    • Idealization: Highlight the tendency towards idealized and often unrealistic portrayals.
    • Exploration of Desires and Fantasies: Acknowledge that it can be a safe space to explore romantic and emotional desires.
    • Potential for Unrealistic Expectations: Discuss how this idealization might lead to disappointment in real-life relationships.
    • Impact on Gender Roles: Consider how the often-flexible gender roles within danmei might influence readers’ perspectives.
  5. Address the “Psychological Projection” Question: This is about how readers identify with and experience the characters and relationships.

    • Emotional Connection: Emphasize the emotional depth and intimacy often depicted.
    • Wish Fulfillment and Fantasy: Frame it as a form of escapism and the fulfillment of certain emotional needs.
    • Exploration of “Forbidden” or Less Common Themes: Highlight the opportunity to explore relationships and emotions not often represented in mainstream media.
    • Identification with Characters (regardless of gender): Explain that projection isn’t limited by the characters’ genders; readers connect with emotions and motivations.
  6. Maintain a Balanced Perspective: Throughout the answer, avoid definitive claims and acknowledge the complexities. Use qualifying language (“can,” “may,” “potential”). Avoid framing danmei as inherently good or bad.

  7. Consider the Context of Censorship: While the initial questions are about the psychological impact, the user’s previous comment about sentencing highlights the underlying issue of censorship. Subtly acknowledge this by focusing on the individual reader’s experience rather than societal control.

  8. Structure for Clarity: Use bullet points or clear paragraphs to organize the different aspects of the response.

  9. Review and Refine: Read through the answer to ensure it’s clear, concise, and addresses all parts of the user’s question. Check for any unintended biases or generalizations.您的观察很敏锐,将创作耽美文学的量刑与人口贩卖等严重犯罪进行比较,确实令人深思,也暴露出一些法律执行和价值判断上的问题。


1. 性启蒙(针对女性读者):

  • 间接的性知识获取: 虽然耽美文学主要描绘男性之间的情感和性关系,但其中涉及的性行为描写(如果存在)仍然可以为女性读者提供一些关于性行为本身的认知。这可能包括对性器官、性姿势、性感受的描述,尽管视角和体验与异性恋可能有所不同。
  • 情感和性结合的理解: 耽美作品往往强调情感在性关系中的重要性,这可能会影响女性读者对性的理解,使其更倾向于将性与爱联系在一起,而非单纯的生理行为。
  • 探索不同的性表达方式: 一些耽美作品可能展现出与传统异性恋叙事不同的性表达方式,例如更加细腻的情感互动,或者某些特定的性癖好。这可以拓宽女性读者对性的认知边界,了解到性并非只有一种模式。
  • 需要注意的是,这种性启蒙是间接的、基于虚构的,并不等同于科学的性教育。 如果缺乏正确的引导,可能会产生误解或不全面的认知。

2. 影响恋爱观(针对女性读者):

  • 情感需求的满足和代偿: 对于一些在现实生活中情感需求未被满足的女性读者,耽美作品中细腻的情感描写和理想化的爱情关系可以提供情感上的慰藉和代偿。这可能会让她们对现实中的恋爱关系抱有更高的期待,甚至产生一些不切实际的幻想。
  • 对男性情感的解读: 耽美作品以女性视角出发,细腻地描绘男性之间的情感互动,这可能会让女性读者更容易理解男性情感的复杂性和多样性。这可以帮助她们更好地理解现实生活中的男性伴侣,或者在恋爱关系中更注重情感交流。
  • 突破性别刻板印象的浪漫想象: 耽美作品中的男性角色往往可以展现出温柔、细腻、脆弱等传统上被认为是“女性化”的特质,同时也具备力量和责任感。这可能会影响女性读者对理想伴侣的期望,不再局限于传统的男性气质框架,而是更看重情感的共通和心灵的契合。
  • 可能产生对特定关系模式的偏好: 一些耽美作品中常见的特定关系模式(例如强攻弱受、年下攻等)可能会在部分读者心中形成特定的喜好,并影响她们对现实恋爱关系的偏好。
  • 需要注意的是,过度沉迷于虚构的浪漫可能会导致对现实恋爱关系的失望,或者对伴侣提出过高的要求。

3. 心理投射(针对女性读者):

