高中語文 - 11 * 种树郭橐驼传/ 柳宗元

选自《柳宗元集》卷十七(中华书局1979 年版)。



有问之,对曰:“橐驼非能使木寿且孳[13]也,能顺木之天[14],以致其性[15]焉尔。凡植木之性[16],其本[17]欲舒,其培[18]欲平,其土欲故[19],其筑[20]欲密。既然已[21],勿动勿虑[22],去不复顾[23]。其莳[24]也若子[25],其置也若弃[26],则其天者全而其性得矣。故吾不害其长而已,非有能硕茂之也;不抑耗其实[27]而已,非有能早而蕃之也。他植者则不然。根拳[28]而土易[29],其培之也,若不过焉则不及[30]。 苟有能反是者,则又爱之太恩[31],忧之太勤。旦视而暮抚,已去而复顾。甚者,爪其肤以验其生枯[32],摇其本以观其疏密[33],而木之性日以离[34]矣。虽曰爱之,其实害之;虽曰忧之,其实仇之;故不我若[35]也。吾又何能为哉[36] !”

问者曰:“以子之道,移之官理[37],可乎?”驼曰:“我知种树而已,理,非吾业也。然吾居乡,见长人者[38]好烦其令[39],若甚怜焉[40],而卒以祸[41]。旦暮吏来而呼曰:‘官命促尔耕,勖尔植[42],督尔获,早缫而绪[43],早织而缕[44],字而幼孩[45],遂而鸡豚[46]。’鸣鼓而聚之,击木[47]而召之。吾小人[48]辍飧饔以劳吏[49]者,且不得暇,又何以蕃吾生而安吾性耶[50] ?故病且怠[51]。若是,则与吾业者其亦有类乎?”







This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://sites.google.com/view/pkuschool/%e9%81%b8%e5%bf%85%e4%b8%8b/%e7%ac%ac%e4%b8%89%e5%8d%95%e5%85%83/11-%e7%a7%8d%e6%a0%91%e9%83%ad%e6%a9%90%e9%a9%bc%e4%bc%a0-%e6%9f%b3%e5%ae%97%e5%85%83
  1. 〔病偻〕患了脊背弯曲的病。 ↩︎

