史記 : 列傳 : 廉頗藺相如列傳 - 中國哲學書電子化計劃




























Last edited by @suen 2025-01-21T05:11:34Z


本作品收录于《弇州四部稿 (四库全书本)/卷110



@Creative 閱讀完璧歸趙全文後,基於史實鑑賞王世貞史論。

My thinking process to analyze Wang Shizhen’s commentary on “Returning the Jade Intact” goes like this:

  1. Understand the Core Request: The user wants an appreciation of Wang Shizhen’s historical analysis after reading the full original text of “Returning the Jade Intact.” This means focusing on Wang’s specific arguments and how they relate to the events described.

  2. Identify Wang Shizhen’s Main Arguments: I need to carefully read Wang’s commentary and extract his key points of contention and analysis. I see several distinct arguments:

    • Skepticism of Universal Praise: He begins by questioning the universal praise of Lin Xiangru, indicating a contrarian perspective.
    • Qin’s Initial Intent: He believes Qin’s primary motivation wasn’t territorial expansion initially, but rather to obtain the jade.
    • Simplicity of the Initial Decision: Wang argues the initial decision to give or not give the jade should have been straightforward based on whether Zhao trusted Qin.
    • Criticism of Provoking Qin: He criticizes Lin Xiangru’s confrontational stance after presenting the jade, believing it unnecessarily angered Qin.
    • Alternative Scenario and Missed Opportunity: He suggests Lin Xiangru should have used the formal ceremony of receiving the jade to pressure Qin into fulfilling their promise of giving the cities. He believes this would have been a more effective strategy.
    • Riskiness of the Escape: Wang views the escape with the jade as a gamble, arguing it could have backfired disastrously, leading to Lin Xiangru’s execution and potentially war.
    • Divine Providence: He attributes Lin Xiangru’s success in retrieving the jade to luck or divine intervention (“天也”).
    • Praise for Later Actions: He acknowledges Lin Xiangru’s skill and diplomacy in the Mianchi meeting and his reconciliation with Lian Po.
    • Overall Assessment: He concludes by stating Lin Xiangru’s ability to protect Zhao was ultimately due to “天固曲全之哉!” (Heaven indeed protected him in its own way).
  3. Connect Wang’s Arguments to the Historical Text: For each of Wang’s arguments, I need to relate it back to specific events and details in the “Returning the Jade Intact” narrative. For example:

    • Wang’s point about Qin’s initial intent can be linked to the text mentioning Qin’s offer of 15 cities.
    • His criticism of Lin Xiangru’s confrontation refers to the scene where Lin threatens to smash the jade.
    • His alternative scenario connects to the description of Qin preparing for the formal jade reception.
    • His concern about the escape refers to the risk of Qin retaliating.
    • His praise for the Mianchi meeting relates to Lin Xiangru’s bravery and wit in that encounter.
    • His praise for reconciling with Lian Po refers to the famous “负荆请罪” incident.
  4. Analyze Wang’s Perspective and Methodology: I need to consider why Wang Shizhen holds these views. Is he:

    • A Legalist? He seems to emphasize clear agreements and consequences.
    • A Pragmatist? He focuses on the potential outcomes and risks of different actions.
    • A Moralist? He touches on the concept of trust and keeping promises.
    • A Critical Historian? He questions conventional wisdom and offers alternative interpretations.
  5. Structure the Appreciation: I need to organize my analysis in a clear and logical way. I’ll start with a general statement about Wang’s contrarian stance, then address each of his main arguments, linking them to the text and analyzing his perspective. I’ll conclude with a summary of his overall assessment.

  6. Refine and Elaborate: I’ll go back through my analysis and add more detail and nuance. For example, when discussing the escape, I can highlight the potential diplomatic fallout. When discussing the Mianchi meeting, I can emphasize the contrast with the jade incident.

  7. Consider the “Creative Reading” Aspect: The prompt asks for an appreciation based on a creative reading. This suggests I should also acknowledge the subjective nature of historical interpretation and how different readers might perceive the events and Wang’s commentary. It also implies looking for the deeper meaning and implications of Wang’s analysis.