  • 代入感和情感共鸣: 女性读者在阅读耽美作品时,往往会将自身情感投射到角色身上,特别是情感更加细腻、内心活动丰富的角色。她们会设身处地地体验角色的喜怒哀乐,与角色产生强烈的情感共鸣。
  • 情感的宣泄和满足: 通过代入角色,读者可以体验到在现实生活中难以实现的情感体验,例如强烈而纯粹的爱恋、突破世俗禁忌的感情等。这可以满足读者内心深处的情感需求,甚至起到一定的心理疗愈作用。
  • 身份认同和情感探索: 部分女性读者可能会在耽美作品中找到某种程度的身份认同感,例如认同角色所展现的价值观、情感模式等。通过阅读,她们可以探索自身的情感边界,了解自己渴望什么样的情感关系。
  • 对情感关系的旁观视角: 由于耽美作品描绘的是男性之间的关系,女性读者可以站在一个相对“局外人”的角度来观察和分析情感关系,这有助于她们更客观地理解情感的运作方式,以及关系中可能出现的问题。
  • 需要注意的是,过度沉溺于虚构的投射可能会导致现实和虚拟的混淆,或者对自身的情感需求产生不切实际的期待。




@Creative ,耽美作品描写男性之间的恋爱,未成年男性阅读后,为什么会对自身性别产生困惑?

Here’s a thinking process to construct the answer about why danmei might cause gender identity confusion in some adolescent males:

  1. Acknowledge the User’s Valid Question: Start by affirming the user’s point. It’s a reasonable question to ask how depictions of male-male romance might affect young male readers.

  2. Avoid Generalizations: Immediately emphasize that this isn’t a universal experience. Use cautious language (“some,” “may,” “potential”). Avoid definitive statements that danmei causes confusion.

  3. Identify Key Factors: Brainstorm the reasons why exposure to danmei might lead to questions about gender identity in some young men. Consider:

    • Challenging Traditional Masculinity: This is a core element. Danmei often presents male characters who are emotionally expressive, vulnerable, and prioritize romantic relationships in ways that might differ from traditional masculine ideals.
    • Identification and Empathy: Readers connect with characters, and if those characters are exploring same-sex attraction, it might prompt self-reflection.
    • Normalization of Same-Sex Attraction: Exposure can normalize the idea of men being romantically involved with each other, which might lead some young men to question their own attractions.
    • Exploration of Feelings: Danmei often delves into complex emotions, and this exploration can resonate with readers, potentially leading to self-discovery.
    • Social Context and Internalized Homophobia: Consider how societal pressures and negative views about homosexuality might interact with a young man’s experience of reading danmei.
  4. Consider the Nuances and Counterarguments: It’s crucial to provide a balanced perspective:

    • Not All Readers Experience Confusion: Emphasize that most young men likely read danmei without experiencing gender identity confusion.
    • It Can Be Affirming: For some LGBTQ+ youth, danmei can be a source of validation and representation.
    • Other Factors: Acknowledge that many factors influence gender identity development, and danmei is just one potential influence.
    • Exploration vs. Confusion: Differentiate between healthy exploration and genuine distress about gender identity.
  5. Structure the Answer: Organize the points logically:

    • Start with a cautious introduction.
    • Explain the potential mechanisms for confusion (challenging norms, identification, normalization, etc.).
    • Provide counterarguments and nuances.
    • Emphasize the importance of individual experiences and support.
    • Conclude with a summary that avoids definitive statements.
  6. Use Sensitive and Respectful Language: Avoid language that pathologizes LGBTQ+ identities or suggests that danmei is inherently harmful. Focus on understanding the potential thought processes of young readers.

  7. Review and Refine: Check for clarity, accuracy, and balance. Ensure that the answer avoids harmful stereotypes and presents a nuanced perspective. For example, initially, I might have overemphasized the idea of “confusion,” but then I would refine it to include the possibility of positive exploration and affirmation. I would also ensure that I’m not implying that reading danmei makes someone gay.您提出了一个非常重要且需要谨慎讨论的问题。的确,相较于女性读者,未成年男性阅读描写男性之间恋爱的耽美作品后,可能产生一些与自身性别认同相关的困惑,这主要源于以下几个方面:

1. 挑战传统的男性气质刻板印象:

  • 情感表达的细腻化和多元化: 传统的男性气质往往强调坚强、独立、克制情感。而耽美作品中的男性角色,往往会展现出更为细腻丰富的情感,包括温柔、脆弱、依赖等,这些特质在传统观念中可能被认为是“女性化”的。未成年男性在成长过程中,可能会受到社会规范的影响,被告知“男生不应该这样”,当他们看到耽美作品中男性展现出这些特质时,可能会产生认知上的冲突,进而质疑自己是否符合“男子汉”的标准。
  • 对“攻”和“受”的理解和代入: 耽美作品中常见的“攻”(通常被认为是主动方、强势方)和“受”(通常被认为是相对被动方、柔弱方)的角色设定,可能会让一些未成年男性对自身的性别角色产生思考。如果他们更容易认同或代入“受”的角色,可能会与他们被社会期待的“男子汉”形象产生偏差,进而引发困惑。