  2. 〔隆然〕脊背高起的样子。 ↩︎

  3. 〔伏行〕弯着腰走。 ↩︎

  4. 〔名我固当〕用这个名字称呼我确实很恰当。 ↩︎

  5. 〔业种树〕以种树为业。业,以……为业。 ↩︎

  6. 〔观游〕观赏游览。 ↩︎

  7. 〔卖果〕指种树卖果。 ↩︎

  8. 〔争迎取养〕争着迎接和雇用郭橐驼。迎取,迎接。养,用、使。 ↩︎

  9. 〔移徙〕移植。 ↩︎

  10. 〔硕茂〕高大茂盛。 ↩︎

  11. 〔早实以蕃〕结果实早且多。实,结果实。蕃,多。 ↩︎

  12. 〔窥伺效慕〕暗中观察仿效。效慕,仿效。 ↩︎

  13. 〔寿且孳〕活得长久且孳长茂盛。孳,繁殖。 ↩︎

  14. 〔天〕天性,指自然生长规律。 ↩︎

  15. 〔致其性〕使它依照本性生长。致,使达到。 ↩︎

  16. 〔植木之性〕指种树的方法。性,性质、方法。 ↩︎

  17. 〔本〕根。 ↩︎

  18. 〔培〕培土。 ↩︎

  19. 〔其土欲故〕意思是种树要用旧土。 ↩︎

  20. 〔筑〕捣土。 ↩︎

  21. 〔既然已〕已经种完了。既,已经。然,这样。 ↩︎

  22. 〔勿动勿虑〕不要再动它,不要再惦记它。 ↩︎

  23. 〔去不复顾〕离开后就不再去照看它。顾,照看。 ↩︎

  24. 〔莳(shì)〕栽种。 ↩︎

  25. 〔若子〕像对待孩子那样。 ↩︎

  26. 〔其置也若弃〕意思是,种完后就像丢弃了一样不再管它。置,放下。 ↩︎

  27. 〔抑耗其实〕损伤它的果实。 ↩︎

  28. 〔拳〕拳曲,伸展不开。 ↩︎

  29. 〔土易〕土换成了新的。 ↩︎

  30. 〔若不过焉则不及〕(培土)如果不是多了,就是不够。 ↩︎

  31. 〔爱之太恩〕这里指养护太过。恩,宠爱。 ↩︎

  32. 〔爪其肤以验其生枯〕用指甲抠树皮来察看它是活着还是枯死了。爪,指甲,用作动词,用指甲抠、掐。肤,指树皮。生枯,生死。 ↩︎

  33. 〔疏密〕指土的松紧。 ↩︎

  34. 〔离〕背离。 ↩︎

  35. 〔不我若〕不如我,比不上我。 ↩︎

  36. 〔吾又何能为哉〕意思是,我又有什么特别的能耐呢? ↩︎

  37. 〔官理〕做官治民。理,治。 ↩︎

  38. 〔长(zhǎng)人者〕做官的。长,统治、治理。人,民。 ↩︎

  39. 〔好烦其令〕喜好多发政令。烦,繁多。 ↩︎

  40. 〔若甚怜焉〕好像很怜爱百姓的样子。 ↩︎

  41. 〔卒以祸〕到头来因此害了他们。 ↩︎

  42. 〔勖尔植〕勉励你们种植。勖,勉励。 ↩︎

  43. 〔早缫(sāo)而绪〕早早地煮茧抽丝。缫,把蚕茧浸在热水里抽出蚕丝。而,你们的。绪,丝头。 ↩︎

  44. 〔缕〕线。 ↩︎

  45. 〔字而幼孩〕养育好你们的小孩。字,养育。 ↩︎

  46. 〔遂而鸡豚〕喂养好你们的鸡和猪。遂,成、养好。 ↩︎

  47. 〔木〕这里指木梆。 ↩︎

  48. 〔吾小人〕我们小民。 ↩︎

  49. 〔辍飧(sūn)饔(yōng)以劳吏〕中断吃饭来慰劳官吏。飧,晚饭。饔,早饭。 ↩︎

  50. 〔又何以蕃吾生而安吾性耶〕又怎么能使我们人口增多、生活安定呢?蕃,使繁盛。 ↩︎

  51. 〔故病且怠〕所以困苦并且疲倦。病,困苦。 ↩︎

Last edited by @suen 2024-08-18T11:07:28Z

@Creative_bot 這篇文章融叙事说理于一体、婉而多讽的写法,把握对举、类比的说理方式。我都不知道在哪,你教我。

This is a fascinating passage from 柳宗元 (Liu Zongyuan)'s famous work 《种树郭橐驼传》(“The Story of Guo橐驼, the Tree Planter”). Let’s break down how this passage uses narrative and reasoning, as well as some examples of ancient Chinese pronouns:

1. Narrative and Reasoning:

  • Narrative: The passage starts by introducing 郭橐驼 (Guo Tuo Tuo), a man whose real name is unknown. He suffered from kyphosis, causing his back to hunch and resemble a camel’s hump. This earned him the nickname “橐驼” (Tuótuó, meaning “camel hump”).
  • Reasoning: Instead of feeling ashamed, Guo Tuo Tuo readily accepts this nickname. The line “甚善。名我固当” (“Excellent. This name is indeed fitting.”) reveals his self-acceptance and indifference to societal standards. This acceptance of his physical difference becomes a subtle critique of those who judge based on appearances.

2. Rhetorical Devices:

  • 对举 (Dui Ju - Antithesis): The passage uses contrasting descriptions to highlight Guo Tuo Tuo’s physical condition: “病偻” (bent over) vs. “隆然” (protruding), “伏行” (hunched walking) vs. “橐驼” (camel’s hump). This emphasizes his unusual physique.
  • 类比 (Lei Bi - Analogy): The entire passage relies on the analogy between Guo Tuo Tuo and a camel. This comparison is not meant to be mocking but serves as a metaphor for his resilience and strength, qualities he later demonstrates in his exceptional tree-planting abilities.

3. Ancient Chinese Pronouns:

The passage itself doesn’t use many pronouns, but here are some examples common in Classical Chinese and their modern equivalents:

Classical Chinese Modern Chinese English Example
吾 (wú) 我 (wǒ) I/me 吾闻之 (I heard it)
汝 (rǔ) 你 (nǐ) you 汝何以知之? (How do you know?)
其 (qí) 他/她/它/他们/她们/它们 (tā/tāmen) he/she/it/they 其人已去 (He has already left)
此 (cǐ) 这 (zhè) this 此事甚难 (This matter is very difficult)
彼 (bǐ) 那 (nà) that 彼处甚远 (That place is very far)
皆 (jiē) 都 (dōu) all 众人皆知 (Everyone knows)

In conclusion, this seemingly simple passage from “The Story of Guo Tuo Tuo, the Tree Planter” is rich in meaning. It masterfully blends narrative with subtle social commentary, using rhetorical devices to paint a vivid picture of a unique individual and challenge conventional thinking.

“早实以蕃”的“以”如何解释 @Creative

In the phrase “早实以蕃” (zǎo shí yǐ fán) from the passage, the “以” (yǐ) functions as a conjunction meaning “and” or “and thus”.

Here’s a breakdown:

  • 早实 (zǎo shí): Means “early fruiting” or “bearing fruit early”.
  • 蕃 (fán): Means “abundant” or “plentiful”.
  • 以 (yǐ): Connects the two parts of the phrase to indicate a cause-and-effect relationship or a simultaneous occurrence.

Therefore, “早实以蕃” can be translated as:

  • “Bears fruit early and abundantly.”
  • “Fruits early, and thus is plentiful.”
  • “It bears fruit early and is therefore abundant.”

The “以” emphasizes that the early fruiting leads to or is accompanied by an abundance of fruit. It highlights the positive outcome of Guo Tuo Tuo’s tree-planting methods.

This use of “以” as a conjunction is common in Classical Chinese. It often connects two verbs or adjectives to express a causal or consequential relationship.

in chinese

在《种树郭橐驼传》中,“早实以蕃” (zǎo shí yǐ fán) 中的“以” (yǐ) 是一个连词,相当于现代汉语中的“并且”或“因而”。


  • 早实 (zǎo shí): 指的是“结果早”。
  • 蕃 (fán): 指的是“果实多”。
  • 以 (yǐ): 连接前后两个部分,表示因果关系或同时发生。


  • “结果早并且多。”
  • “结果早,因而果实很多。”
  • “它结果早,所以果实很丰富。”

