高中語文 - 大学之道/《礼记》

节选自《礼记·大学》(《礼记正义》,上海古籍出版社2008 年版)。题目是编者加的。


:paperclip:吕友仁校本 礼记正义.pdf





The image shows a scanned page of a text written in traditional Chinese, likely an article or part of a book. (Captioned by AI)

The image shows a scan of a document written in traditional Chinese characters, arranged in vertical columns. (Captioned by AI)

The image shows a page of a historical document written in traditional Chinese characters, likely a book or manuscript. (Captioned by AI)






子路问君子。子曰: “ 修己以敬。” 曰: “ 如斯而已乎?” 曰: “ 修己以安人。”曰: “如斯而已乎?”曰: “修己以安百姓。修己以安百姓, 尧舜其犹病诸?”———《论语·宪问》

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://sites.google.com/view/pkuschool/cover3/xbs09/5%e8%ae%ba%e8%af%ad%e5%8d%81%e4%ba%8c%e7%ab%a0/%e5%a4%a7%e5%ad%a6%e4%b9%8b%e9%81%93%e7%a4%bc%e8%ae%b0
  1. 彰明美德。前一个“明”是动词,彰明。明德,美好的德行。 ↩︎

  2. 亲近爱抚民众。一说“亲”当作“新”,“新民”即使天下人去旧立新,去恶向善 ↩︎

  3. 达到道德修养的最高境界 ↩︎

  4. 知道要达到的“至善”境界,则志向坚定不移 ↩︎

  5. 心不妄动 ↩︎

  6. 性情安和 ↩︎

  7. 思虑精详 ↩︎

  8. 处事合宜 ↩︎

  9. 使家族中的各种关系整齐有序 ↩︎

  10. 获得知识。一说,把自己对事物的认识推到极致 ↩︎

  11. 推究事物的原理 ↩︎

  12. 对外物之理认识充分 ↩︎

  13. 一概,一律。 ↩︎

Last edited by @suen 2024-09-10T10:42:03Z


This passage from the Great Learning is a bit tricky for finding eight names! It emphasizes the importance of self-cultivation, moral development, and societal harmony. Here are some possibilities, leaning on the themes of the excerpt and traditional values:

Possible Names:

  1. 明德书院 (Míng Dé Shūyuàn) - “Bright Virtue Academy” - Emphasizing moral clarity and enlightenment.
  2. 亲民书院 (Qīn Mín Shūyuàn) - “Love the People Academy” - Highlighting compassion and service.
  3. 至善书院 (Zhì Shàn Shūyuàn) - “Ultimate Goodness Academy” - Focusing on striving for the highest moral ideal.
  4. 知止书院 (Zhī Zhǐ Shūyuàn) - “Knowing When to Stop Academy” - Promoting self-awareness and finding contentment.
  5. 定静书院 (Dìng Jìng Shūyuàn) - “Tranquility and Stillness Academy” - Emphasizing inner peace and focus.
  6. 安虑书院 (Ān Lǜ Shūyuàn) - “Peaceful Contemplation Academy” - Valuing reasoned thought and careful planning.
  7. 本末书院 (Běn Mò Shūyuàn) - “Fundamentals and Details Academy” - Highlighting the importance of understanding both the core and the periphery of knowledge.
  8. **道先书院 (Dào Xiān Shūyuàn) ** - “Path of Priority Academy” - Emphasizing discerning the right path and prioritizing wisely.

Important Note: The passage emphasizes concepts more than concrete images. Therefore, these names draw on the philosophical essence of the text rather than directly quoting it. The best names would resonate with the specific goals and values of the institutions they represent.

A post was merged into an existing topic: 高中語文 - 5、《论语》十二章

The image shows two pages of a historical document written in traditional Chinese characters, likely a book or manuscript. (Captioned by AI)

大学之道/《礼记》 · 北大附中 《大学之道/《礼记》》