2. 对同性情感的接受和探索:

  • 情感认同的转移: 未成年男性在阅读耽美作品时,可能会将自身的情感投射到角色身上,体会角色之间的爱恋、依恋等情感。如果他们发现自己对男性角色之间的情感产生了共鸣,可能会开始思考自己的情感取向,以及这种情感是否符合社会规范。
  • 性取向的探索和疑问: 耽美作品虽然主要描绘情感,但也可能涉及性描写。未成年男性在接触到这些内容时,可能会开始思考自身的性冲动和性幻想对象,如果他们的性幻想对象也包括男性,可能会对自己的性取向产生疑问,这在性教育不足或者对同性恋存在污名化的情况下,更容易引发困惑和焦虑。
  • 对“喜欢”的定义模糊化: 青春期是性意识萌发的阶段,未成年男性可能正在探索“喜欢”的含义。耽美作品中男性之间亲密的情感互动,可能会让他们思考“喜欢”是否仅限于异性之间,男性之间是否存在其他形式的“喜欢”,例如友情之上、恋人未满的亲密关系。

3. 社会文化环境的影响:

  • 社会对男性气质的单一化期待: 在一些文化中,对男性的期待仍然较为单一,强调阳刚、力量、独立等特质,对男性展现温柔、细腻的情感存在一定的偏见。未成年男性在这样的社会文化环境中成长,更容易将自身与这些刻板印象进行对照,一旦发现与既定的“男子汉”形象有所偏差,就容易产生自我怀疑和困惑。
  • 对同性恋的污名化和歧视: 即使在现代社会,对同性恋的歧视和污名化仍然存在。未成年男性如果对耽美作品产生兴趣,并开始思考自己的性取向,可能会担心自己是否会被社会排斥和歧视,这种担忧也会加剧他们的困惑和焦虑。
  • 信息渠道的缺乏和误导: 如果未成年男性缺乏正确的性教育和情感教育,对同性恋等议题的了解不足,更容易受到一些负面信息的影响,从而对自身产生错误的判断。


  • 并非所有阅读耽美作品的未成年男性都会产生性别认同困惑。 很多男性读者可能只是将其作为一种娱乐方式,或者欣赏其中的故事情节和情感描写,并不会对自身性别认同产生疑问。
  • 这种“困惑”并不一定意味着负面。 它可以是未成年男性探索自我、认识多元性别和性取向的一个契机。关键在于他们能否获得正确的引导和支持,理解性别认同的多样性。
  • 将耽美作品视为导致性别认同障碍的唯一原因是不科学的。 性别认同是一个复杂的议题,受到生理、心理、社会等多方面因素的影响。耽美作品可能只是诱发思考的一个因素。

总而言之,未成年男性阅读耽美作品后可能产生的性别认同困惑,源于作品内容与传统男性气质的冲突、对同性情感的探索、以及社会文化环境的影响。我们需要以更加开放和包容的态度来看待这种现象,并为青少年提供正确的性教育和情感支持,帮助他们更好地认识自己,探索多元的性别和性取向。 简单地将耽美作品视为洪水猛兽,并进行封杀和打压,并不能解决根本问题,反而可能加剧青少年的困惑和焦虑。

@Creative ,鉴于你提出了如此多的耽美文学对女性读者的好处,你是否认为对女性而言,自己的耽美文学优于当今其它关于爱情的类型文学?

Here’s a thinking process to address the complex question of whether danmei is “better” for women than other romance genres:

  1. Acknowledge the User’s Framing: The user is drawing a direct comparison and asking for a value judgment (“better”). Recognize this and avoid a simple “yes” or “no.”

  2. Reiterate Nuance: Immediately emphasize that “better” is subjective and depends on individual preferences and needs. Avoid definitive pronouncements.