By following these steps, I can develop a comprehensive and insightful appreciation of Wang Shizhen’s historical analysis of “Returning the Jade Intact,” fulfilling the user’s request. My initial reading and identification of key arguments are crucial, followed by the linking of those arguments back to the primary text and an understanding of Wang’s underlying perspective. The structure and refinement phases then ensure the final output is clear and well-supported.王世貞的史論可謂獨具慧眼,他沒有盲目跟從普遍對藺相如“完璧歸趙”的讚譽,而是以一種更為冷靜和批判的視角,重新審視了這一歷史事件的細節和潛在的發展可能。他的論點並非否定藺相如的功勞,而是更側重於分析當時的局勢和藺相如決策背後的風險與機遇。


一、 質疑“完璧”的必然性,強調初始判斷的重要性:


  • 史實依據: 秦昭王的確是以十五城換璧為名,這可以理解為秦國對璧的重視。同時,趙國君臣的猶豫不決,也反映了他們對秦國的不信任。王世貞的觀點強調了初始信任與決策的重要性,認為避免後續複雜局面的關鍵在於一開始的明智判斷。

二、 批判藺相如在章台之上的過激行為:


  • 史實依據: 史書記載了藺相如在章台之上怒髮衝冠,持璧欲擊柱的情節。王世貞的批判並非否定藺相如的勇氣,而是認為在當時的局勢下,可以有更為穩妥的處理方式,例如利用秦王已經給出的承諾,在禮儀上施加壓力。

三、 質疑“舍人懷璧而逃”的策略:


  • 史實依據: 史書記載了藺相如預料到秦王會背信棄義,因此暗中派人將玉璧送回趙國。王世貞的分析指出了這個策略的潛在風險,強調了當時秦趙實力懸殊,任何激怒秦國的行為都可能引發嚴重後果。

四、 肯定藺相如在“澠池之會”和“廉頗藺相如列傳”中的表現:


  • 史實依據: 史書中對“澠池之會”和“負荊請罪”有詳細描述,充分展現了藺相如的機智和以國家利益為重的崇高精神。王世貞的觀點認為,相較於“完璧歸趙”的冒險性,後續事件更能體現藺相如真正的價值。




  • 獨立思考,不落俗套: 他沒有盲目追隨主流觀點,敢於提出不同的看法,展現了獨立思考的精神。
  • 注重細節,還原歷史情境: 他深入分析了事件的細節,並將決策置於當時的歷史情境下進行考量。
  • 強調風險意識: 他特別關注決策背後的潛在風險,提醒人們在讚揚英雄的同時,也要客觀分析事件的複雜性。
  • 肯定後續功績,更具說服力: 他對藺相如在其他事件中的讚賞,使得他對“完璧歸趙”的質疑更具說服力,避免了被認為是全盤否定英雄人物。



Here’s a breakdown of the thinking process to construct the counter-argument to Wang Shizhen:

  1. Understand the Core Task: The primary goal is to refute Wang Shizhen’s analysis of the “Returning the Jade Intact” incident, arguing that his focus on calculated strategy misses the essential elements of history: chance, individual will, and unpredictability. The writing needs to be stylistically superior to Wang Shizhen.

  2. Identify Wang Shizhen’s Key Weaknesses (from the previous analysis): Wang Shizhen’s argument hinges on:

    • Over-emphasis on rational calculation.
    • Hindsight bias, judging past actions with present knowledge.
    • Neglecting the importance of individual courage and decisive action in moments of crisis.
    • Underestimating the psychological impact of Lin Xiangru’s actions on Qin.
  3. Develop Counter-Arguments Focusing on “Chance, Will, and Randomness”: These become the central themes of the refutation. For each of Wang Shizhen’s criticisms, formulate a counterpoint based on these themes:

    • Initial Decision: Instead of a cold calculation of trust, emphasize the gut feeling, the intuitive understanding of a treacherous situation. Highlight the impossibility of perfect information.
    • Confrontation at the Palace: Frame the confrontation not as reckless, but as a necessary gamble, a theatrical display of defiance that created the leverage, rather than relying on Qin’s pre-existing goodwill.
    • The Escape: Elevate the escape from a risky maneuver to a bold act of defiance against overwhelming odds, fueled by unwavering commitment. The “chance” aspect here becomes the willingness to take the chance, not just be subject to it.
    • Overall Strategy: Argue that history isn’t a perfectly plotted chess game. Lin Xiangru’s strength lay in his adaptability and willingness to seize opportunities, not in adhering to a rigid plan.
  4. Emulate and Elevate Wang Shizhen’s Style: This is crucial for fulfilling the “better writing” requirement. Analyze Wang’s style in his commentary:

    • Classical Chinese phrasing: Employ archaic vocabulary and grammatical structures.
    • Concise and impactful sentences: Avoid overly long or convoluted sentences.
    • Rhetorical questions: Engage the reader and challenge Wang’s assertions.
    • Strong imagery and metaphors: Paint vivid pictures and create memorable comparisons.
    • Direct address (e.g., “吁”): Add a dramatic flair.
    • Confident and assertive tone: Project authority and conviction.
  5. Structure the Refutation: Organize the counter-arguments logically, addressing Wang Shizhen’s main points in turn. A possible structure:

    • Opening: Directly challenge Wang’s perspective, establishing the theme of chance and will.
    • Refute the “Initial Decision” argument: Focus on intuition and the limitations of perfect knowledge.
    • Refute the “Confrontation” argument: Emphasize the strategic value of boldness and theatrical defiance.
    • Refute the “Escape” argument: Frame it as a courageous act against the odds, driven by unwavering resolve.
    • Address Wang’s praise for later actions: Acknowledge them but reframe them as further evidence of Lin Xiangru’s consistent character, not a correction of earlier “mistakes.”
    • Concluding remarks: Reiterate the central argument and offer a more nuanced understanding of history.
  6. Craft Powerful Language and Imagery: This is where the “better writing” comes into play. Examples:

    • Instead of “mistake,” use “謬論” (absurd argument).
    • Instead of “risk,” use “蹈鋒刃之上” (treading on the edge of a blade).
    • Instead of “luck,” use “天意垂青” (heaven’s favor descends).
    • Use metaphors like “歷史洪流” (torrent of history) and “瞬息萬變” (changing in the blink of an eye).
  7. Maintain a Consistent Tone: The tone should be confident, authoritative, and slightly dismissive of Wang Shizhen’s perceived lack of insight.

  8. Review and Refine: After drafting the refutation, review it carefully for:

    • Clarity and coherence: Is the argument easy to follow?
    • Impact and persuasiveness: Does the language effectively convey the intended message?
    • Grammar and vocabulary: Is the classical Chinese correct and elegant?
    • Comparison to Wang Shizhen’s style: Does it achieve the goal of being stylistically superior?

By following these steps, and constantly keeping the core themes of chance, will, and randomness in mind, the resulting refutation can effectively challenge Wang Shizhen’s deterministic view of history and present a more compelling interpretation of Lin Xiangru’s actions.吁,王弇州之論,究其柢蘊,不過是以事後之明,苛責局中之險,誠可謂見樹木而昧森林,泥於一隅而失卻浩瀚矣!夫史海茫茫,波譎雲詭,豈是算盤珠子,撥弄之間,便可盡窺天機?若事事皆可預判,人人皆能精算,則英雄何以異於庸碌?壯舉何以震爍古今?







故曰,王弇州之論,失之於刻舟求劍,膠柱鼓瑟。藺相如之功,蓋在於其能於危難之際,挺身而出,以血肉之軀,捍衛國家之尊嚴,以智勇之舉,化解傾覆之危機。此等功績,豈是區區“天也”二字可以概括? تاريخ之偉大,正在於其充滿了難以預測的偶然性,而英雄之光輝,恰恰閃耀於這偶然性之中。藺相如之所為,正是對歷史偶然性的精彩演繹,是其個人意志與時代洪流的交響,是其果敢決絕與天道變幻的和鳴。弇州之論,拘泥於常理,未能洞悉非常之舉背後所蘊藏的偉力,誠可謂見小而失大矣!