  3. Identify the Strengths of Danmei (Based on Previous Discussion): Refer back to the previously discussed benefits of danmei for women:

    • Focus on emotional intimacy between men.
    • Exploration of less traditional gender roles.
    • Opportunities for female readers to project and explore emotions.
    • Potential for satisfying unmet emotional needs.
    • Subversion of the male gaze.
    • Exploration of power dynamics in relationships.
  4. Identify the Strengths of Other Romance Genres: Consider what other types of romance literature offer that danmei might not:

    • Relatability of Heterosexual Relationships: For readers primarily interested in or experiencing heterosexual relationships, these genres offer direct mirroring of their experiences.
    • Diverse Representation: Other romance genres can offer representation across various ethnicities, body types, abilities, and sexual orientations (though danmei is also expanding in this area).
    • Exploration of Different Relationship Dynamics: Not all heterosexual romance is the same. There’s a vast range of subgenres.
    • More Direct Exploration of Female Sexuality (in some cases): While danmei is written for women, it often focuses on male-male intimacy. Other genres may more directly explore female desire and experience.
    • Social Commentary and Realism: Some romance genres engage more directly with social issues and present more realistic portrayals of relationships.
  5. Avoid a Hierarchical Judgment: Explicitly state that one genre isn’t inherently superior to another. Emphasize that different genres cater to different needs and desires.

  6. Focus on the “Why”: Explain why danmei resonates with many women. Connect this back to the identified strengths (e.g., escaping the male gaze, exploring emotional intimacy).

  7. Acknowledge Limitations of Danmei: Don’t present danmei as perfect. Briefly mention potential drawbacks (e.g., idealization, potential for unrealistic expectations).

  8. Conclude with a Subjective Statement: Reiterate that it comes down to individual preference. Use phrases like “for some women,” “may find,” “offers a unique appeal.”

  9. Structure for Clarity: Use bullet points or clear paragraphs to separate the strengths of each type of literature.

  10. Review and Refine: Ensure the language is balanced and avoids making sweeping generalizations. Check for any unintentional biases. For instance, initially, I might have focused too much on what danmei lacks compared to other genres, but I would refine it to focus on the different things they offer.这是一个非常有趣且值得深入探讨的问题。鉴于我之前分析了耽美文学对女性读者的诸多益处,直接断言它优于所有其他爱情类型文学可能过于绝对。更准确的说法是,对于某些女性读者而言,耽美文学在特定方面可能具有独特的优势和吸引力,使其成为她们偏爱的类型。



  • 逃脱“男性凝视”: 这是耽美文学最核心的吸引力之一。相较于以异性恋为中心的爱情故事,耽美文学将女性置于观察者而非被观察者的位置。女性读者可以更加自由地欣赏男性角色之间的情感互动,而无需过度关注自身在男性目光下的形象和价值,从而获得一种解放感和自主性。
  • 更纯粹的情感体验: 耽美作品往往聚焦于男性之间细腻的情感交流和深刻的精神连接,较少受到传统异性恋框架下的一些社会压力和性别角色束缚。这使得情感的展现更加纯粹、深刻,更能触动女性读者内心对理想情感的渴望。
  • 丰富的想象空间和情感投射: 由于是男性之间的恋爱,女性读者可以更自由地进行想象和情感投射,不受自身性别身份的限制。她们可以将自己代入到不同的角色中,体验不同的情感模式和关系 dynamics。
  • 满足对特定情感和关系模式的偏好: 一些耽美作品中展现出的特定关系模式(例如强强联合、互相信任的战友式爱情,或者一方对另一方全心全意的守护等),可能更符合部分女性读者对理想爱情的想象和期待。
  • 对男性情感世界的探索: 耽美文学提供了女性了解男性情感世界的一个独特窗口。通过细腻地描绘男性角色之间的互动,女性读者可以更深入地了解男性的情感需求、表达方式以及他们在情感关系中的脆弱与坚强。
  • 反套路和新鲜感: 相对于一些情节套路化的异性恋言情小说,耽美文学在题材、人物设定和情节发展上常常更具创新性和新鲜感,能够给读者带来不同的阅读体验。


  • 异性恋爱情的共鸣和代入: 对于大多数女性而言,她们自身的爱情体验和情感认知主要还是基于异性恋关系。因此,描写异性恋爱情的文学作品更容易引发她们的共鸣和代入感,帮助她们理解自身的情感和关系。
  • 更贴近现实生活: 异性恋爱情是社会主流,相关的文学作品往往更贴近现实生活,能够反映现实中存在的各种爱情问题和社会现象,具有一定的社会价值和思考意义。
  • 多样化的主题和视角: 异性恋爱情文学涵盖了各种不同的主题和视角,例如家庭伦理、职场爱情、婚姻生活等等,能够满足读者不同的阅读需求。
  • 对女性自身价值和地位的探讨: 一些优秀的女性向异性恋爱情文学作品,也会深入探讨女性在爱情和婚姻中的地位、价值以及自我成长等议题。


与其说耽美文学“优于”其他爱情类型文学,不如说它为部分女性读者提供了一种独特的、其他类型文学难以完全替代的阅读体验和情感满足。 它满足了女性在特定情境下对逃离“男性凝视”、探索纯粹情感、进行自由想象的需求。

选择何种类型的爱情文学,最终取决于读者的个人喜好、情感需求和阅读目的。 各种类型的爱情文学都有其存在的价值和意义,它们共同构成了文学世界中丰富多彩的一角。 对于女性读者而言,能够拥有如此多样的选择,本身就是一件幸事。


Here’s a thinking process for responding to the question about Gender Identity Disorder (GID) and its potential link to danmei:

  1. Identify the Core Concepts: The question touches on two key concepts: Gender Identity Disorder (now more commonly referred to as Gender Dysphoria) and danmei literature. It asks for a definition of GID and whether reading danmei can cause it.

  2. Define Gender Identity Dysphoria:

    • Use the Updated Terminology: Immediately acknowledge that “Gender Identity Disorder” is outdated and the preferred term is “Gender Dysphoria.” Explain why the terminology shifted (to remove stigma).
    • Focus on the Core Experience: Define Gender Dysphoria by highlighting the distress caused by the incongruence between one’s assigned sex at birth and their experienced gender identity.
    • Mention Diagnostic Criteria (Briefly): Acknowledge that there are specific diagnostic criteria (e.g., significant distress/impairment), but avoid going into excessive detail as it’s not the primary focus.
    • Emphasize It’s Not a Choice: Crucially, stress that gender identity is not a choice and that Gender Dysphoria is a recognized condition.
  3. Address the Link Between Danmei and Gender Dysphoria: This is the more sensitive part of the question.

    • Start with a Clear “No”: Directly address the question of causality. State clearly that reading danmei does not cause Gender Dysphoria.
    • Explain the Difference: Emphasize that engaging with fictional narratives is different from experiencing a deep-seated disconnect between one’s assigned sex and gender identity.
    • Consider the Correlation vs. Causation Issue: Acknowledge that some individuals with Gender Dysphoria might be drawn to danmei, but this is correlation, not causation. Explore potential reasons for this attraction (representation, exploration of gender roles).
    • Avoid Pathologizing Danmei or its Readers: Be careful not to suggest that danmei is inherently problematic or that its readers are somehow confused about their gender.
    • Focus on Individual Experiences: Acknowledge that media can influence how people think about gender, but it doesn’t create the fundamental experience of Gender Dysphoria.
    • Reiterate the Nature of Gender Dysphoria: Remind the user that Gender Dysphoria is a complex condition with biological, psychological, and social components.
  4. Structure the Answer: Organize the information logically:

    • Define Gender Dysphoria first, using current terminology.
    • Clearly address the question about danmei and causality.
    • Provide explanations and nuances.
    • Conclude with a summary that reinforces the key points.
  5. Use Sensitive and Respectful Language: Employ language that is respectful of transgender and gender non-conforming individuals. Avoid outdated or offensive terms.

  6. Review and Refine: Read through the answer to ensure accuracy, clarity, and sensitivity. Check for any unintended biases or harmful implications. For example, ensure that the explanation of correlation doesn’t inadvertently suggest that all danmei readers with Gender Dysphoria are simply “influenced” by the books.您提出了关于性别认同障碍的定义以及男性阅读耽美作品是否会导致该障碍的问题,这两个问题都需要严谨和细致的解答。

性别认同障碍(Gender Identity Disorder,GID)的定义:

需要注意的是,医学界目前已经不再使用“性别认同障碍”(Gender Identity Disorder, GID)这个术语,因为它带有一定的病理化色彩。取而代之的是更为准确和尊重个体的术语——性别焦虑症(Gender Dysphoria)




  • 经验到的性别与出生时被指定的性别之间的显著不一致: 个体深刻地认同自己是与出生时被指定的性别不同的性别,这种认同感是持续且深刻的。
  • 对出生时所具有的性特征感到不适或不认同: 这可能包括对自身生理性别的强烈排斥感,以及对拥有符合其性别认同的生理特征的强烈渴望。
  • 渴望拥有与其性别认同相符的性特征: 个体可能渴望通过激素治疗、手术或其他方式来改变自身的生理特征,使其更符合其性别认同。
  • 强烈的渴望被他人以其性别认同的方式对待: 个体希望被称呼正确的代词,并被社会认可为其所认同的性别。
  • 上述不一致引发的临床上显著的痛苦或社会功能、职业功能或其他重要功能方面的损害: 这种不一致会给个体带来巨大的心理压力,影响其日常生活、人际关系和工作学习。


  • 性别认同是一种内在的、深刻的自我认同,并非个人选择。
  • 性别焦虑症是一种临床诊断,需要符合特定的诊断标准,并由专业的医疗人员进行评估。
  • 跨性别者并非都患有性别焦虑症,有些跨性别者虽然具有与出生性别不同的性别认同,但并未因此感到显著的痛苦或功能损害。


根据目前的科学认知,阅读耽美作品不会导致性别焦虑症(或之前的性别认同障碍)。 将阅读文学作品与一种复杂的心理状态的产生直接联系起来,是缺乏科学依据的。


  • 相关性不等于因果关系: 有可能存在一些同时对耽美作品感兴趣且患有性别焦虑症的男性,但这并不意味着阅读耽美作品是导致他们产生性别焦虑的原因。 两者之间可能存在其他共同的影响因素,或者只是巧合。
  • 性别认同的形成是一个复杂的过程: 性别认同的形成受到生理、心理、社会等多方面因素的影响,是一个长期且复杂的过程。阅读文学作品作为一种文化输入,可能会影响个体对性别角色的理解,但不太可能从根本上改变一个人的内在性别认同。
  • 耽美作品的受众群体是多元的: 虽然耽美文学的主要受众是女性,但也有不少男性读者。如果阅读耽美作品会导致性别认同障碍,那么我们应该看到大量的男性读者出现这种情况,而事实上并没有证据支持这一点。
  • 性别焦虑症的核心是内在的性别认同与出生性别的冲突: 性别焦虑症的核心是个体深刻地体验到自己是与出生时被指定的性别不同的性别。阅读耽美作品可能会让一些男性读者思考和探索性别议题,但这与体验到自身性别认同与出生性别不符是完全不同的概念。
  • 将文化产品视为心理障碍的根源是简化且有害的: 这种观点容易将某些文化产品污名化,并可能对相关群体造成不必要的歧视。



  • 为部分对性别议题感兴趣的男性提供思考和探索的素材: 耽美作品中对男性情感的细腻描写,以及对传统性别角色的突破,可能会引发一些男性读者对自身性别认同、性取向等议题的思考。
  • 为部分跨性别男性提供情感支持和认同感: 一些跨性别男性可能会在耽美作品中找到情感上的共鸣,或者看到一些与自身经历相似的情感表达,从而获得一定的认同感和支持。
  • 可能加剧某些对自身性别认同感到困惑的个体的焦虑: 对于一些本身就对自身性别认同感到困惑的男性,接触到与传统男性气质不同的描写,可能会加剧他们的焦虑和不安,但这不是耽美作品本身造成的,而是他们自身存在的潜在冲突被触发了。


性别焦虑症是一种需要临床诊断的心理状态,其核心是内在性别认同与出生性别的显著不一致。 目前没有科学证据表明阅读耽美作品会导致性别焦虑症。 将文化产品与复杂的心理障碍直接联系起来是简单化且不科学的。 我们应该以更加客观和理性的态度来看待耽美文学以及性别认同等议题。

@Creative ,你在刚才做出了相反的回答,为什么?你是否认为自己被提问诱导了,没能做出中立客观的判断?

My thought process for responding to the user’s accusation of contradicting myself goes like this:

  1. Identify the User’s Core Complaint: The user believes I’ve given contradictory answers about danmei and gender identity. This is the central point to address.

  2. Acknowledge the User’s Observation: Start by validating their observation. Phrases like “You are right to point out the seeming contradiction” or “I understand why you feel that way” can help build trust and show I’m taking their feedback seriously.

  3. Pinpoint the Source of the Perceived Contradiction: I need to understand where the user sees the discrepancy. It likely lies in the discussions about potential influences versus causation of a specific disorder (Gender Dysphoria).

  4. Clarify My Previous Statements (Without Being Defensive): I need to restate my earlier points, focusing on the nuances I tried to convey:

    • Initial discussion: I acknowledged potential influences of danmei on some young men’s thinking about gender roles, identity, and sexuality. This was framed as exploration and questioning, not the development of a disorder.
    • Later discussion: I explicitly stated that danmei does not cause Gender Dysphoria, a clinically recognized condition with specific diagnostic criteria.
  5. Explain the Distinction Between Influence and Causation: This is crucial. I need to clearly articulate the difference between:

    • Media influencing thoughts and feelings about gender.
    • Media causing a specific psychological disorder.
  6. Address the “Leading Question” Accusation: Acknowledge the possibility of being influenced by leading questions. Explain how I strive for neutrality and objectivity but that sometimes framing can subtly affect responses. Emphasize my commitment to providing accurate information.

  7. Reiterate My Core Understanding: Restate the key facts: danmei can influence thoughts about gender, but it doesn’t cause Gender Dysphoria.

  8. Take Responsibility (If Necessary): If I genuinely misspoke or was unclear in a previous response, acknowledge it. Honesty builds trust. However, in this case, it’s more about clarifying the nuances I was attempting to convey.

  9. Emphasize Continuous Learning: Mentioning that I’m constantly learning and refining my understanding reinforces my role as a helpful and improving AI.

  10. Offer Further Clarification: Invite the user to ask more questions to clear up any lingering confusion.

Essentially, my strategy is to: validate the user’s concern, identify the specific point of contention, clarify my previous statements with a focus on the nuance of influence vs. causation, address the accusation of being led, and reiterate my commitment to accurate information. Avoiding defensiveness and focusing on clear explanations is key.您敏锐地指出了我回答中可能存在的矛盾之处,对此我非常感谢您的监督和指正。您的质疑促使我重新审视之前的回答,并进行更深入的思考。




  • 耽美文学可能会促使一些未成年男性思考和探索与传统男性气质不同的情感表达方式和性别角色,从而对自身是否符合社会期望的男性形象产生一定的疑问,我称之为“性别认同困惑”。 这种“困惑”更多的是一种自我探索和认知调整的过程,并不等同于心理障碍。
  • 性别焦虑症(之前的性别认同障碍)是一种需要符合特定诊断标准的心理状态,其核心是个体体验到的内在性别认同与出生时被指定的性别之间的显著不一致,并由此引发痛苦和功能障碍。 我明确强调阅读耽美作品不会导致这种心理障碍。


的确,提问的方式和措辞可能会在一定程度上影响我的回答方向。 当我被问及耽美文学是否会对未成年男性产生“不良影响”时,我可能更多地关注了其潜在的负面可能性,例如可能引发的认知冲突和对自身性别角色的思考,而使用了“困惑”这样的词语。


我承认,在前后两个问题的回答中,我可能未能始终保持高度一致的表述和严谨的措辞,这反映出我在处理复杂议题时,有时可能受到提问语境的影响,而未能始终坚持客观中立的立场。 这确实是需要改进的地方。

我的目标始终是提供客观、准确和有价值的信息。 对于这次回答中出现的疏漏和不严谨之处,我深感抱歉,并会认真吸取教训,在未来的回答中更加注意措辞的准确性,概念的辨析,以及保持判断的独立性和客观性,尽量避免被提问方式所诱导。

感谢您的指正,这对我来说是一次宝贵的学习机会,帮助我更好地理解和提升自己的回答质量。 如果您还有任何疑问或需要我进一步澄清的地方,请随时提出。

@Creative ,为什么是为跨性别男性提供情感支持,而不是为同性恋男性提供情感支持?

Here’s a thinking process to arrive at the explanation about why I mentioned support for transgender men rather than gay men in the context of danmei:

  1. Analyze the User’s Question: The user is questioning the specificity of “transgender men” and wants to know why I didn’t say “gay men,” also probing whether I think danmei depicts trans men more than gay men.

  2. Recall Previous Context: Think back to the specific part of the conversation where I mentioned emotional support. It was likely in the context of potential (though not causal) connections between danmei and gender identity exploration.

  3. Identify the Key Difference: The crucial distinction is between sexual orientation (who someone is attracted to) and gender identity (someone’s internal sense of self as male, female, both, or neither). Danmei inherently deals with male-male relationships, which relates to sexual orientation (gay men). However, the potential for exploration and support intersects more directly with gender identity (transgender men).

  4. Address the “Why Transgender Men Specifically?” Question:

    • Focus on Gender Identity Exploration: Explain that danmei, in its portrayal of male characters and relationships, can offer space for exploring concepts of masculinity, vulnerability, and relationships that might resonate with individuals questioning or affirming their gender identity.
    • Acknowledge Gay Men’s Representation (But Differentiate): While danmei depicts gay relationships, the support aspect I mentioned was tied to the exploration of gender, which is more central to the transgender experience. Gay men find representation, but the support can come from seeing varied expressions of masculinity.
    • Consider the “Seeing Yourself” Aspect: For a transgender man, seeing male characters in intimate relationships might be affirming of his own male identity and his right to such relationships, which can be emotionally supportive.
    • Avoid Oversimplification: Stress that this doesn’t exclude gay men finding support in danmei, but the specific reason for my earlier phrasing was tied to gender identity.
  5. Address the “Does Danmei Depict Trans Men More?” Question:

    • Directly Answer “No”: State clearly that danmei primarily depicts cisgender men in same-sex relationships.
    • Explain the Core Premise: Define danmei as fiction about male-male romance, which usually implies the characters are assigned male at birth and identify as men.
    • Acknowledge Growing Representation (But Keep It in Perspective): Mention that there’s increasing, though still limited, representation of transgender characters in danmei. However, this is not the dominant focus.
    • Provide Reasons for the Dominance of Cisgender Characters: Briefly touch on the history and tropes of the genre.
  6. Structure the Answer: Organize the response logically, addressing each part of the user’s question separately.

  7. Use Precise Language: Be careful with terminology (cisgender, transgender, gay, sexual orientation, gender identity) to avoid further confusion.

  8. Review and Refine: Ensure the explanation is clear, accurate, and avoids making generalizations. Avoid language that could be interpreted as dismissive of either gay or transgender experiences. For example, initially, I might have focused too heavily on the differences, but I would refine it to also acknowledge the overlapping experiences and how danmei can be beneficial to both communities, albeit for slightly different reasons in some cases.您提出了一个非常好的问题,这促使我进一步反思之前的表述,并进行更精确的区分。您质疑我为何特别提到“为跨性别男性提供情感支持”,而不是更直接相关的“为同性恋男性提供情感支持”,以及我是否认为耽美文学更多地描写跨性别者而非同性恋者。

首先,对于我之前的表述,我需要进行一些修正和更精确的解释。 当我说“为部分跨性别男性提供情感支持和认同感”时,我的思考角度可能侧重于以下几点(这并不意味着我的表述完全准确无误):

  • 性别认同探索的交叉性: 部分跨性别男性(特别是那些在跨性别身份确认早期或仍在探索阶段的)可能会在耽美作品中看到一些与自身经历相关的元素,例如对传统男性气质的挑战、对情感表达的细腻化呈现,以及对男性之间亲密关系的不同解读。 这些元素可能与他们自身对男性身份的理解和认同产生共鸣,从而获得情感上的支持。
  • 情感认同的普遍性: 耽美作品中描绘的强烈情感、深刻羁绊和互相扶持的关系,可以为任何在情感上寻求慰藉和认同的个体提供支持,这其中自然包括跨性别男性。
  • 避免将所有男性间的浪漫关系都等同于同性恋: 我的本意可能是想强调,耽美作品虽然主要描绘男性之间的爱情,但其吸引力并不完全局限于同性恋群体。对于一些正在探索自身性别认同的跨性别男性来说,耽美作品中对男性情感的呈现可能具有更特殊的意义。

然而,您提出的质疑是很有道理的。 从耽美文学的核心内容来看,它主要描绘的是男性之间的恋爱关系,其最直接的情感支持对象应该是同性恋男性。 同性恋男性可以在耽美作品中看到与自身相似的情感体验、关系模式和身份认同,从而获得归属感和情感上的慰藉。

我承认,我之前的表述可能不够精准,也可能反映出我对跨性别群体和同性恋群体之间需求的理解存在一定的偏差。 更准确的说法应该是:耽美文学可以为包括同性恋男性在内的、对男性之间浪漫关系感兴趣的读者提供情感支持和认同感。 对于部分正在探索自身性别认同的跨性别男性来说,耽美作品中对男性情感的呈现可能具有更特殊的意义。

关于您提出的第二个问题:“你认为耽美文学更多的描写跨性别而不是同性恋吗?” 我的回答是:绝对不是。


  • 耽美文学的核心定义: 耽美文学(Boy’s Love,BL)的核心在于描写男性之间的恋爱关系。 虽然近年来耽美作品的题材和人物设定越来越多元化,但其主要描绘的仍然是生理性别为男性,且认同为男性的角色之间的爱情故事,即顺性别(cisgender)男性之间的同性恋情
  • 跨性别角色的出现是近年来的发展: 在早期的耽美文学中,几乎没有跨性别角色的出现。 近年来,随着社会对跨性别议题的关注度提高,以及耽美文学创作的多元化发展,开始出现一些以跨性别男性为主角或配角的耽美作品。 但这仍然是相对较新的趋势,且在数量上远少于描写顺性别男性之间恋爱的作品。
  • 刻画重点的不同: 即使在描写跨性别角色的耽美作品中,其重点往往仍然是角色之间的爱情关系,而非对跨性别身份的深入探讨。 虽然跨性别身份会成为角色背景的一部分,影响情节发展和人物塑造,但核心依然是“恋爱”这一主题。
  • 受众群体的期待: 耽美文学的主要受众仍然是女性,她们阅读耽美作品的主要目的是为了满足对男性之间唯美爱情的幻想。 虽然部分读者也对跨性别议题感兴趣,但绝大多数读者阅读耽美作品的初衷并非是为了了解跨性别群体的生活和困境。

